Broken Glass

"I got the Key. What am I supposed to do with it now." I ask Jeriah. She sits back in her beautiful flowing blood red gown with her black coffin shaped nails tapping on the table with her other hand extended with a white elbow length glove covering her skin with a challise in her hand. "Child, you are to keep that key on you at all times. no matter what. You do whatever it is that you have to do to protect that Key." With all of that she sits there, looks at everyone and they all leave. I take a seat when she raised her hand telling to that I am welcome.

I may hate this bitch but, she has been the only constant since I woke up 3 years ago. They wiped my memory, trained me to kill. And they protected me. They have paid for every expense that I've ever needed since. I was asleep for three years. I woke up, I have killed more than thousands. I have taken every ounce of anger that I have let build up and I took it out on all of the targets they let me out of Hell to kill. And I'd be damned if I don't love it. I don't feel anything that is emotional towards anyone that my blade touches, or that my bullets hit.

The heel to my boot taps repeatedly on the floor, I reach up onto the table and grab a little plate and put some grapes and strawberries and cheese and other snacks. Jeriah, looks at me. Pleased with herself, because she knows I'll eat anything she makes.

I lean back in my chair and keep picking at my plate. I drop my head and turn to the left and I see Talon. Like always he makes me bite my lip and makes me tingle in the best way possible. The way he leans against the wall with his arms crossing over his chest, and the way his hair falls. Oh my lord he is the finest thing in this whole Galaxy.

I look over there and he is in the corner. Just towering over like no one exists to him in this world. I smile at him and just look at him. He is the only person who I know, that I haven't thought about killing.

He comes and takes the seat that is as close to me as possible. There is a chilling heat that starts to climb my body. His arms have been my caselt and his heart was my sky. Little does he know that I am completely and utterly in love with him.

When I come too, I realize that the inside of my hand is bleeding from my nails presing to hard into them. and my lip is swollen from biting on it.

"Renee." Jeriah says simply and actually very kind. All my attention is on her. "You are going back up. We are sending you to a place that will be strange. We left your human body on Earth. And we put you in Your body now. Talon is going to go with you." Every ounce of me is begging to know what is going on. But I let her talk. "You are to find someone. You will re-enter your body upon your arrival. Talon will hand you your things when you wake up and are out. If you have any further questions, ask him. We want him alive. You will be set free of us as soon as you bring him to me. Again, Renee. I want him alive. I have my very own plans for him.

Talon and I make our way to the corridors. He pushes me up against the wall and cups my face, ever so lightly. He brings his face close to my ear. Very faintly he whispers. "Don't fall for him again. It would kill me." He kisses me passionately. Of course I kiss him in return. I would have been stupid not to. This is only the moment that I've waited for what 3 years now!

I open my bedroom door while still kissing him. Body parts practically begging for him in every single way that is possible. I need more.

"Renee." He says. So soft, and gentle. Beautifully perfect. "What do you want?" I can't even begin to answer this question. 'Tell me." He pushes on and on. Still kissing me and possessing every single ounce of my body. " You. I want you, I love you. I want this." It slips out. And with those few little words. I get everything that I have ever wanted.

When we are finished, we lay there. He holds me all night. Right before my eyes take their finally breath, he kisses the top of my head. "I love you more Renee" Sleep finally steals me from this beautiful moment.