Six: How to save an Angel

With little light, she was there. In huge darkness, she was gone...

I watched as her body fell form the roof. There was no stopping her. I watched as her beautiful self played with gravity. Her body hurled to the ground. I watched the lovely lady I once knew meet her match.

My breath was caught in my throat. I couldn't save her. But this wasn't even her was it? Her eyes were the brightest shade of blue there was. When her natural color was a hazel tent. Where was my love. I had her so close to me. And only in a second I lost her.

When my reality hit again I realized that I was still standing there. Not being able to cope. I ran down the stares, nearly falling over every other step. Nothing in this small world would come between me being able to save her.

One flight. Two flight. Three flight. I'm almost there. Doctors were running behind me yelling at me to stop. But there was no possible way for me to stop. Four flight. Five flight. Six flight, and finally seven flight and i am on the base floor. I am on the floor running through the door.

People surround her limp, wet body that just sits there; in the dent of the gravel on the ground. The Hospital is there trying to place her on a stretcher, hooking her to I.V lines, rushing her into the surgery room.

I ran around looking like a fucking idiot, begging these people who were supposed to "know" what was wrong, why they didn't cover her once lovely but now mangled body, and take her away into a place that I could only guess of the many, probably not so good things they were doing to her sleeping body.

The doctors move around. Rushing. Pacing back and forth. I wait in the only place I can. The waiting room... This shit is pointless. I breath in hopping for the best. A doctor came out covered in blood, everything that I thought I knew was gone my stomach now on the floor every vesicle in my body starts to boil.

"Mr.Soto, we need to talk." This can't be good...