Waking up with a start in his room while his magical eye activates, Without looking around: So this is it? She did it ? Did she Reset the world again? Not knowing whether to laugh or cry about it, Sans ends up chuckling unhealthily as his pupils disappear.

"Without! If you're awake, come down and eat your spaghetti! The soul of the little skeleton seems to break when he recognizes this voice. That soft voice that he never thought he would claim one day. The skeleton's white pupils slowly reappear as his legendary smile returns to his face. He gets up slowly to put on his slippers and jacket before leaving his room. He slowly descends the stairs, holding onto the handrail, and finally reaches the kitchen. It doesn't take long for tears to stream down her cheeks as her gaze falls on her beloved little brother. Sans has the reflex to lower his head and pull on his hood when Papyrus is facing him.

"Wow Sans! It's a record ! How come you're up so fast? Then he finally noticed his older brother's distress. Oh Saans… You had a nightmare, right? The taller lifts the smaller one who ends up smiling sadly at him.

-Yeah… That's exactly it… Papyrus… I had a horrible nightmare… Then he allows himself to hug his little brother who caresses his back affectionately.

-Everything is fine Sans, it was just a bad dream, the great Papyrus is now there to protect you! The oldest laughed a little.

-Yeah… You're the best brother.

-Nyeh Heh Heh! How about lying down on the sofa for a moment to calm down my dear brother? »Not waiting for the latter's authorization, Papyrus returns to the living room and decides to put his big brother on the sofa before bringing him a blanket. The older one follows with a benevolent glance his younger brother who kills himself in the task to please him, and that gives him back his usual smile little by little.

After resting for a while, Sans finally decided to leave his cozy little nest and go up to his brother's room. He knocks quickly on the door before entering on his own and to find that Papyrus is wisely installed at his computer.

"He Pap ', thanks for earlier. The concerned turns around to smile at the older man.

-No problem Without! The latter rubs his arm, distracted, while his gaze is lost all over the room.

-And… uhm… Seeing as it's getting better… How would you like to, I don't know, go outside and have a snowball fight? Like the good old times ? Stars seem to form in the eyes of Papyrus who does not wait another second to leap from his chair and take his brother, whom he is holding by the hood of his jacket, outside.

Now behind their house, the two skeletons are both hidden behind small piles of snow that serve as protection. While the older one applies as best he can to touching his older brother, the older brother still sends a snowball in a randomly designated direction while he uses his telekinesis to make another ball fly just behind the skull of the youngest who can not help but scream. Papyrus' reaction always makes Sans die of laughter who ends up emerging from his hiding place. He rests his elbows on the pile of snow before placing his chin in his hands.

"Heh Papyrus. The concerned raises his head and observes his brother looking at him with a sad smile. I just wanted to tell you that… I missed you. A small smile slowly appears on the face of the taller skeleton.

-Mhan… Saaans… But the little wink that the latter displays quickly makes him come back to reality.

-But your shooting is improving ~. The two skeletons observe each other intently for a few seconds until Papyrus decides to jump over his pile of snow to rush on Sans who begins to run to escape the bigger one.

- COME HERE SAAAANS! The latter watches his little brother over his shoulder while laughing even more beautifully.

-Mhaan ~ Did you miss me too bro? ~ "Then they spent the rest of the time chasing each other, even if for Sans, this is nothing but a game: the little skeleton is hiding always behind his jokes and never confess how he feels, that's a fact.

Back in his room, Sans threw himself directly on the bed. It must be said that he has never found a snowball fight so exhausting… it is true that he is no longer really used to using his legs to run so much. Anyway, this being done, he'll have to get back to work one day or another, even if the idea terrifies him now. Who knows what Frisk… well Chara… or whatever, what this monstrous human is capable of doing now. The little skeleton sighs and leaves his room to join the living room while his little brother has been calling for a little while now.

"This afternoon was very pleasant brother! But now is the time to go hunting for humans! The little one does not hide his grimace.

-Yeah… you're totally right bro '. The taller then looks at the clock in the living room.

-Well, this time I don't have time to accompany you to your Sans station, we are already late enough like that. The latter assimilates a little wink to him.

-Do not worry about me Pap ', I have my shortcuts.

-Very good… I trust you Without! He then rushes to the door which he quickly opens to exit. But just after he crosses the threshold of the door, he turns to his big brother. But I'll still make sure you don't sleep lazy bag of bones! »Then he disappears under the small laughs of Sans who ends up huffing when his brother is finally gone. Now, he can't go back. He's going to have to go back to his post in the snowy forest near Snowdin to welcome… Frisk… Come on, it's nothing, it's just a human isn't it. ? Besides, if she's acting really weird, a little blaster never hurts, right? At this stage, his LOVE level should not be very high so it will be easy. Well, when to go, have to go. The little skeleton finally teleports to its post and then looks into the distance, already ready to welcome the human as it should. He attentively observes the mist and the snowflakes which fall gently to come crashing down on the ground… Then his eye lights up in blue for a moment when he recognizes this silhouette which advances in the distance. Keeping his gaze on her, Sans swallows and thinks back to what happened in the judgment hall: this fierce fight they fought… This awful feeling of shame when the blade finally touched his body… This vile resentment to know that it is the end and that soon we will no longer exist ... After taking a deep breath, Sans starts again as always his sketch to try to scare the human that must certainly be used to by now. When Frisk finally reaches the bridge, Sans hesitates for a moment but finally teleports behind her.

" Human. So you don't know how to greet a new friend? Turn around and- "He can't even finish his sentence as the little girl already turns around to hug him. The little skeleton widens its eyes and looks straight ahead: what's going on? What is this mess ? That's not how this scene is supposed to happen ... After taking a few steps back to properly receive the human, Sans laughs a little.

"Heh Human, you could say that- After lowering his head, his eyes widen again when he realizes that Frisk is crying against him." The little human holds the skeleton's t-shirt firmly in her hand.

-I'm so sorry Without… "