Chapter II

The experience of the day before was a total carnage. After Gaster untied Sans from the chair, the skeleton immediately pounced on him, ready to finish him off. However, the scientist being much stronger than Sans, was content to knock him out before bringing the two brothers back to their cell. Gaster then isolated himself in his lab without giving any explanation. Since then, he hardly gives any news about the experiments and leaves the skeletons in their cells, although he brings them back to eat from time to time. In reality, the adult continues his research on his side and analyzes with precision the notes he took the day of the experiment: he always asks himself as many questions about the change in color of Sans's eye.

"Eat Without ...

-I'm not hungry Grandpa '… »Crouched in a corner of the room and curled up on himself, Sans thinking desperately: how to get out of here? Gaster is definitely way too strong for him… and Papyrus doesn't have the same abilities as his brother so it would be way too hard to try and beat him on his own… The older skeleton sighs and ends up thinking that the only way 'he has available to leave this hell, it is to continue these dreadful tests in order to better and better control his powers to finally tip the scales in their favor. After a few minutes of reflection, Sans feels Papyrus' small body sticking to him to take him in his arms, and it is only at this precise moment that the older one realizes that tears are streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm going to get you out of here Pap '… I'll promise you… He hugs him and holds him tight."

-Not cry Without… Feeling his brother's small hands caress his back allows Sans to calm down a bit.

-Do not worry… I'm fine… He looks up and assimilates a little wink. I'm going to get there isn't it? After all I am… Without -ational. The youngest blinked several times.

-Saaaans… You always do that…

-What are you talking about bro? You really… none Without humor. Papyrus deflects his gaze from that of his older brother.

- You always say that all is well and that you are well… You hide behind your jokes and your smiles I can see it well… Without observing his little brother seriously. You always say that you will always be there for me… But I also want to be there for you Without! Tears bead in the eyes of the little skeleton as the older one fondly strokes his skull to calm and reassure him.

-Papyrus… I can't dream of a better brother than you… So relax, okay? The person concerned shyly nods his head. And then… I'm the big brother, it's up to me to ensure your protection… He smiles warmly at her, and this smile has the effect of returning his to the youngest skeleton.

- How touching. Gaster's powerful voice interrupts this special moment. Papyrus decides to stand up and stand in front of his big brother, in front of whom he puts his arm to keep him behind him, as Sans did not so long ago. This mark of affection makes the scientist sneer.

"You can protect him if you want, but anyway, I was looking for you. The cell door opens as Gaster uses his power of telekinesis to bring the little skeleton to him. Without widening his eyes and telling himself that this may be his chance: since the adult uses one of his powers, he will certainly not be able to retaliate… that's what Sans said to himself. The older skeleton then straightens up as its eye turns blue. His left hand, directed towards Gaster, gives off a magical aura, and it doesn't take much longer for a Blaster to appear near Sans. Papyrus's eyes widen as the scientist chuckles once more.

" Go ahead. Do it. But… aren't you afraid of hurting your dear and loving brother? At these words, a Blaster with purple eyes appears near the adult, and the magical creature is aimed at the younger skeleton. Sans's eye gets a little smaller and starts to tremble: it must be said that this was not really planned in the shot. Not wanting to take any risk in relation to his little brother, Sans lowers his hand, which he puts back in his pocket while his Blaster disappears.

"Hmph, that's what seemed to me. Gaster closes the cell before disappearing with Papyrus watching his brother for as long as he can. But he ultimately won't realize that Sans is crying again.

Now alone and isolated from everyone else, Sans crouched down again in a corner with his knees pressed to his rib cage, his arms wrapped around his legs, and his chin resting on his knees. Who knows what Gaster is doing to Papyrus… In truth, he doesn't even want to think about it. The simple fact of imagining the screams of his little brother… The fact of imagining that he is shouting with all his might the name of his big brother so that he can come and get him out of there to save him… That gives him cold to the bones.

Suddenly, a heavy thud snaps out of his thoughts before he pulls himself up. He observes the long corridor in front of him for a long time and hopes to see Gaster or Papyrus… but no one comes. Another noise similar to the first begins again, and Sans looks around to find out where the noise is coming from. After hearing yet another, the skeleton decides to teleport out of the cell before roaming the corridors. His first instinct is to go to the laboratory since he knows the way by heart.

Once there, Sans enters timidly, then notices with dismay that his little brother and Gaster are both on the ground. The body of the scientist is overhung by a machine and he is unconscious. As for Papyrus, he sits on the floor while another piece of furniture crushes his little leg. The youngest skeleton, alerted by the sound of his brother's footsteps, turns to him and instinctively holds out both arms towards him before crying even harder.

-SaaaAaaans… The person concerned does not take long to rush towards him before using his power to release this piece of furniture. He then observes his little brother's leg, which he takes in his hands as his eye turns between yellow and blue. The little skeleton calms down as his wound clears up, then quickly gets back on his feet with the help of his big brother who gazes at Gaster. He hastens to take the hand of the smaller one before running towards the exit.

-Come on Pap '! Now it's our chance to get out of here once and for all! However, Papyrus pulls Sans's jacket with his second hand.

-No Without waiting! The older one stops his race and turns to his brother.

-What? We don't have time to wait!

-But… But… But Gaster… The younger one turns towards the unconscious scientist.

-How's 'Gaster'? Do you still worry about him after everything he's done to us? Seriously Papyrus, we don't have time to hang around we have to get out of here quickly before he wakes up. He takes the hand of his younger brother who continues to show resistance, forcing Sans to stop again. Papyrus!

-But Without… We can't leave Gaster here…

-But of course if we can! Especially after everything he's done! Come on, stop pretending to be the child now. He takes her hand again, but the younger has really decided not to listen to his brother who is starting to lose patience. Despite everything, he remains very calm and blames it on his young age, his kindness, and his childish naivety. He therefore turns to his little brother before crouching down to his waist. Well ok, what's the problem Pap '? The youngest sniffles several times.

-Gas… Gaster has just saved my life Without… The latter widens his eyes and stares at his brother for a long time, whom he knows unable to lie to him in such serious circumstances and on a subject as important as this one. He raises his head and observes the scientist.

-… Huh…? "