The Sun had just risen in the sky, casting its rays of light upon the forest. Some muffled sounds echoed from the large oak as a dirty head slowly poked out, peering around. Without much of a sound, the small figure slowly worked her way down to the ground, avoiding the weaker branches of the large oak.
After her feet were planted, the small figure crouched low and began to sniff the air around her, eyes darting to all the shadows, waiting to see if anything would jump out at her. When she was sure that she was as alone as one could be in the woods, the young girl slowly made her way to the little pound just on the other side of the trees around her.
Taking her dirty hands, she scooped some water up to drink, washing her face after a few sips and then rinsing her mouth to get rid of the odd taste that you get after waking up. Finishing with that, she made her way to the bush to the side and began to take some of the berries that had just started to grow again, her ears still listening for anything other than her own breathing and the natural nature sounds around her.
Once she was full, the small girl then made her way into the forest for her days worth of foraging. Hopefully this time she'd find something better than just some roots to chew on or a few nuts here and there. After a couple miles of walking, she paused as she peered into the clearing that she'd stumbled across.
This was the farthest she's come out of her safe zone, and she wasn't really sure what would be for her. Keeping her ears honed in on all the sounds around her, she began to sniff the new scents.
It wasn't until a stronger scent hit her nose that she perked up, her eyes shifting to the direction it was coming from. A small smile passed her lips as she slowly made her way to the scent, keeping in mind her surroundings as she grew closer to whatever was causing that wonderful smell. When she came close enough to the source, she paused as she stared at an empty clearing before looking around, the scent was still here, yet she saw nothing.
Making her way into the clearing, she kept herself hidden in the tall grass as she slowly worked her way around until she found what was giving off the scent.
Near the edge of the clearing, there was a pile of clothes that someone had just left, folded neat and tidy as if waiting for their return. Blinking a few times, the young girl began to inspect the clothing as she sniffed them. Whatever the scent was from, was strongest on the huge black hoodie. Pulling it closer, she breathed in the scent before shifting and pulling it onto her own person. The hoodie covered her almost head to toe, her figure barely noticeable inside the oversized cloth.
After adjusting the hoodie so that she was able to walk somewhat normally, the girl looked around again and found a box that had the scent of food. Pressing her lips, she fiddled with the lid until it opened, revealing mouth watering scents to her. She'd never smelt something so tasty before!
Snatching the box and making her way back to her safe haven. The girl let out a low hum, showing her joy at what she'd found. The morning air no longer causes her discomfort at the chilly winds. The smell that was on the hoodie made her feel secure and safe in a way she'd never felt before. Whatever left that scent, was surely something good. But she didn't really know if she'd ever find out what it was.
She was too afraid to find out, even if the scent was lovely, didn't mean that the creature would be as understanding as the scent made it seem.