Chapter XIX

Frisk would like with all her heart, with all her soul, to press that damn Reset button, but an invisible force drives her to press the Continue button over and over again: it almost looks like she is a spectator of it all. She would like to be able to tell herself that she watches Chara come back and forth to try to kill Sans, but yet it is indeed her body that is here and that keeps wanting to fight over and over again. It is indeed her that Sans accuses of all these dreadful crimes. Yes, it is indeed she who holds this knife covered in blood in her hands. Frisk reappears in the judgment hall and comes back to stand in front of Sans. The latter continues to smile warmly at him while his small white eyes plunge into those of the human's red.

"Yep, it was worth a try. Sounds like you like to do it the hard way, huh? The girl frowns and grinds her teeth. Woah, you look REALLY pissed off ... Heheheh ... Did I get you? Well, if you came back anyway ... I guess that means we never really BEEN friends, huh? The fight starts up again, but Frisk looks really determined this time, it almost looks like she has memorized each of Sans's attacks that she manages to avoid more or less easily. It's strange, but before all of that, I was hoping we could be friends. I always thought the anomaly was doing this because she wasn't happy. And that when she got what she wanted, she would stop it all. And maybe all she wanted was ... I don't know. Great food, bad jokes, cool friends… But that's ridiculous isn't it? Yeah, you're the kind of person who will NEVER be happy. You'll keep destroying timelines over and over again until ... well. Hey. Believe me kid. One day… you have to know how to STOP. And that day is TODAY. »A Blaster suddenly appears behind Frisk who loses his last life points. The skeleton, breathless, contemplates the human's soul breaking again, then he redirects his gaze towards the entrance of the corridor. You don't have to wait long for the girl's body to reappear, and the sight is really chilling her: when is it going to end? Do not will she ever stop? Anyway, he sighs again when she represents herself in front of him.

"You see… This whole clash is really tiring me. And if you keep pushing me to the limit ... I'll have to use my special attack. The human tilts his head to the side in a sign of incomprehension. Yeah, my special attack. Does that mean anything to you? Good, get ready. Because after my next action, I will use it. So if you don't want to see her, it would be good to die now. Sans's eye emanates a powerful magical aura, even stronger than before. He therefore has fun teleporting around the human while sending him a multitude of bones of different sizes. He then wields the soul of the girl to force her to stay against the floor, wall, or ceiling while he spawns bones to impale her. But nothing comes to the end of thedetermination. On Sans's head we can now perceive a few drops of sweat: he will never show that he is tired, not in this kind of situation anyway, it is far too dangerous. Although his smile does not leave his face, the sweat betrays him but he still holds on. He now calls upon a multitude of slowly appearing Blasters to shoot a laser beam at the human one after the other. Always nothing. Frisk remains there, faithful to his post, ready to end once and for all with Sans who is really starting to run out, and this detail does not escape the young girl who gradually finds her smile again. That smirk makes the skeleton frown as he continues to summon blue and white bones while wielding Frisk's soul as he pleases. And when he realizes that she still seems to be holding on, he decides to summon Blasters by ten so that they all come quickly shoot a ray towards the young girl who has no other choice but to turn in circles to flee lasers. But the perseverance of the human comes to the end of Sans, who slowly reaches its limits: not expecting her to survive that, he maneuvers his soul one last time to send it banging in all the corners of the world. room before finally placing it on the ground. He hardly catches his breath. human comes to the end of Sans, which slowly reaches its limits: not expecting her to survive this, he maneuvers his soul one last time to send it banging in every corner of the room before finally putting it down on the ground. He hardly catches his breath. human comes to the end of Sans, which slowly reaches its limits: not expecting her to survive this, he maneuvers his soul one last time to send it banging in every corner of the room before finally putting it down on the ground. He hardly catches his breath.

"Huff… Pfff… Alright. Here we are. It's time for my special attack. Are you ready ? Who does not try anything ... On his guard and in position to dodge or counter-attack, Frisk zies around ... But nothing happens. She therefore rests her gaze on the smiling skeleton. Yep. That's it. It is literally nothing. And it's gonna be nothing else, either. Heh heh heh ... Do you understand? I know I can't beat you. One of your turns ... You're just gonna kill me. So, uh. I decided ... that it will NOT be your turn. Never. I'll just keep MY turn until you give up. Even if that means we're gonna have to stay here until the end of time. Understood ? He chuckles as Frisk's eyes widen. You will be bored here. If you're not bored already, I mean. And then,. He continues to smile at the young girl who frowns and finally decides to go straight for Sans to finish him off. But whenever she's about to reach it, the skeletal eye flashes yellow for a moment, which has the effect of sending Frisk back to its original position. The two best enemies are seen squarely in the eye. The young human really wants to be done with him to move on and leave this cursed place that she has seen for far too long for her liking. And for his part, Sans wishes more than anything to reason the little girl. He said it well earlier: she is the master of this stupid game, and therefore, he will never be able to beat her. He knows very well that a mere second of inattention can cause his downfall, so he does everything to control her as much as possible until she decides to finally Reset and stop it all. But the young girl doesn't really seem determined to end it all. She stands there, staring at Sans while clutching her knife a little more in her hand.

" I know you. You're, uh, very determined, aren't you? You never give up, even if there's, uh ... absolutely NO interest in persevering. If I can make this clear. Whatever happens, you still carry on. Not because you want to do good or bad ... Just because you believe you can. And because you "can" ... ... You "must" do it. But now you've reached the end. There's nothing left for you now. So, uh, in my personal opinion ... The most "determined" thing you can do here? It's, uh, completely giving up. And ... The skeleton struggles as best it can against the fatigue that gradually gains it, but it cannot help letting out a yawn that does not escape the human. literally do n ' anything else. »Frisk reflects for a moment on Sans's words, which end up putting the chip in his ear: it's true that for a while now, she's been trying to rush on him to end it once and for all, but each time, the skeleton sends it back. However, Sans looks exhausted, and trying to do anything keeps him awake. We must not forget who we are talking about, we are talking about the most powerful skeleton in the Underground, of course, but also the most lazy. Would he be stupid enough to fall asleep here and now? In the middle of a fight? In any case, as he says so well 'who does not try anything ...': the human therefore crosses her arms against her chest and decides to sit cross-legged on the ground. The skeleton raises an eyebrow but does not let go of the human gaze, and the latter does the same. Gradually, however, Sans's eyelids slowly close. His eyes are now half-closed… then they end up closing entirely while snoring is already being heard. Frisk raises an eyebrow in astonishment: not only does he fall asleep in the middle of a fight, but in addition, he sleeps standing up ...This actor, I swear… In any case, the young girl finally finds a smile while she gets up silently to then rush on Sans who opens her eyes and dodges the attack.

"Heh, you really thought you could- The human turns around quickly and manages to slash Sans's body which is now spilling red liquid." The skeleton puts its hand against the cut then closes its eyes. ... ... ... Okay ... I guess it's over, eh? ... Just ... Don't say I didn't warn you. The skeleton rises with difficulty under the gaze of Frisk who is literally destroyed from the inside. Well. I'm going to Grillby… Papyrus, do you want something? Then Sans quickly disappears in the form of dust, like the rest of his friends before him. The young girl can finally continue her journey out of this cursed place… but she does not. She stands there, watching the dust volatilize into the air. By paying more attention,

"Come on Frisk. The hard part is over. Let's get it over with. The human puts her hands over her ears, not wanting to listen to this dreadful monster that made her do all this anymore. She wants to stop everything. To start all over. Take Sans in her arms and tell her how sorry she is. Bake pies with Toriel. Cooking Spaghetti with Papyrus. Train with Undyne. Do TV shows with Mettaton. Watch anime with Alphys. Knowing new jokes thanks to Sans… No… It is no longer possible… This situation becomes unbearable. Filled with new determination, Frisk straightens up and faces Chara before frowning.

" It's finish. I won't listen to you anymore. You will disappear! How you made my friends disappear! The young monster with the glowing eyes just has time to grab Frisk's knife and rush at her, screaming all his rage that it's already too late for him: the Reset button is engaged.