Fear rattled me like the end of a snake's tail, or a baby tossing his toy to the side. Was the one person who saw good in me gone? Would she even be able to come back? That wasn't even her. Hey, eyes are not that shade of blue. I can't even begin to fathom what this doctor has to say. Renee. the only women whom I'd ever loved. the only woman willingly giving her heart to me. My love. Her life is not over yet. My wife, but in all reality, she was only my girlfriend. Who I begged to make my wife. she called me her husband. her brown eyes looking at me, her soft hands touching me, her heart beating for me alone. That was not my girl.
The doctor cleared his throat. "Mr. Soto, it is an absolute miracle that Renee survived what happened." At last, the nightmare before the storm has surpassed this lonesome night, and calmness sweeps over.
"On another note," The very familiar looking Doctor continues to talk. "We are, well I am going to keep looking into her case. Something is not right here, and we both know it." Nodding in agreement with him, I smell something. Something sweet. Too sweet. It isn't normal for something of this world to be that sweet. it hits me like a 40 pound bowling ball in the head. He isn't human.
Since he isn't human, what the hell is he?
"Orackotram" I say very low in Demonic tongue. Orackotram is a word meaning so many different things. 'Who are you?' 'Do you bring peace?'
He looks at me scared for his life. All he can do is nod. Why, is he panicking. Unless he isn't even a demon. What could he be? He grabs my arm and leads me to a private room.
" Who are you? How do you know about me?" He asks as quietly as possible.
"Never mind who I am. I can smell you. You're sweet sent. The real question is are you a demon?" I already new the answer to my questions. It was a yes. It had to be.
"I am no Demon. Please do not insult me in that way." He asks calmly.
Well damn there went my ticket of being right for a change.
"I am a Warlock. And yes, I already know what happened to Renee." He says. The doctor holds his hand out and simply says. "I am Kluse Baine. You must be Matthew Soto." I nod.
His entire facial expression changes. He has realized who I am. He smiles a mischief smile. He looks at me knowing exactly what I'm capable of.
"What's wrong with Renee?" I ask.
"You're supposed to be dead. instead you're here, on earth. And someone has found out that your whereabouts are with a human girl." His British accent made me chill to the bone.
"All I can say is who ever wanted you dead, will go to any length to see it fit." I can see the sincere sadness in his eyes. No it isn't for me. Yet for the human who I have learned to love.
Already knowing the answer to my question I ask, "What do you mean?" He looks me dead in the eyes and says point blank. "Who ever wants you dead is not going to stop. They will try to kill Renee, only to kill you."
All in one my heart breaks. No matter what I do, I'll never be able to protect her. With me she is as good as dead. I know what I have to do in order to protect her. Even if it kills me.