The Beginning

Hidden in an uncharted area of the world, rested a land that was inhabited by creatures that one would hear about in fairy-tales. Though humans could still come across this land, it remained un-located on any map. Within, one would find the many different races that were outside of the human kind.

You had the Shifters, which could range from dragon's, wolves, foxes or even tigers or bears. They had two different forms. One that looked human, and their animal form. Each of these beings also held two soul's in one body. The 'Mortal' soul that was the one who controlled the body. Then you had the 'Primal' soul. The two would be able to talk to one another within their thoughts, and could take turns on who had control over the body.

You also had the Magic Users. These beings were any creature that had the ability to use Magic. Fae's or as some would call them, Fairy's. The Wizards and witches. As well as human's who had been granted the ability to use magic through sacrificing something to gain it rather than being born with it. The humans who tended to gain these abilities would then lose themselves to the power and become demons, thus creating a new race amongst the inhabitants of the lands.

Vampires were also there, consisting of those who ate the wild life's blood, and those who fed off of other creatures or humans. This race was seen as the strongest as they were normally more likely to get along with one another than the rest.

The races all argued among one another, each wanting to rule all of the land and hold power over the rest. With the need for power a new threat came, the rogues. They had always been a part of these races, some losing themselves for other reasons, but they caused fear and turmoil throughout the lands.

It wasn't until a young boy who had the blood of an Alpha and the blood of a Demon soon found out that hidden bloodlines from fallen races still roamed the lands. With the blood of the Demon to awaken his bloodline, he woken the Lycanthrope nature in his blood and became a great threat to the lands. In order to keep his family as well as himself safe. The boy took the lead and started a great war before finally taking the seat as the ruler of these lands.

His name was Xander, Xander Hellbringer.

There was one thing that Xander wanted after finding peace for his kind and the rest. He longed for his mate, that has yet to have appeared.