Chapter I

"It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? The birds are singing… The flowers are blooming… On a day like this, kids like you… should go outside and play. "

Without sighing when Gaster finally finished his speech. He who hopes so much to obtain more answers to each of his visits to his laboratory… in vain. But hey, too bad, the little skeleton will not miss such an opportunity and decides to leave, without another word, to go to his cell, where his brother is surely waiting for him.

With his hands in his pockets and his head bowed, Sans continually ponders: how is he going to leave this place with Papyrus? Since the day Gaster created them, they have been carrying out bizarre experiments and tests, each more frightening and painful than the next. From their earliest childhoods, Sans and Papyrus have always considered each other as brothers, and they vowed to always look out for each other no matter what despite Gaster's twisted experiences. They are now both 8 and 15 years old. However, while the younger of the two skeletons still managed to forgive Gaster's appalling deeds, it wasn't quite the same with Sans. The oldest skeleton kept continually in him aftereffects that he did not would probably never forget. According to their creator, Sans possesses greater power than his little brother, and the scientist was doing everything to exploit the skeleton's abilities to the full. However, by dint of harnessing this power, Gaster ended up cutting Sans's powers in half due to an experiment gone awry. Now only his left eye is functioning perfectly, allowing him to always use magic.

Sans finally arrives at the cell he shares with his brother.

"Hey bro ', Gaster said we were allowed to go outside today, you said? "

Papyrus turns happily to his older brother.

"Saaaans! Look what I've done ! He places his completed rubik's cube in front of Sans's eye sockets, who continues to smile.

- That's cool Pap ', but… Isn't that Gaster's thing? "

Papyrus' new toy is now surrounded by a purple aura as the small object begins to float in the air. The two skeletons follow the trajectory of the rubik's cube carefully until it lands in the scientist's hand. Surprised, Sans's left eye flashes blue for a moment before returning to normal as Papyrus watches his creator in disappointment.

"I had barely finished it… Gaster raises an eyebrow at the younger one, but before he has time to say anything, Sans stands in front of his little brother before gently patting him all over the head. keeping his eyes on the adult.

-It does not matter Grandpa '! We'll find you plenty of others, don't worry! He laughs nervously and Gaster sighs.

-How many times have I told you not to take things that don't belong to you? The scientist's hoarse and powerful voice frightens the two skeletons who dare not answer, for fear that he will get even more angry. The latter therefore begins to get impatient and raises the tone of his voice a little more.

"I seem to have asked you a question. By reflex, Papyrus takes a few steps back and Sans sees that his brother is not really determined to speak. The oldest skeleton is therefore placed in front of his younger brother before placing his arm in front of him to keep him back, as if to protect him.

-He didn't think he was doing wrong, he just wanted to have fun. We hear a little 'Sans…' almost inaudible. And then… he didn't want to sit here and do nothing until I got back so… I brought this back to him while your back was turned. The scientist observes the small skeleton, impassive, then, he ends up giggling.

-You are very bad for Sans lies. Quickly, the latter is surrounded by a purple aura similar to the previous one while his body is placed near Gaster who puts the small toy in his pocket. Anyway, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that you're still here to lead a new experience that you'll love. The cell closes violently and Papyrus rushes out the door, his eyes teary.

-Without! In response, his brother uses his power to fly the rubik's cube to the cell before passing it through the bars. The young skeleton glances at the toy before resting his gaze on his big brother who articulates "I'm coming back, be wise…".

Back at Gaster's lab, Gaster hastens to sit Sans on a chair before tying the wrists and ankles of the unwilling skeleton, already far too used to the process. The latter keeps his head down and his eyes fixed on the ground.

" So… ? What will it be today…? Teleportation ? Telekinesis? Creation of bones? From Blaster? I'm too tired Gaster… I just wanted to go outside with Papyrus me…

-You can go there once we're done Without. And speaking of Papyrus, I think I'm going to need him for this experiment. The youngest quickly raises his head towards the adult. Don't worry, I just need an extra pair of eyes. With these words, the scientist goes to look for the second skeleton. Without following him with his gaze as his pupils disappear, giving way to his completely black eye sockets. He chuckles falsely.

"Apparently… You aren't very good at Gaster lies either." "

The scientist reappears after a few minutes of waiting, accompanied by Papyrus who remains silent but who still keeps a benevolent eye on his brother still attached. The latter having found his pupils absent-mindedly follows Gaster with his gaze while the small skeleton follows him: the adult has surely given him instructions to follow before arriving here. Gaster gently grabs Papyrus' forearm.

" Good. You can go and stand in front of Sans, it's important that he sees you. The youngest does not really ask a question but does so and will therefore stand in front of his older brother who does not understand the situation any more than he does. Very well Without, today we will work on care. The older skeleton frowns, but before he has time to figure out what Gaster has on his mind, Gaster breaks one of the bones that make up Papyrus' forearm. He immediately screams in pain before quickly losing his balance and falling to the ground, under the helpless gaze of his brother whose blue eye has activated.

-I… I… We never worked on that! I do not know how to do ! Stopped ! Gaster just jots down some information on a notepad. Without frowning and just using telekinesis to put the dislocated bone back in place. He then flies his brother's forearm so that it regains its original place on the body of the youngest who still screams in pain. The older skeleton would love to be able to run up to his little brother to hug and cuddle him as much as he can, but those damn bracelets made from Gaster's mighty magic keep him from doing anything. Endlessly lowering his head and closing his eyes before taking a deep breath. It focuses on the complaints of Papyrus that he continually sees in his mind. Then finally, Sans quickly raises his head before reopening his eye which fixes the wound of the young injured. The older man's eye varies between blue and yellow, which Gaster makes sure to take note of, as Papyrus' wound gradually disappears, then completely. Exhausted, Sans's eye gradually disappears to make way for his usual eyes. He is breathing heavily and drops of sweat are already visible on his head. After recovering from his emotions the youngest skeleton gets up to come and embrace his brother, although he is still tearful. which Gaster makes sure to take note of, as Papyrus' wound gradually disappears, then completely. Exhausted, Sans's eye gradually disappears to make way for his usual eyes. He is breathing heavily and drops of sweat are already visible on his head. After recovering from his emotions the youngest skeleton gets up to come and embrace his brother, although he is still tearful. which Gaster makes sure to take note of, as Papyrus' wound gradually disappears, then completely. Exhausted, Sans's eye gradually disappears to make way for his usual eyes. He is breathing heavily and drops of sweat are already visible on his head. After recovering from his emotions the youngest skeleton gets up to come and embrace his brother, although he is still tearful.

"SaaAaaans… The concerned one, still with a smile on his face, closes one of his eyes while the other observes what little he sees of Papyrus.

-Everything is fine Pap '… I assure you… The main thing… is that you are fine… Alright? The other shyly nods, unconvinced.

-I love you Saans… This one now observes Gaster over the shoulder of his brother.

-I love you too bro. "