Eight: Trapped

To have loved is to die in the arms of a stranger. To have hated is to have lived in the arms of love.

I'm trapped in a world that is unrecognizable. I scream but there is no use. None can hear me. I run through the dark halls with red. blank pictures that hang upon their walls. All doors are closed and unable to be opened. I bang my fists against all of the walls until they are raging in pain.

I can hear people talking. I can hear him. I just can't get to him. What have I done? I scream louder only hurting my throat and my lungs in the long run. With tears blurring in my eyes I yell some more. The floor beneath my feet starts to shake. I am already in pain, i find the closest corner and hide there.

Looking up I see the big, wide, tall, arching black door open slowly releasing fog into the room. I pray silently that it hides me form what ever is there. Truly I am scared of what lies ahead. I have learned that fear is everywhere. It can't and will never be stopped.

I stay quiet and low under the fog hopping for the best. As soon as the door closes the fog is gone. There are so many people?... I don't think they are people. They are all tall, dark and all seemingly beautiful. None look to be dark skinned, they all appear to have burned skin. Yet they are flawless? Without even thinking I yell, "Who are you?" Two people walk up to me, they are mesmerizing to look at. The female, tall, lovely hair. High cheekbones, bluest of eyes. Slim figure. She is the first to speak.

"Child. Hush with you howling, and destructive behavior." The Male who stands there reminds me of someone but I can't touch it. He looks a little angry with the world. He has horns that have grown out of his head, big, powerful, gorgeous black wings on his back and a arm full of knives and blades. The lady only had the simi hidden, but the same as the man's wings. He holds out a hand, scared, but I take it. I follow them to a lighter, less heavy in darkness room where there is a beautifully set buffet table. And there is a lounge with a liquor bar and a wine storage rack.

They both offer me a drink, gratefully I take it; soothing my aching muscles in my throat. The lady says out of the blue. "We have much to discuss." She points to the table and says"Come, eat." Eagerly I do as instructed to do, feeling like something is going to change in some sort of way...