Two: Him

Adrian started laughing. I didn't know about what. But to be honest I didn't really want to know. I was way too high. He kept calling my name. Over and over again.

"Dude. Check this out." Adrian just wouldn't stop. But now I know why. Look at her.

He showed me what she said. She asked if I was single. I was very much so single.

Just to see what she would say I had Adrian message her, "Are you interested?" She hesitated. But she answered. "Very much so." She even sent a cute little emoji with it.

"Do you want his snap?" Adrian asked her. This time without hesitation she replied. "Yes, please. " Adrian laughed his real annoying laugh and sent her my snap.

Less than five minutes later she messaged me. A simple "hi". I wanted to ask her everything that came to mind at that very moment. She sent Adrian some pictures of herself. She is so pretty. No, she isn't pretty. She is beautiful. But I took it slow. I kindly said, "hey" and from that moment, I bet her phone didn't even leave her hands.

Just with the way she texts, I can tell she has been hurt in the past. She is so sweet. Who would want to hurt her so bad? You can clearly see she has had one too many broken hearts. I plan on fixing them.

I went out with Adrian, to smoke some more. But I wanted to keep talking to her. I needed to hurry up. I wanted to know her voice. I wanted to paint her soul.

Her heart was light. She was broken down. She sits there in misery. I can't reach her. She is so close but yet again, she is so far!

I wish I could just touch her skin. Let her know that she is worth someone's attention and affection.

We, (Myself and Adrian) made our way through the woods. I called her. It took a couple of rings before she answered. Her voice was automatically the most peaceful thing I've ever heard. She was beautiful. And she was vocally mesmerizing. Already she had me; heart, mind, body, and soul. We talk and we talked the entire time, I pretty much ignored Adrian who got real pissy, just so I could talk to her.

"Oh shit! The PO-PO!" Adrian yelled. I hung up without another word, but before I pressed that button I heard her laughing.

We ran as fast as we could in this cold wind. I wanted to beat Adrian's ass for being so noticeable with the blunt. Why the fuck was he stupid at times like this?! Oh well, he is a good friend and he has never let me down and, he just got me a girl who is a fucking Angel!

We made it home about thirty minutes later. Adrian was playing on the computer and I was laying in bed, with my pillow under me, that has a huge hole on the side of it. Damn this thing is old. But it's comfortable. So who really gives a damn?

I tried to dismiss her from my mind so I could hang out with Adrian. It just seems so impossible. Every time I blink she is there. Etched in the back of my skull. I've only known this chick like an hour and a half. And I ready cant get her off of my mind. What the hell is happening to me? What the fuck is Renee Kerce doing to me?

I pulled my phone out and went to snap. I sent her a little message telling her that I was now home. In little time she quickly replied. "Good, you're still breathing. What happened?"

She takes an interest in knowing what just happened. What the hell does that mean? Do I tell her that the police just chased us all the way from the woods back to my house? Do I let her in? Fuck it! I'm going to spill it to her.

"Well, the cops just chased me and Adrian from the woods back to my house."

Damn, she is fast at replying.

"Oh my lord. Are you guys safe? What were you guys doing to cause this?" She's genuinely kind. She is pretty. She is funny. And she cares. Why the hell haven't I claimed her yet?

I called her again and this time on the first ring she picked up.

She was listening to music while cleaning the kitchen. I wanted to face time her. But of course, her phone was complete shit, and that's her exact words!

I'm a little bit of hip-hop and country. She is a little more rock and roll. But she knew the hip and the country. It was confusing at first, for the fact that she was so negative about herself. Yet she was so positive and proud to help anyone. To make anyone smile.

For hours and hours, we talked. It felt like forever but it also felt like no time at all has passed.

She was listening to Akon: Lonely. Then she listened to Everlast: White Trash Beautiful. To both of those song she said she felt them so deep that they are what she was.

I wanted to tell her that she was not alone. That she was not white trash, but she sure was beautiful. And while she finished up the kitchen. She sent the most gut wrenching thing in the world. "I'm all alone in this world." I almost got up, got my moms car and drove too her just to prove to her that she isn't all alone.

I don't remember exactly how this happened but I was so drawn to her that, I somehow managed to make her mine. She was happy. And it wasn't the fake happy. It was the real, emotional, honest happy.

How do I keep her without scaring her? How do I tell her without losing her. How can I be me without breaking her? Do I have to hide my other half just to save her? I'm already in love with her.