Okay, here we are this time. The denouement is fast approaching. Patiently waiting in the judgment hall, Sans is leaning against a pillar, his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed, he thinks back to everything he could have seen before arriving here: The Papyrus scarf found in the snow… Undyne's body disappearing before his eyes… Mettaton's bolts and cogs scattered all over the place… Alphys's blouse flying in the sandstone of the wind… All the little monsters that exist in the Underground who have lost a member of their family ... All this because of one and only person and this person is about to arrive from elsewhere, his footsteps are already being heard in the distance. The skeleton opens one of its eyes and observes the still empty corridor, then it closes its eye. He takes the opportunity to chuckle one last time since the events that will follow will certainly not make him want to laugh. He takes a deep breath before opening his eyes again and moving away from the pillar to stand in the center of the corridor as he sees Frisk coming into the room. The young girl walks slowly, head lowered, knife still firmly in hand, then she ends up stopping when she realizes the presence of the smiling skeleton.

" Hello. You haven't been idle eh? … Okay, I have a question for you: Do you think the worst person can change? That anyone can be a good person if they try? The young girl looks him straight in the eye but doesn't answer. Heh heh heh heh… Okay. Well, I have a better question: Do you want to have a bad quarter of an hour? Because if you take one more step… you REALLY won't like what's to come. Of course, Frisk takes another step forward. Okay… sorry old lady… that's why I never make promises. The two present in the room observe each other for a long time. It's a beautiful day today, isn't it? The birds are singing… The flowers are blossoming… With a day like this, kids like you… Sans's pupils disappear to make room for two empty holes. should burn in hell. " That's it. Here we are. The final fight between Frisk and Sans. The latter does not take long to wield the soul of the young girl to his advantage before sending her a multitude of bones to then follow up with several Blasters who finally get the better of the human. It does not take long to reappear to return to oppose Sans qui laughs a little.

"Heh. I've always wondered why people never use their strongest attack from the start. In any case, I was saying, the weather is nice outside. Why not relax and let go of the ballast? The skeleton repeats the operation, but this time the human manages to survive. She rushes towards him to assimilate the first blow, but Sans dodges without difficulty, which leaves the young girl speechless. What? Do you think I'll just stand there and take it all? So after dodging Frisk's attack, Sans continues to drop a multitude of bones at him which equates some damage to the young girl, but that's not enough to bring her down. The latter therefore returns to the assault and the skeleton avoids once again.

"Our forecast points to a huge anomaly in the space-time continuum. Timelines that jump right to left, that stop and start ... And then all of a sudden, everything stops. Sans now uses bones of different sizes, shapes and colors to attack the human who is doing pretty well. For his part, Frisk continues to attack the skeleton even if she understood well that he intended to dodge any attack. Heh heh heh… It's your fault, right? He goes on with a multitude of Blasters chasing Frisk through the judgment hall, and they finally get the better of her. Without barely having time to sigh that she's already back, he reactivates his blue eye to renew his attacks against her.

"You can't understand what that feels like. To know that one day, without warning… everything will be reset. Since the Blasters have already had it several times, Sans does not hesitate to reuse them, but the human is shown more determined than ever and continues his assaults on the skeleton. Listen. It's been a long time since I stopped trying to come back. And going to the surface doesn't really kick me anymore either. Because even if we do… we'll just end up here, with no memory of it all, right? Sans's beautiful sentences and beautiful speeches start to seriously annoy Frisk who rushes at him without thinking, and of course, this action costs him his life once again. The skeleton takes advantage of these few seconds to catch its breath a little, in fact, it does not no longer really used to letting his anger speak for him. The human ends up standing up in front of him.

"To be honest… It makes it hard for me to really get into it. Or is it just a bad excuse to be lazy? I don't know. All I know is that seeing the sequel… I can't afford to give a damn anymore. Sans's sickly smile gradually begins to turn into a sadistic smile. It's true that it's quite enjoyable to eliminate your enemy over and over again. It is so nice to make suffer the one who has made an entire underground world suffer. It's amazingly good to be able to avenge all those poor monsters that died because of that stupid kid. As the blows go on, Sans gets more and more tired, but what does it matter? The main c ' is to be able to torture again and again this brat who murdered her little brother without any mercy, without giving him the slightest chance. However, it's true that the young girl's assaults are getting more and more exhausting, and that damn knife seems to get closer and closer to her body with each attempt.

"Uh… that said… you, uh, really like waving this stuff around, huh?" … Listen to me: I know you didn't answer me before, but… in there, I can feel it. There is a lot of good person in you. The memory of someone who once wanted to do the right things. Someone who in another time would have even been ... a friend? Come on, Frisk. You remember me ? Please, if you're listening to me ... let's just forget about it, okay? Just put your gun down, and ... hey, that'll make my job a lot easier. Friendship… it's really great, eh? Let's stop fighting. Without observing attentively the human and it even seems that her eyes are starting to vary between blue and red. For her part, the young girl trembles a little and keeps her head down, it looks like she is thinking. Concentrating a little, you could almost hear Chara's voice whisper into Frisk's ear, "Kill him." Kill this comedian. However, the young girl's hands are shaking more and more on the handle of the knife and she does not seem quite ready to obey the order. Sans is the only monster, after Toriel, who immediately helped her and who didn't attack her… He was always there for her and he always made sure that nothing happened to her even if he had it. look like he doesn't care. She has shared a lot of good time with him and Papyrus, and the weight of her sins is really starting to weigh heavily on her back. Anyway… She wasn't really the one who chose to do all of this… It was always Chara's fault, but no one can see it. But maybe Sans sees him? Perhaps her powers allow her to see that two souls are fighting over the human body? In any case, for its part, the skeleton remains all the same on its guard and is already ready to counter-attack in case the young human rushes at him without warning. However, she seems really absent, so this would be a good time to kill her again… but who knows, maybe it is just a trick to let him approach in order to kill him more quickly and simply? Then he ceases to be on his guard when he sees Frisk drop his knife as tears stream down her cheeks and she smiles sadly at the skeleton as she opens her arms wide towards him. Sans stares at her intently and hesitates for a moment, then he ends up laughing a little.

"... Are you saving me?" Finally. My friend. My mate. I know how hard it must be ... to make that choice. To look back on everything you've accomplished. I want you to know ... it won't be in vain. ... Come here, girlfriend. He gives her one of his legendary winks before imitating the young girl and opening his arms to her. The latter does not hesitate a moment and rushes into Sans's arms which cover her body while she bursts into tears. The human clings tightly to the skeleton's jacket who just keeps Frisk firmly against him. She continues to cry against Sans while she whispers to him multiple times: "I'm sorry Sans ... It wasn't me ... It's this monster's fault ... Chara's fault ...". But the little skeleton never responds and just nods its head several times without really paying attention to what the human is telling him. After a while, when Frisk's body has finally come to rest, a heavy magical aura hangs around them, then suddenly, bones are quick to appear from the ground to come and pierce the body of the human of both sides. Without releasing it finally and moves away a little before putting his hands in his pockets. They both watch each other as the girl's irises shift a little more as her tears keep falling. She continues to contemplate Sans, who smiles at her over and over again, not really understanding why he did that. He doesn't seem to have any regrets despite what the girl told him, but what she doesn't know is who didn't listen to a strict word, he was way too busy planning his attack. Eventually, the girl's body disappears again as her soul shatters before Sans's eyes, resulting in another sneer from the smiling skeleton.

"Go faaaaiiiire!" If we're really friends… you're not coming back. "