Chapter XV

"Huh? What the hell is this? Where's Frisk? Why am I back in my room? The older skeleton watches the surroundings as he takes a noisy breath as his magical eye remains active. Why is he here? What was that button the human pressed? And then this great void… which then gave way to a huge white flash… before finally waking up suddenly. No. Something is wrong. Sans looks away from the ground and sees that his notebook is exactly where he left it. He therefore levitates the object up to him before leafing through it quickly: all his notes are there. But then… what was that? Why is he no longer in the forest with Frisk? Or ... C ' was just a bad dream? To be sure, he decides to leave his mattress before putting on his pale pink slippers and then his jacket to finally leave his den. He quickly descends the stairs before joining his brother who is happily cooking in the dining room.

"Hello Sans! Beautiful morning, isn't it? It's a perfect day to go and capture humans! The other looks around the area and half listens to his little brother.

-Yeah yeah that's great Papy 'said, haven't you seen the human? Suddenly, Papyrus tensed up and took a firm hold of one of his pans as his eyes wiggled all over the place.

-A human ?! What ?! Where ?! Where ?! The older of the two skeletons frowns, not understanding why his brother is acting like this.

-I'm talking about Frisk brother.

-What? Who is that ? F… Frisk? Is this one of your new acquaintances?

-H… Huh…?

-I don't know any monster that has that name Sans. The smaller pupil's pupils gradually disappear as a huge sorting takes place in his mind, and his brother's inactivity worries Papyrus. Saaans…? The person concerned regains his normal eyes.

-Ah yes you're right, excuse me, it's one of my… know- Sans . The actor does not leave time for his brother to answer that he is already heading for the exit. Well, you're right brother, it's an ideal day to go hunting for humans, I'm going! »Then he closes the door behind him before teleporting to Alphys: the screens are off, and the cameras do not seem to follow in the human's footsteps. No, but what the hell… He teleports again and walks towards Undyne who is in the middle of training.

"Hi Undyne, what's up? The young woman does not stop her pumps, however.

-Hi Sans… What do I earn… your visit at such a… early hour? The latter moves his hands a little in his pockets while looking around, which shows his discomfort.

-Oh you know… I take a walk… Here and there… And… I wondered if Frisk had stayed with you last night…?

-Frisk? Don't know… who is it? At this moment, doubt is clearly no longer allowed on the side of Sans who lets his eyes disappear again. He decides to teleport elsewhere to be able to think quietly. He settles down on the ground, leaning against a frozen tree trunk, then lowers his head before closing his eyes. Okay, let's recap: Frisk has been behaving strangely since the little one-on-one discussion they had at the restaurant. She was quite cold and distant, she didn't speak much anymore and seemed preoccupied. Well after all, with the statement Sans made to him, it had to be. Then, the young girl left insinuating that she had to go to Alphys ... something she apparently did not do. The oldest skeleton then went to meet him, but the human was in tears, apologized, and hit that huge reset button. And from there, nobody remembers her, except Sans… Does this kid have the power to go back in time or something like that…? Then Sans raises his head and opens his eyes wide. If they've really gone back in time, that means… The little skeleton doesn't waste any more time and teleports again before landing in front of this huge locked door that he contemplates at length. He swallowed while approaching slowly and slowly advancing his fist towards the door before knocking on it while saying "Knock-knock", and it doesn't take long for him to hear a woman's voice. answer "Who is there?" ". At this moment he has feeling that his soul is going to split and that he is about to lose his only point of life then is it true? Does the kid have the power to go back in time? Well say so… Incredible.

After spending his time reliving what he had already lived, Sans returned home, casually, to go read a story to his little brother who wasted no time in falling asleep. The oldest skeleton therefore goes to his room before removing his slippers and his jacket that he leaves lying in a corner of the room. He then lies down on his mattress and contemplates the ceiling.

"Okay… It can't be that bad to relive it all until Frisk comes along right…?" I'll just have to avoid freaking her out about the promise I made to the old lady and voila. Hehe, that gives me plenty of time to work on some new jokes. And it is with these wise words that the little skeleton ends up falling asleep.

"SAAAANS! Viiiite! Get up ! Alerted by the screams of his little brother, the concerned wakes up with a start while his eye blinks blue, and he even falls off his mattress. He doesn't bother to put on his jacket and immediately teleports into the kitchen.

"What's going on Papy-?! ... -rus…? The taller skeleton smiles happily at his older brother as he places spaghetti on a plate.

-I finally figured out how to wake you up quickly my brother! The latter observes with a jaded air the younger before whispering to himself.

- I don't remember this passage ... But he finally takes a seat at the table to eat what his brother has prepared.

-Takes strength Without! Today is a great day to go and capture a human!

-You say that every time Pap '… Then Sans's memory quickly kicks in: it's today that Frisk is supposed to arrive in the Underground. Uh ... Think about it, you're right bro, it would be silly to miss our mission because of a nonexistent empty stomach!

-The great Papyrus is always right! Nyeh Heh Heh! The older skeleton laughed a little and finished eating quietly.

Sans returned to his room to prepare himself as he should before teleporting to his post near Snowdin, ready to welcome the human as he should. And besides, it does not take long to see her in the distance, and this vision makes her smile even more. He therefore remakes all his cinema to scare the human as much as possible before teleporting behind her when she is near the bridge.

" Human. So you don't know how to greet a new friend? Turn around and shake my hand. When the little girl turns, she watches the smiling skeleton for a moment, but this time she doesn't shake his hand. She just stares suspiciously at the whoopee pillow he has in his hand. For his part, Sans raised an eyebrow, surprised that this scene did not go the same way as the first time.

"Hehe, I didn't think you were gonna pay attention to this thing." He assimilates a wink to her. Hi, I'm Sans, Without the skeleton. For only answer, the young girl gives him a bad look before continuing on her way. The older skeleton observes him for a long time while placing his hands back in his pockets as his blue eye gradually appears when he realizes that Frisk's LOVE level is higher than the first time ... And it seems to him also have recognized familiar glowing eyes.