Chapter III

Now both seated on the floor, the two brothers try to understand each other. But before giving any explanation for what follows, Papyrus demands that his brother use his powers to remove the machine that crushes Gaster with all its weight. Endless reluctantly capitulates and removes the machine he places further away before turning the scientist onto his back. He also prefers to bring his inanimate body to him so that he can anticipate the slightest movement when the adult wakes up.

"Okay, I'm listening to you Pap ': what do you mean by' Gaster just saved my life '…? The young skeleton keeps a benevolent gaze on the still unconscious scientist.

-Well… You know… He took me to his laboratory to do experiments… All that stuff… And when he had finally finalized all the necessary settings for the machine, it suddenly started to go wild! His older brother raises an eyebrow, thinking that Papyrus has completely lost his mind because of what has happened. The machine was jumping in all directions, I swear! And! And! ... She approached me dangerously while I was already tied to the chair ... The youngest shakes his head sharply, still upset. I don't know why Gaster didn't use his magic to take me to safety, but in any case, he rushed at me and untied me at an extreme speed! ... He has to barely had time to push myself to get down to

-Hehe… It wasn't on the schedule all that… Why would Gaster act like-… Sans's pupils gradually disappear and the younger instinctively pulls his head back.

-Without… I don't like when you do that… The concerned chuckle falsely.

-He needs us for his fucking experiments. If one of us dies, it is certain that the other will not be docile enough to carry out his research. Papyrus assimilates a blow on the shoulder of his brother who finds his pupils after the weak shock.

-I'm sure he didn't think about it for a second! I saw it clearly in his way of acting Without! The older one prefers to end the conversation so as not to escalate things, certain that he and his brother would not find common ground on this subject.

After an hour, or maybe two, the scientist finally opens his eyes. The two brothers are still there beside him, although Sans has fallen asleep. Papyrus curiously observes the adult who zisses the surroundings: the two young people installed him in the bed which rests in his room. Okay, apparently they know this coin exists, but hey, that doesn't really matter right now. Gaster stands up with difficulty to sit on the edge of the bed he stares without a moment before laying his gaze on the young skeleton who has not taken his eyes off him.

"Aren't you sleeping Papyrus?" The little monster just shakes his head negatively. You should though, it must be very late. This time, the young nods sharply.

-It is precisely 3:24! He points to the clock hanging on the wall as the scientist comes to press his hand against his face.

-Yes… You should be sleeping for a long time now… He sighs. Take the example of your lazy brother for once. Papyrus turns and observes Without a moment.

-Oh, but it's normal that Sans is tired, he used a lot of magic for the care he gave you! Gaster's eyes widen before resting them on the older skeleton.

-I see… Anyway, you'll be able to rest now that I'm better. He gets to his feet and uses his telekinesis on Sans to move him. I'll take you back to your cell. The young skeleton also scrambles to his feet and silently follows Gaster down the halls while Sleepless is still on point. Definitely ... Even this kind of thing does not end his nap.

The scientist gently deposits the older of the two brothers in the 'bed' which is nothing but a block of iron. After Papyrus enters the cell, the adult gently closes the door and continues to observe Without a moment before looking down on the younger one who remains in front of the door to observe him.

"What's the matter kid?"

-… Thank you Gaster. For saving me. Not expecting such a statement, the concerned recoils his head a little, surprised. Then he ends up turning around in the hallway.

-Go to bed. The little skeleton pursues its lips and goes to stand next to his brother.

Sans finally wakes up with a terrible headache, with Papyrus' little body still glued to him. Seeing his brother sleeping so calmly and calmly makes him almost forget about the headache. The old skeleton stands up as gently as possible so as not to wake up his little brother, but unfortunately for him, the latter sleeps much lighter than him.

"Without! You are finally awake! He hugs his brother who sighs.

-Good for discretion we will come back ... He gently strokes the young man's head. Yeah I'm 'finally' awake… And you bro, are you okay? You must be tired, you haven't slept much I imagine… Endlessly noticing that they are in their cell. Wait ... How did we get to land here? Did you carry me with your little arms Pap '? The latter shakes his head from left to right.

-Gaster used his magic to bring you back here he woke up in the middle of the night and he looked amazingly great! Your powers certainly have something to do with it! He continues to smile, enthusiastic about the idea that his big brother is mastering his talents better and better. The latter scratches the back of his head, embarrassed.

-Oh you know it's not much, there's nothing ... to make old bones. He assimilates a joking little wink to his brother who is absolutely not receptive.

-… It was bad Without…

-Oh come on, it's not like ... we had fallen on a bone .

-Saaans… "The actor laughs even harder at hearing his younger brother's complaint. But his laughter stops quickly enough when he hears footsteps approaching them, and very quickly, Gaster does not take long to appear in front of the cell.

"You seem to be doing better Sans. I'm glad to see that yesterday's events haven't affected your… humor. The concerned frowns suspiciously.

-Yeah, after all, my jokes are… cracking a rib. The scientist sighs as Papyrus hits his brother again who continues to be proud of him.

-In short. Anyway, I have come to warn you that there will be no test today, so you can wander about your business. The eyes of the youngest skeleton are already filled with stars as they imagine themselves playing with Gaster's rubik's cube. As long as you don't take what doesn't belong to you. The youngster sighs as the adult turns around, ready to go, but he turns to them at the last moment. Oh and one last thing: Thanks Sans. For saving me. Then he leaves, without another word. The concerned watches the back of its creator move away before whispering:

"Not why G."