Chapter IX

Returning to Gaster's laboratory after this unfortunate incident, Gaster is quick to use his healing powers on the arm of the older skeleton who is quite observing the adult act. Papyrus and Chara are also present in the room and both adopt different behaviors: while the young skeleton seems very worried for his brother, the other monster seems quite proud of the result.

"You really messed up… How did you do your count? Sans observes Chara for a moment, who adopts a mean smile, before resting her eyes on his arm.

-A bad fall. The scientist frowns, unhappy with this answer.

-A bad fall? Did you go to the Ruins to make it as important as an injury? The older skeleton shakes its head negatively.

-In the snowy forest. The adult sighs, annoyed by the skeleton's brief responses. He quickly finished the treatment, however, and soon Sans's arm was in perfect working order.

-Good. Be more careful next time.

-Ouaip, count on me G. "Then he grabs his jacket which he quickly puts on before leaving the laboratory, followed by his younger brother.

They both walk towards their cell and do not say a word during the journey. The little skeleton wisely follows his big brother whom he thinks he is angry with him. After all, it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been afraid of a simple dog and if he hadn't taken refuge in a tree. Eyes riveted on the ground, Papyrus buried his nose and mouth in his sling before sighing, something Sans noticed.

"What's happening to you bro?" The little one does not answer right away but ends up looking up at his brother.

-You… You are angry with me Without…? The latter is surprised by the question.

-No… Of course not… It was the fall that hurt me Pap ', not you. His brother's continual smile makes Papyrus smile too.

-You… Are you sure eh? The older one stops for a moment to take his brother on his back.

-I'm sure Grandpa '"It is therefore relieved that the two brothers return to their cell, to go to sleep on Sans's side, and to play a little on the younger side.

After a few hours of nap, Sans notices that Papyrus is no longer there when he wakes up. He sits up hard and looks around before shrugging his shoulders. He then leaves his cell to go to the kitchen, his hands in his pockets. During the ride, the skeleton does not hear a noise as it passes by Chara's room, so it deduces that his brother is not here, otherwise he would have certainly heard some laughter. So he concludes that the smaller skeleton is definitely with Gaster for different experiments.

When he finally arrives in the kitchen, Sans is relieved to see that the way is clear. It does not take long to go to the fridge before pulling out a bottle of ketchup, which he begins to drink without moderation. He still has so much trouble understanding why Gaster forbids him to drink it when the scientist buys it every time ... as if he was doing it on purpose ... And also, why does he persist in placing the bottle with the jars of mustard and mayonnaise… It's all really stupid all that… Anyway, anyway, Sans is certainly not going to complain.

A bottle of ketchup later, the oldest skeleton leaves the kitchen to go to the laboratory. It's really calm today… When he arrives at the lab, he is surprised to find only Gaster which is installed on his computer, as always. Sans therefore allows himself to enter while zieutant the area.

"Heh ... I thought I'd find Papyrus here ...

-Well, as you can see, he's not here. After typing a few more words on his keyboard, he gets up from his chair to walk towards the skeleton. So ? Shall we do this training? Without widening his eyes then frowning, determined.

-When you want, I'm ready. The scientist barely smiles and then teleports the two of them outside, into a large plain.

-We'll be better off here. He crosses his arms behind his back. Well, how many Blasters do you manage to spawn? The skeleton looks away and shrugs.

-Only one… I want to learn to do as much as you!

-As much as me ? At his words, his eyes light up purple and countless numbers of Blasters appear all around the adult. The large mass instinctively makes Sans retreat a few steps.

-In… Incredible… This vision fills a little more Without determination while his blue eye appears in turn. He concentrates with all his might to gather all the power at his disposal… but only one Blaster appears, which makes the adult laugh slightly.

-It's not by wanting to do it that you will succeed immediately, you know? All magical creatures then disappear. We should especially work on your life points… You are still at 1 Sans, even your brother has more. The concerned sighs.

-Nah, that's not important, me what I want is to become stronger to protect Papyrus. I don't care about the rest. Gaster sighs.

-Very good, as you want. "

After spending the whole afternoon in training, the two skeletons both come home exhausted. Despite that, they managed to create a real bond, like a father and his son… And yet it seemed very badly started at the beginning.

When they reach the lab with the idea of ​​healing their wounds, it is with surprise that they come across Papyrus and Chara… armed with a knife. Without widening his eyes before frowning, but Gaster stands in front of him so that he avoids rushing at the monster that could injure the young skeleton held hostage.

"What's going on Chara?" So let go of that horrible thing will you, and then we'll talk. The monster with the glowing eyes chuckles.

-If I don't do anything now… He's going to ruin everything later… As much as I destroy him now, right? ~

-Papyrus didn't do anything to you, Chara, I'm sure. Release it now. He laughs again.

-But I'm not talking about him sir. Sans's blue eye lights up despite the fatigue.

-If it's with me that you have a problem, I strongly advise youto release my brother so that we can explain. Chara doesn't have time to reply as Gaster teleports Papyrus to his place and vice versa. The young skeleton therefore takes refuge in the arms of his big brother while the scientist grasps the wrists of the little monster with the red eyes. The latter screams in rage and frustration before casting a hateful glance at the older skeleton who returns the same look. Then, the small smirk that appears on the monster's lips catches the attention of Sans who doesn't have time to understand what that smile means as the demon throws his knife with precision at a huge red button that doesn't did not exist before. So Chara installed it during their absence? Anyway, a huge tally appears on the screen of computer with the indication "Time remaining before self-destruction". Horrified by this sight, Sans completely loses his means and his eyes return to normal: how is he going to teleport his brother, Gaster and himself far enough to put them to safety when he is completely dead. exhausted? And besides, the scientist too must be completely at the end of his power… So it will end like this…? Sans gazes one last time on his little brother as tears rise to his eyes. He therefore closes them and hugs Papyrus against him for a moment longer while waiting for his time to strike ... But nothing happens. Without cautiously opening his eyes again before realizing that he and his little brother are now outside… Far from the laboratory. The two brothers both dry their tears before looking around, confused. It is only later that they will learn, thanks to information circulating through the Underground, that a large explosion took place in a famous laboratory, killing two people.