"Pardon ... Pardon ... Pardon Without ... I swear I had nothing to do with it ... This monster ... Chara ... He had taken possession of my body ... I didn't want to do so much harm around me ... I really care about you … To Toriel… To Papyrus… To Undyne, and all the others… Forgive me Without, please… "Tears continue to flow from the young human's side as the skeleton is still stunned. The latter does not really understand the situation and does not know who or what to believe. However, the name 'Chara' was never mentioned to Frisk, so how can she know this first name? Or maybe it was Papyrus who mentioned it one day when Sans was not there? No… Impossible the youngest skeleton seems to have drawn a line on the past since it never evokes Gaster or Chara when he is with his brother. After thinking about it all, Sans ends up relaxing before taking the little girl in his arms. The latter tenses up quickly, remembering very well what happened the last time the little skeleton hugged her.

"What's up Frisk? ... I missed you kid, you know that?" The latter widens her eyes and then ends up smiling sadly, although she is still relieved, even if the tears do not stop falling.

- I missed you too… bag of lazy bones… "The concerned one is satisfied with a wink that the young human cannot see, far too busy hugging Sans in her small arms.

Several days have passed since the reconciliation between these two, and everything seems to be going for the best: Frisk sympathized with all the monsters of the Underground and she took up residence with the two brothers who are delighted to welcome the human at their home. When things seem to be going wonderfully well, Sans decided to name this timeline the PaciFrisk. Heheh, not bad isn't it?Anyway, today the human went to the level of the volcanic zone to continue her adventures, and she did not wait long to find Sans's stand who is asleep at her post. The young girl laughs softly when her gaze falls on the lazy skeleton. In a playful mood, she searches her pockets to pull out a marker that she has found by chance during her journey. But when she approaches the marker to Sans's face, Sans's left eye quickly opens, and with it, her blue eye doesn't take long to appear.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you. The little human swallows before putting her marker away as Sans slowly sits up before resting her elbow on the counter and holding her chin in her hand. I didn't think I would see you here kid, what are you doing?

- Nothing interesting, I continue my journey. She smiles happily at him as he nods repeatedly.

-Yeah I understand I understand… Say, I wanted to go to Grillby, are you coming with me?

-But… and your work? The small skeleton rolls his eyes before revealing a small bone that he sends towards the human that he voluntarily misses before assigning him a wink.

- Looks like I failed to do my job. The attitude of the oldest skeleton makes the little girl laugh.

-We both know that you are the most powerful monster in the Underground Sans.

-Hm… You could almost say that I am… super well- Sans . The young human does not stop laughing, and of course, that makes the skeleton very happy. OK, let's go ? Come close to me, I know a shortcut. Knowing the kind of shortcut that Without a Footprint regularly, it doesn't take long for Frisk to fearlessly walk around to be able to join the little monster. The latter's eye flickers for a moment as they are teleported, but this place doesn't look like Grillby's bar at all… let alone Snowdin.

"Oops, it looks like I was wrong in the calculations ... Okay, that's okay, let's go for a ride in that case, ready kid? However, Frisk does not really listen to the words of the skeleton since she is far too busy checking this unknown area. His gaze ends up landing on a gray door which has nothing to do with this setting. Heh, are you listening to me Frisk? The latter does not take her eyes off the door and pulls on Sans's jacket.

- Say Saans… What's behind that door…? The concerned looks down at the human to see where she is looking exactly before looking up at that famous door.

-Without what's behind that door. The little girl turns to him and puffs up her cheeks. Heh it's okay I'm kidding I don't know. To be honest, this place means absolutely nothing to me… I don't know how I managed to get us to land here. The young human nods her head several times.

-Well… Shall we see then? The skeleton shrugs its shoulders in response.

-If you want to listen. Frisk nods sharply before turning around to rest his gaze on that mysterious gray door. They both advance slowly to the door that the human admires for a long time once posted in front of it. Frisk turns to Sans for a moment to take one of his hands out of his pocket before taking it in his. This small gesture of affection makes the skeleton giggle and let it go nicely, thinking that this perhaps reassures the young girl. The latter slowly engages the handle before gently opening the door which leads to a huge room plunged into darkness. But since Frisk is filled with determinationand that Sans is at her side, it does not take long for her to enter the room that the two friends begin to look at, in the hope of finding a source of light. Suddenly, the room lights up thanks to some miracle, then the two companions both set their gaze on this dark mass which is in the center of the room. If Frisk watches this thing move every now and then without really paying attention, it isn't quite the same with Sans. The latter remains on his guard and gradually loosens his hand which holds that of the human to be ready to respond in case of attack by this monster.

"Is that how you greet your creator… Sans?" Frisk turns to the concerned whose magic eye is now activated. That voice… No… It can't be… He finally frowned before putting his hands back in his pockets to get back to his usual mistrustful look.

-Pff, it depends. Maybe if I saw your face I would change my attitude.

- Is my voice not enough for you? Have you ever forgotten your old friend? The little skeleton shrugs its shoulders before closing one of its eyes.

-I have a lot of friends you know? By spending my days at the bar, I quickly gain a little notoriety.

-Very well. In that case… "A Blaster appears slowly above this strange monster, and Frisk understands well that this Blaster does not belong to Sans since he has purple eyes. The human turns towards his friend who is speechless while a few drops of sweat appear on his skull. Not really understanding the situation, the young girl pulls a little on Sans's jacket who does not even seem to collide as Frisk is touching him. The older skeleton swallowed while keeping his blue eye on the Blaster.

"N… Nah… It's not possible… You're dead… The little human continues to pull on her friend's clothes."

-Saaans… What's wrong with you…? The concerned finally lowers his eye towards the little girl.

-We have to get out of here, kid, and right away. Suddenly, the purple-eyed Blaster shoots a beam at the two friends but Sans immediately has the reflex to spawn one who also shoots a laser to stop the other's progress. Frisk had the reflex to place his arms in front of her for protection as the strange monster laughs softly.

-You've practiced what I see… Even if your life points are still… 1.

-What do you want ? Huh? ... Gaster. The monster laughs harder as he slowly turns to face the two companions who look at him in horror: what are those scars on his skull? And those two black eye sockets devoid of emotion?

" What I want… ? It's simple though… When he smiles at them, a thick black substance escapes from his mouth. I need Chara. "