Chapter XIV

The last few days have gone relatively well: Frisk met Alphys and Mettaton with whom she quickly became friends she learned to cook in the style of Undyne with Papyrus she continues to spend a lot of time at the two skeleton brothers with whom she quickly became comfortable to end up even sleeping at their place she listens again and again to Sans's jokes who is always so lazy, whether at work or at home and that sort of thing. We can say that all is going for the best, it is now necessary that Frisk goes to Asgore to finally regain the surface, and everything will finally be over.

Today seems like a totally mundane day, a day when Frisk is sitting on the couch with Sans, who has quickly dozed off while Papyrus prepares food in the kitchen. The young human gazes at the sleeping skeleton for a moment, and even if she will never dare to speak about it, she always asks herself as many questions about him: Sans appeared one fine day and was totally peaceful with she. He always pretends to give a damn about everything. He doesn't talk much, and when he does, it's usually to pull out one of his stupid puns. He doesn't reveal his feelings and feelings about the things around him… But deep down… Who is really Sans? So far, they've all tried to capture Frisk before they want to know her. Whether it's Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys thanks to Mettaton, they all wanted his skin… But not Without. From the start, he was very nice to her… Does that have anything to do with this promise?

Indeed, one fine day, when Frisk had left to continue his research about the king of the place, she quickly came across Sans who seemed to be waiting for her in front of a hotel. As usual, the skeleton had his hands in his pockets and his head bowed, but when the young human approached him to call out to him, he just looked up before assimilating a wink. eye to the girl.

"Hey kid, how about having a bite to eat with me before you go to the pit?" The human wasted no time in accepting. Cool, thanks for inviting me. He then broke away from the wall he was leaning against. This way, I know a shortcut. Then in less time than it takes to say it, the two friends found themselves in a place unknown to humans. She contemplated the place for a moment: it looked like a small abandoned dining room ... The room was gloomy, certainly because of the dark colors of the floor and walls. There were a few plants that were dueling, and the tables were no better decorated: there was just a small candle that adorned them. Frisk and Sans were face to face, and it made the young girl uncomfortable.

"Okay, there we are. So… Your trip is coming to an end soon, right? You must really want to go home… Hehe, I know that feeling, mate. But ... Sometimes it's better to be content with what you have. Down here, you have to eat, drink, friends… Is everything you have to do up there really worth it? Frisk didn't know what to say and watched the skeleton sadly. Let me tell you a story. You remember I'm a sentry in Snowdin Forest, eh? I'm staying there, waiting for the humans to arrive… It's rather boring. Fortunately, deep in the forest, there's this huge locked door, and it's perfect for practicing knock-knock jokes. One day, I was' typing 'discussing it by myself, as usual', I knock on the door saying 'knock-knock', and suddenly, on the other side, I hear a woman's voice: 'who is there?', suddenly, naturally, I answer: ' tuba '–'tuba who?' '-tuba find this really bad joke', and there, she bursts out laughing. Like it was the best joke she had ever heard of her life. Suddenly, I continue to come out, and she begins to laugh even more. No one had ever found my jokes so funny. I continue, and suddenly, SHE knocks on the door and throws: 'knock-knock' I answer 'who is there?' '-maria' '-maria who?' '-Ole!' Wow, it's eye-popping, this woman was extremely talented. We kept telling each other jokes for hours. After a while I had to leave Papyrus becomes grumpy without her story before going to bed, but she asked me to come back to see her, which I did. I came back again, and again, it's our hobby: telling us bad jokes through the door, it's fun. He had paused for a moment. Yet one day I noticed that she wasn't laughing a lot, so I asked her what was wrong, and she said something strange to me: 'If a human ever walks through that door, could- you, out of pity, promise me something? Watch over him, and protect him, okay? '. To be frank, I hate to make promises to someone, and this woman, I don't even know her name. But ... Someone one who loves bad jokes so much has that sincerity to which you can't say 'no'. He stopped, again. You see what I mean ? This promise I made to her, you know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything to me? He had marked a new stop, but this time his pupils had disappeared to give way to large empty eyes. You would already be six feet underground. Then his eyes went back to normal after that. Hey, relax, homie! I was kidding, that's all. And then ... Don't you think I've protected you like a pro so far? I mean, look at you: you haven't broken your pipe once, I'm right, right? Well, it's all thanks to my incredible talent. He finally got up to leave the table. Well, well, that's all. Take care of yourself, kid, because someone cares a lot for you. And the conversation ended here as Frisk watched Without leaving.

The girl's flashback stops here when she hears Papyrus' shrill voice right next to her.

"Saaans! Get up big sloth! We're going to eat! The concerned blinked several times as his little brother's cries woke him out of sleep.

-Ok bro '… Let me just… an hour or three… Then he settles back comfortably while putting his jacket back on. But the bigger one grasps the smaller one that he places under his arm.

-No Without! We eat now! You are not going to miss out on the spaghetti carefully prepared by the great Papyrus! The older of the two grumbles for a moment as they disappear into the kitchen under Frisk's gaze. The latter keeps thinking about the moment she shared with Sans… and she continues to blame herself for having shot her gun against Toriel.

After eating with the two skeletons, Frisk left, hinting that she had to go check something with Alphys. The two brothers did not ask themselves more questions than that, and it was not long before they both returned to their respective rooms.

Sans is now lying on the ground leafing through his little notebook which he continues to complete regularly. However, despite being busy reading his notebook, he can't help but think about the young human. It's been a while since she left, she should have been home quite a while now anyway ... Or even if she decided to spend the night in a hotel or elsewhere, she would probably have called to let her know of her absence. or something like that… Well, the decision is quickly made on the skeletal side: something is wrong. He gets up and goes to put on his jacket before teleporting to Alphys, the last place mentioned by Frisk. As on her last visit, the scientist is not there, but the screens are still on for the help in his research. He observes the place for a moment before teleporting there. He therefore lands in the snow-covered forest, not far from Snowdin, and therefore sets out to meet the human. But when he finally sees her in the distance, he can't help but frown as he observes this huge pimple that is just in front of the girl's hand. After taking a few more steps, he realizes that on that button it says 'Reset'… Weird this thing… Anyway, he calls out to Frisk. he observes this enormous button which is located just in front of the young girl's hand. After taking a few more steps, he realizes that on that button it says 'Reset'… Weird this thing… Anyway, he calls out to Frisk. he observes this enormous button which is located just in front of the young girl's hand. After taking a few more steps, he realizes that on that button it says 'Reset'… Weird this thing… Anyway, he calls out to Frisk.

"Hey kid, what are you- He interrupts his sentence when he realizes the little human is crying." The latter is slowly moving towards him.

"I'm sorry Without…" The older skeleton doesn't even have time to react in any way that Frisk presses the button. Then suddenly everything goes black before a white flash appears. Sans sits up, panicked, while his blue eye is activated. He zits around for a moment before realizing that he is in his bed.