Anger started to come out. Where the fuck was it!? I couldn't find the key. This key, could possibly be the means to an end. Is this 'end' worth all this trouble?
I continued to look without second guessing. My brothers old rooms. My sisters old rooms. Even my old room. I searched the kitchen, the den, the living room. I even checked in the cupboard under the stairs. This literally feels like I'm living a Harry Potter kind of world, even if it don't last but a minute it is still worth it!
The search party continued. Seconds turned into hours. And eventually these hours became a few days. It wasn't my intention to stay this long.
While searching I decided to clean up and 'remodel' the house. Maybe one day... Maybe one day.
After seven days, if finally dawned on me. Fathers study. The basement is dark. And to be frank, it's scary as hell.
Slowly I make my way down the jagged steps, the twists and turns. The creaks, the jitters. Why the fuck did I agree to do this mission?
I took slow and easy steps. If I were to fall, I would be needing life-alert. I would be the one, that is on the commercials saying "Help! I've fallen and I cant get up." Eh. The true outcome may be the fact that I would be dead.
Who would care? No one. I was alone. And this was my war to fight. They may win the battle, but I will in this war. I took the low road in. But I'm going to take the high road out.
Dark consumed the enter basement. It was so dark that I couldn't see the light at the top of the stare case. And there was no telling what the hell was down here. There could have been an out break of gut ripping, heart snatching, brain eating zombies down here. And I was alive, here willingly, and it's dark. What's not to love about the dark!?
I tried so carefully to watch my step. Everyone making more noise than before. For a second I thought if this mission was worth finding out what's hiding in the dark, crawling under the stairs.
It seemed like forever. It wasn't. I finally made it to the basement floor, without dying. It wasn't a total hell after all. I fiddle around for the light switch. When i find it, all i have to do is wave my hand over it and it's on.
With rage that is only growing, I Search for my father's key. Why is this damn key so important??? Within minutes the basement is a wreck and I have the key in hand. The longer I touch it, the hotter it gets. The longer I hold it, the brighter it becomes with a light that is out of the solar system. Blinding even. Images flash through my head. Leaving me dizzy and alone. How am I not to help what i can help? That's when I know for a fact I am I too do. I will avenge them. Even if it means my own death.