Chapter VIII

The two brothers are now rid of Chara's presence. Papyrus takes the opportunity to show his brother what Gaster taught him to do in the laboratory.

"By the way, Sans! Gaster taught me how to defend myself and how to fight!

-Oh yeah ? That's cool Papy 'and he taught you what kind of stuff exactly?

-Well… I know how to do that! On his words, the youngest reveals some bones that he manages to handle perfectly. And I can do that too! He now shows blue bones that he has all around his big brother. Gaster told me it was probably my most powerful attack, so this is my amazing Special Attack! If it's blue, that means you shouldn't move! Sans looks around and prefers to act.

-Wow but that's awesome brother! I'm proud of you! ... But uh ... Can you free me now? The younger nods quietly and does so, proud of himself.

-But hey ... I guess it's nothing compared to what you can do, eh?

-Uh… well- The younger skeleton interrupts his brother as he watches him with stars in his eyes.

-Say without! Can you show me everything you can do? Please say yesiii! A little embarrassed, the older man scratches the back of his head in a sign of unease. However, he decides to respond to his brother's request and simply begins by showing different bones, white and blue. Papyrus puffed up his cheeks, disappointed that this sort of thing was anything quite trivial to his brother. Sans then decides to teleport to different places in the cell while adopting a different position each time, which amuses his little brother. The skeleton then activates its eye, which exudes magical power as a Blaster spawns near it. He then shrugs his shoulders.

"I can only spawn one for now, but I've asked Gaster to practice more so I can summon more." For his part, the youngest is in total awe of the older one.

-It's so cool Saaans! This obviously amuses the concerned. All this plus your telekinesis and healing powers… You will quickly become the most powerful monster in the whole of the Underground my brother!

-Nah… I'm way too lazy for that Pap '. Running after humans isn't really my thing, I mainly do this to protect you, you know?

-But without ! With your talents you could easily join the Royal Guard! The other shrugs his shoulders in response.

-That's your thing bro. But first we have to find a way to escape this place ... And escape Chara at the same time ... He frowns as he thinks back to the last conversation he had with the blood-red eyed monster.

- I like Chara… He lowers his head, disappointed. His brother therefore approaches him before crouching down to gently stroke his head.

-I know Grandpa '… But staying here is way too dangerous… Believe me. The little skeleton nods quietly as Sans sighs. We'll leave when Gaster makes me get stronger. And they concluded the conversation here. The two brothers spent the rest of the time playing together, just like in the good old days. Even if the older man's jokes are quickly annoying, Papyrus wouldn't replace those special moments he can spend with his brother for the world, and that sentiment is shared on Sans's side as well. The day then ended quietly, and the two skeletons ended up going to bed, while the scientist, accompanied by Chara, continued his experiments.

The next morning, Gaster allows his little monsters to go outside as a beautiful sunny day is ahead. It does not take long for Papyrus to quickly run to reach the outside while Sans prefers to teleport directly before waiting for his little brother. Accompanied by Chara, whom the oldest skeleton continually watches over, the small group heads towards the ice forest to go make snowmen. Obviously, it was Papyrus who proposed this idea, and not knowing how to say no to his brother, Sans accepted without flinching.

Still with his hands in his pockets, the oldest of the three observes the surroundings.

"Sounds cool in here, what do you think Pap?" But when he turns around, he finds that Papyrus is no longer with him, only Chara answers the call. He frowns and looks around. Papyrus? ... Where is he? He was there two minutes ago. The glowing-eyed monster shrugs as the only answer. Without sighing and ended up turning around to return to find his brother.

One of his hands near his mouth to carry his voice further, Without calling his little brother for barely two minutes, and he is already tired of searching. But when they decide to go home to see if Papyrus has already returned home, Sans is stopped by a dog who is at the foot of a tree and who barks while being pointed upwards. When he looks up, the older skeleton can't help but laugh when he sees his brother watching the animal from one of the tree's rather tall branches.

"Are you okay brother?" Do you need help maybe? He chuckles even more.

-Without! It's really not funny! Get me out of here! The other laughed again before focusing his gaze on the little dog.

-He the dog. The animal turns to observe the skeleton which reveals a bone which is levitating above its hand. You want it ? Fetches ! He therefore sends the bone a little further, and the dog does not take long to follow the gluttony. He's a good boy. Sans therefore comes forward to come to the foot of the tree. You have to believe that you have a hidden talent Pap '… How did you manage to land up there?

-C- C- It's not important Without! I want to go down! The latter sighs before starting to climb a branch, but once on it, he is already out of breath.

-Yeah good… I have a better idea. On his words, he uses his power of telekinesis to gently bring his brother back to him. But Chara, who has been far too passive for his taste for a while now, decides to intervene.

-What is the actor? He doesn't show anything special, but it's enough for Sans to look away from what he's doing.

-What are you-… Shit! »Having looked away from his brother, the telekinesis has stopped and Papyrus now falls straight on Sans. The latter tries to restrain the youngster with his powers, but the speed is far too great for him to stop him dead. The smallest therefore crashes into the arms of his brother who imprisons his little brother in his arms while the branch under Sans's feet collapses. The older man manages to turn around in the air to get Papyrus to be on top of him, and his back to the ground. The two brothers therefore crash to the ground while a cracking sound is heard. Sans's eyes disappear for a moment before reappearing to rest his gaze on his brother.

"Are you… everything okay grandpa?" Nothing broken? The smallest gets up not without difficulty.

-Yes yes… I think that-… Without! Your arm ! He- He-… He's broken… ?! The latter therefore observes his arm before raising his head towards his little brother to whom he smiles before giving him a wink.

-We can not say that ... it falls to peak huh? "