Dude what are the fucking odds man, how did you know it was me, he looks at me dude you use your game handle for everything so these people said they had a secret weapon to use against me they called it the reaper bro you have no creativity, I sigh but then look up realizing, where's berry, Sam looks at me with distress and tells me, I don't know man the last I talked to him was in game when this all started, I sigh Maby he went to Atlanta like Lacy did I say, Sam tells me, dog Atlanta is overrun with flesh eaters there's no way, yes I know that I say they could have gotten way we need to go now, Sam said dog Atlanta is still at least 200 miles away how are we going to get there, I smirk and take him to the barn, holy shit Sam said it's a Pontiac Firebird convertible 335 horses it's a classic amazing nah dog it's just one of those barn finds like on tv I said, he looks at me and said well what are we waiting for let's go to Atlanta.*windows down blasting lil baby* this is awesome just us and the road ahead man * Sam looks out the window * bro stop the car now! * then I see what he's spotted I stomp on the break we come to a screeching halt* holy fucking shit * we stop in front of a huge hord of walkers* well that is a fucking probably there blocking the road to Atlanta * gets an idea * ok this might be a dumb as shit idea * Sam looks over at me* oh hell no don't you even fucking think about it there's no way in hell this thing makes it through that hord * I look over at him* wanna bet* I press the gas making the engine roar then I put her in drive and we start to plow through the walkers.