Chapter XIII

Back home, Sans locked himself in his room as usual. This one is not really decorated… There is a mattress on the floor, a pile of socks in a corner of the room, a cupboard, and a desk. The skeleton will move towards the latter and takes out a small notebook from one of the drawers. The monster flips through it for a moment before arriving at the last page he wrote. In this notebook, Sans has gotten into the habit of writing down all the weird things that have been happening lately. Indeed, this is not the first time that the small skeleton has had a deja vu effect: it continually has the feeling of experiencing similar days over and over again, but not really identical. Today, well, for now at least, he just notes "Papyrus and Frisk have become friends" then puts the notebook down before sighing. How long will these exhausting days still last? Suddenly, the sound of the front door and the voice of his little brother come out of Sans from his thoughts.

"Come in, Human Frisk!" I welcome you in my humble home! […] Oh that? It is my brother's pet pebble, he often forgets to take care of it… […] Here is the kitchen! This is where I prepare my sublime spaghetti dishes! ~ […] No no over there it's Sans's room, come on, let's go to mine instead, right here! "

Although Papyrus' room is close to his, the older skeleton can no longer hear the discussions between his little brother and Frisk. He therefore decides to levitate his trombone to him before playing it a bit, but he is quickly called to order by his brother who cannot stand his music. Well, apparently the youngest manages to hear the music of his older brother while the latter cannot listen to them… Too bad.

After a few minutes spent on the floor reading boring books, Sans finally hears the door to Papyrus' room open to the latter's voice.

"I totally understand that you have to leave Frisk!" Do not hesitate to come back to see us, we will welcome you with open arms! ... Even if my brother suspects it too lazy for that ... "He hears the human laughing a little before hearing the door of entrance to open and close immediately. The older skeleton then hears his brother's heavy footsteps moving in his direction, and it doesn't take long for him to hear a knock on his door.

"Without? You're still here ? The concerned stands up a bit and raises his forearm to support his head with his hand.

-Weep bro ', what is it?

-I… Sorry to have invited the Human here without having told you about it before… In truth… The Human's name is Frisk! And she's my friend now!… I hope you're not too angry with me… His brother's sad voice softened the older skeleton.

-Nah. Don't worry Pap, it's cool that you make a new friend. But watch out for Undyne anyway eh… "He can't see it, but judging by this long silence, Sans understands that his little brother has completely forgotten that a friendship between a monster and a human is something very serious. in the Underground. Moreover, it does not take long to hear Papyrus running away to certainly go get his phone to contact Frisk. The smaller skeleton therefore sighs.

"Ok ... Okay, I have to go keep my promise ..." On his words, Sans teleports and lands at another of his stations that is further than Snowdin. The monster observes the surroundings while preparing a few small things to snack on in case someone stops.

"Come on kid… don't tell me you've been through here and you've already stumbled upon Undyne anyway…" Sans's smile doesn't take long to widen even more if possible when he sees Frisk at the end of the road. The latter observes the stand held by the skeleton with an air of surprise.

"Without? What do you… ? The other does not take long to chuckle before resting his elbows on the counter and holding his head with both hands.

-Hehehe… Ben what? Have you ever seen a guy with two jobs before? He does not give the young girl time to answer, then places one of his arms against the counter. So ? What do you think of my brother? He's cool, isn't he? The human nods sharply.

-It's awesome ! And he's funny too! Finally, he doesn't do it on purpose, it's more in the way he acts that he's funny. She smiles happily at the other skeleton, who listens intently to the little human's remarks about her little brother.

-Hm… Ok, that's cool if you think he's cool. Frisk's stomach begins to growl, and Sans does not miss it, immediately presenting a hot dog right in front of her. You are hungry ? I'm doing it at a friendly price. He assimilates a wink at her while the girl gently rejects the monster's offer.

-It will be fine, thank you. She smiles at him again as he shrugs.

-In that case, maybe you prefer a… hot-cat . The small skeleton therefore presents a… hot-cat… with a small cat inside… This vision makes the human wince.

-N… No, thank you Without… This one pretends to be disappointed and puts his 'hot-cat' among the hot-dogs. He then takes out a bottle of ketchup which he begins to drink.

- Too bad for you, you don't know what you're missing. He then gently pats Frisk on the head. Come on kid, you should go now, I've kept you here long enough I think. The young girl nods softly before walking away from the stand, but without calling. Oh by the way! If you see a monster in armor and that monster wants your skin, you better run. He gives her another wink to reassure her, but this indication is not really reassuring to the ears of Frisk who ends up slipping away.

After a while, Sans fell asleep at his post again, but this time his phone ringing was enough to wake him up. After gently lifting his head, he slowly pulls his cell phone out of his pocket before looking at the screen.

"Wops, I think I fell asleep at my post again… So he picks up the phone. What's new brother?

-Without! Frisk does not answer the phone! Is she with you by any chance?

-Nop, why?

-Well… I'm a little worried about her you know… Do you think she ran into Undyne? The older skeleton frowns, worried.

-Shit… Uh… Don't worry bro, I'm sure she's fine. »On his words, he hangs up without giving his brother time to reply. The little monster therefore begins his research by teleporting to different places where Undyne is frequently on guard. Nothing at all. He takes a quick tour of the various places, telling himself that he may have missed them for a few seconds, but still nothing. He finally sighed before absently scratching the top of his head.

"The hell… where the hell can she be…?" And not finding Undyne is not really reassuring either… "He sighs for the umpteenth time before resuming the search. He even ended up landing in Alphys laboratory, he is so desperate to search in a vacuum. Well, the scientist doesn't seem like she's really there, but at least the screens are still working. After a quick glance at the computer, he realizes that Frisk is at the level of the volcanic zone, the hottest zone of all the Underground. Just by observing this spot on the screens, he already catches hot flashes. But hey, a promise is a promise. He therefore teleports to the level of the volcanic zone and begins by quickly zieutering the places.