Olivia's POV:
Amber, Bianca and I all have different classes. I walk into American literature and see a few empty seats the back, I go and sit in the one that's in the furthest corner next to the window.
I put my head on the desk waiting for the teacher to come in but then hear the seat next to me being scraped on the floor.
I look up and see Mason Jason and Grayson Mason is next to me Jason is in front of me and Grayson is diagonal for me it's like they cornered to me in.
Mason has got a huge smirk plastered on his face. I scowl at him and say, "What do you want?"
"What? No hello for me I thought you were nicer than that" he say with right his hand on his heart and a fake hurt look on his face.
"I only say hello to people I like and for your information, you didn't make the cut," I say to him
Then his stupid friends start to get involved.
"Damn, what's with the attitude," says Grayson
"Yeah we just wanted to be friends and say hi," Jason says
I look at him with disbelief and say " No thanks I would rather jump off a bridge than be friends with any of you. Now if you don't mind, here comes out teacher and I want to learn so if you'll excuse me."
I get up of the seat and go to the opposite side of the room. As I went there, I could feel their eyes burning into my back.
I know 'burning' is a bit dramatic, ok maybe a lot but I started to get hot while they were watching me.
After class
As soon as class ended, I shot up out of my seat and left class hoping not to have another encounter with 'the sons'
I think it is so weird that all of their names and with son it's like fate for them
I see Amber and Bianca standing next to my locker and walk up to them.
"Hey guys, I say once I've reached them.
They both turn to me and say hey back
"So what happened during American literature?" Bianca asked me
Then Amber ask me " yeah any new gossip"
I shake my head and say " not really I just had it with 'the sons'
"The sons?" Bianca asks
"Yeah you know Mason Jason and Grayson. All of their names end
with son so I'm now calling them 'the sons' " I say
"Oh,, "Biancas and then she says ", wait did you just say you had an ann a ve class with Mason
I roll my eyes and shake my head yes
"How did it go, did he try and talk to you, did he-"
"Bianca let her answer the questions one at a time," Amber says cutting her off
" well, it was fine. Him and his stupid friends tried talking to me saying that the only wanted to say hi and be friends with me but I told them I would rather jump off a bridge than be friends with them and left to find another seat"
They both have shocked expressions on their faces.
"Wow you've got ball girl, no one has ever stood up to them like the way you do. Everyone just fears them. Especially Mason" Amber says
"I could never fear them," I say
"We better get going before we're late to our next class," I say
" yeah see you guys later," Bianca said then goes down the hall leaving just Amber and I.
We go toward our science class and walk-in. We see our teacher there with a big smile on her face.
She tells us that she is changing the seating plan and will choose where we sit.
The desks are in pair so I will have to sit next to this person for the rest of the term. She starts reading out the arrangement
" Mathew and Jennifer, Amber and Jason, Olivia and Mason"
Wait what! she did not just say what I think she did. This day just keeps getting better and better. Note the sarcasm.
Why me of all people I mean I know she's doing a boy-girl system put into a lot of girls in the class just why does she had to choose me to sit next to that idiot.
I go sit in the sea that she has signed me to the only good thing about the police put me in that is it's the desk next to Amber's so I can talk to her throughout lessons.
I see Mason come and sit next to me with a smirk.
"Hey," he says. I ignore him hoping that he'll the message that I don't want to speak to him.
"You can't ignore me for the rest of your life you know"
I still ignore him then looked over to Amber to see her giving me a sympathetic look she put her thumbs up and I shake my head no then she puts a thumbs down.
This lesson was very long and very painful especially since I had to be sitting next to Mason. But I did get through it and as soon as it was over I packed up all my equipment and left waiting for Amber outside and going towards Bianca locker knowing she'll ask what happened in this lesson too.
When Amber and I arrived at her locker, we waited a few minutes until she finally arrived
" Hey guys what's the gossip" told you
"Well we had a new seating arrangement in science and I got put on a desk with Mason and Amber is with Jason"
"Well what did he say in this lesson?" she asks me
"Not much because I aired him the whole time. But he did say Hi and that I can't ignore him forever" I tell her
We all go towards the car park to our cars. It is finally the end of school and I can go home eat sleep shower and then repeat.
Read on to find out what happens next!
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