
This is what is known, there have always been the five great deities, Sullivan progenitor of the forrests, nature and creator of the Elvish, Mokare Progenitor of the dead, lord of pandemonium, the judge of souls and creator of the Elder, Giganticus progenitor of the mountains, lord of fire, master of the forge and creator of the Dwarfs, Nilliomores mistress of beasts, the great huntress, keeper of the sacred sun and creator of the Shyttare and Angelicuss progenitor of magic, lord of the sacred light of healing, giver of life and creator of the Humans.

Together they created Mythica, our home and gave life to the master races and all other species of lifeforms. For millenia all was well, the races lived in peace and harmony with each other, making great strides in technology thanks to the Dwarfs, creating spells through magic with help of the Elvish, discovering new lands through the efforts of the Elder, learning how to fight and survive with the techniques of the Shyttare and bringing security and stability with help from the Humans.

Even though the five great deities had their own favorite race, all races worshipped the great five creators. Building great temples in their honour and cities with great monuments as a message that their faith was unyielding. But one thing not even the great deities could account for was how quickly the races would reproduce and take over the known lands.

The dwarfs made the mountains their home and build great civilizations in them, eventually even withdrawing from the rest of the world to further enhance their own technologies. The Elvish had made the great forrests their home, building many cities in great trees and further enhancing their magical prowess while taking the protection of the wildlife as their responsibility. The Shyttare were born hunters and made the wildlands and deserts their home, traveling in caravans never staying in one space for very long, this they did to strenghten their own battleprowess. The elder withdrew to distant continents in search of a greater purpose. And the humans made the mainland their home building numerous villages, towns and cities to support their ever expanding species.

This was the balance and it was maintained through the shared belief that no matter how much they expanded and reproduced there would always be enough resources to support them, but this was very naïve and the greatest sin we could have ever commited. While we were busy expanding and taking more and more for ourselves, the gods could do nothing but look on in horror as their creations demolished the world that was so painstakenly build by them. Mokare was the first to try and do something, with great sorrow in his heart he made it so that his favoured race the Elder were unable to reproduce, betrayed by their creator the Elder cried out to him in the hope to be forgiven for their transgressions, but to no avail. The pain and dissbelief caused many of the Elder to vow that Mokare would never be able to claim their souls and in a desperate attempt to lay claim to their vow they unleashed a terrible curse upon their own people. From that moment on, no matter how many would be killed or even if their bodies would be destroyed, they would always rise again to forever be undead, unable to pass into Pandemonium. Seeing what had happened to his creations, Mokare dissapeared into the depths of Pandemonium never to be heard of again.

While this was going on, on the main continent of Eodron, the Elvish had begun fighting with the Dwarfs over the destruction of one of their most sacred forrests, the Dwarfs explanation for this act was that they needed more land to support their ever expanding need for resources and food. Outraged by this transgretion Sullivan demanded that Giganticus reprimand his creations for destroying one of the oldest forrests on the planet, this caused a gap between the two deities as he didn't see any problem with the Dwarfs gaining more land to further sustain their needs.

Seeing that there was no reasoning with his fellow god Sullivan ordered the Elvish to terminate any and all races that harbored any ill will towards the forrests, to further ensure this he created the fairies, protectors of the forrests and guardians of nature. Now everytime someone was trespassing they would be dealt with swiflty and mercilesly. This didn't sit well with Nilliomores and Angelicuss, as they both bargained that their creations had nothing to do with this incident, but Sullivan wanted no part in discussing the matter any longer and made sure to tell his creations that if they didn't originate from the forrests that they should be executed on sight. Disgusted by her fellow gods for their actions, Nilliomores ordered that any Shyttare that was attacked by Elvish, Elder or Dwarf should retaliate in full and no quarter would be given to those who wanted only to destroy.

Seeing that if things continued like this, their creations and the world which they put so much effort into building would be destroyed, Angelicuss pleaded with his fellow gods, but to no avail. So he decided if his fellow gods wanted to destroy each other he would be no part of it and made the difficult decision to part this plane of existence and start anew somewhere else, but not before blessing his creations, the Humans with the power to defend themselves from any threats that may follow his departure. This power came in the form of the magic cristals formed from his own blood and the knowledge on how to use them.

Years went by and the five master races were stuck in a perpetual war of survival, one day five great warriors from every race gathered. Roderick Disas from the Elder, Iliana Greihaer from the Elvish, Ubur Stormhound from the Dwarfs, Alamis Bloodglaive from the Shyttare and Owain Nox from the Humans. they gathered at the center of the world and asked the remaining gods how long their respective races were to suffer. At first they didn't get an awnser but when Ubur said that these old senile gods were a waste of time and not even worth worshipping that changed very fast. Agrieved by his statement the three erand gods showed themselves and belittled the five brave warriors for their behaviour in front of their creators, not in the slightest perturbed by this reveal the five gathered togheter as one and told the gods that if they wanted to be recognized as their creators that they should start acting like it.

Amused by this display of unity, Sullivan and Giganticus made fun of them all the while Nilliomores was disgusted by this blatantly foolish behaviour of her fellow gods, when they were finished having their fun Owain asked the question 'Why do you make us suffer so?' As if it wasn't a big deal the two erand gods awnsered in unity 'It is our will, and as our creations you shall fullfil it.' when Nilliomores was asked the same question again she replied 'For we may be gods we are not perfect, our desire is to see what we have built to flourish not to see it destroyed.' not satisfied Sullivan added 'Even if we were to tell you our reasons you lowely mortals wouldn't understand, you cannot grasp our being, let stand our motives.' enraged by her gods behaviour Iliana rebuffed his claim as the creator of the Elvish and followed by this revelation all other members except Roderick and Owain did the same. Roderick couldn't rebuff his creator as without him his unlife had no purpose anymore, Owain on the other hand couldn't rebuff the gods as his people still relied on the blood of Angelicuss to this day to survive. Clearly disturbed the two warriors denied their fellow warriors' claim and left the scene.

This was the signal for the rest of the world to destroy their creators and after 150 years of war against Sullivan, Giganticus and Nilliomores the people of Mythica were finally free of the tirany of their creators.

The world returned to peace for many years, but once again the uncontrolled growth of the races, except for the Elder, brought the world to the brink of destruction now nearly 500 years after the five great warriors fought to return the world to their own people, there once again was war.

Not a war to appease some gods, no a war for resources, land and after diplomacy failed, a war to decide who will rule supreme as the victor shall become the true master race, all the while everything in the world including the other races shall become slaves to their will.