I watched as the doctors and nurses ran to her room. I've waited for years for this moment. I never gave up on her. While the nurses and doctors are yelling and moving really fast, the sweet sent came once again. It has only happened once before. And that was when I was told, all of the demons would try to kill Renee just to kill me.
Pacing back and forth calms me. it gives me a reassurance that something well they just have to play out. You can't force them to play your game when they were already playing another.
Anxiety hits me. Really hard. I sit down and close my eyes and breath. With closing my eyes I am stolen by a dark place. A place where ashes are on the ground. A place were fear really does have a stench to it. A place were agony and pain and peace fight every single day to harmonize together. A place where I am the King.
I walk down the nearly forgotten path and I see my red door. Standing tall I head right for it. I open the door. "Hey!. I'm back." I say aloud. I can see my old friend Jeriah just sitting there, like always in her overly dressed up fashion choice.
She turns slowly until she sees my eyes. "Appollion." She bows. I already know what she has done. But what I don't know is why I am back here.
"You want me dead?" I asked simply. Pure fear lives in her eyes. her wings are hidden and her burned arms covered by a black silk glove. She has been trying for too long to hide her Demon side. Now with every time she tries to plot against me, she will.decay even more then before.
"N-n-no sir. No my King. Not at all." She stutters when she lies.
"You are lying to me ,Jeriah!" My voice booms, making everyone who is in my Chambers run out in fear.
"I'm not stupid Jeriah. You wanted me to stay down here. But I didn't stay. So what is this, you major bitch fit?" I'm yelling by now, feeling the fire, the heat coming through my skin.
"You abandoned us. You abandoned me!" Jerhia screams. She gets up and walks closer to me. When she is close enough to me, she pulls out my brothers weapon. He forged them by water and fire creating a light, a beam that can kill all celestial beings. He took parts of the light and made the weapons.
she tries to stab me and cut me. I block every time ending all of her blows with a elbow to the mouth or a punch to stomach, or a punch to the throat.
"Apollion! You left me here for hundreds of thousands of years. Alone!" She yells from the floor. Covered in blood, she sits up and I take my Throne. I laugh. She stares at me in shock, as if she didn't know that I don't have any manners.
"Riah, I gave you the chance to come with me. But you didn't. You chose to stay here. You knew I was leaving. So don't sit here and blame me." Loud sobs come from her chest. Making me feel a little bit of her pain. "You never came to visit. You literally left me alone." She cries out. She has loved me form the start.
"What is wrong with you?" I ask. Not really caring for the answer. "You tried to kill Renee, trying to get to me. Now she wont wake up!" I look her eyes. The brightest shade of blue. She possessed Renee into jumping. It's been her pulling the strings all along. It's been her. It's been Jeriah, trying to kill me.
I get up from my seat, place my drink on the table. I walk over to Jeriah so calmly. Only to end up picking her up and throwing her. My skin starts to burn. My flesh is turning red and chard. My wings, thick burned, nearly black skin, with spikes coming out around the edges. Anger has fully taken over. I reach up to my face. Feeling my high raised bone curvature. My horns stick out of my skull not waiting for anything else, but to be damned and to bring others into my eternal damnation.
Removing my hand from my face I slowly look at Jeriah. She is in fear for her life. I never really thought about it. She missed me? Still that's no excuse to disobey my direct orders.
"Where is she?" I ask. Riah looks at me, she knows that I will not ask again. I dig my claws into her chest and begin to rip her heart out. She wheezes trying to speak.
"When I took her nearly seven years ago, I brought her soul down here. To Hell. She found her moms room. Her mother told her things. She ran from us, when we tried to tell her. She was in a medical induced coma.
"For three years we kept her down here." I take my hand out of her chest and I sit back down. Bloody hand and everything. "Continue. " Is my only command.
"Well sir when we brought her here, like I said she spoke to her mom. Her mother tried to kill her. She told her how she was not from Earth. When she escaped from her mother, she ran. Leading into a panic attack. She passed out. We have kept her in a coma for three years. The following years to come after we woke her up, were for her training. You see, we left her human body on Earth. And we gave her the body of a Queen. We whipped her memories. She doesn't recall anything, and I do mean anything that happened before she woke up." She says calmly, and slowly trying to heal.
"So where is she now?" I ask. "Renee is a Leading Commander in the Inter Galactic Army. She has killed millions in three years. she has indeed become our best warrior. She has become our best weapon. People down here, Demons down here fear her. The Angels who travel through, are fearful of her. Come. Watch and see for yourself what she has done to millions." Jeriah was never one who was good at telling me what I wanted to know, and exactly when I wanted to know.
Instead of pushing her to tell me what I wanted to know, I do as she asks. I follow her into a dark room, that seems to be made into a Video room.
"We record every training that takes place." She clicks on Renee's file. and goes to the first day, right after she woke up.
Renee is beautiful even out of her Earthly body. She looks pale and weak. I wish I could protect her. Jeriah goes through her whole file with me. Only causing me to want her more.
One Week Later: Back with the King & Queen.
"Kluse Baine. May you come up here and tell us what happened?" The trial for their execution is to still take place.
My new friend takes the seat and tells everyone everything that my mother and father Tried to do and what they did to my beloved sister. Sylisa.
The trial goes and it ends. They are sentenced to death in the next 24 hours.
Finally what they did to my sister will not go unnoticed.
My father speaks to me. "Apollion. Save the girl. Dont let your little demon pets steal her. You rule Hell. You Sister would have ruled Earth, just as me and your mother did. I'm so sorry." The guard takes them away. And within the same day, both of the people who took my sister away from me. Got everything that they deserved. And going to Hell, that's just me being kind.
Back on Earth I walk around the hospital. Renee has yet to wake up. I stand there by her bed. Wishing that she would bat these beautiful Hazel eyes at me. I hold her hand. practically begging for her to wake up. Only to have her squeeze my hand, and sit up gulping for air.
Doctors and nurses rush in. I call Klaus and he rushes down here. Renee is frantic. She doesn't recall who and where she is. The doctors try to calm her. But It doesnt work. A strange tall man walks in. He is dressed in black. He smells of Angel and Death. Filthy little hybrid.
He looks at her. She is instantly happy and calm.
"Hello Love. We need to get you out of here so we can get Apollion and we can start our new lives." He says, She grabs his hand and the doctors and nurses leave him be. They all walk out, including myself. She walks put changed and ready to leave. She looks beautiful. Even while wearing, Her favorite dark denim jeans with a burgundy tank top and her black leather jacket and her four inch heels.
Renee and this man walk out of the room, she looks at me, and smiles slightly. Looks at the ground and walks off. Holding the hand of a different man.