Chapter 7

Olivia's POV

When I got home I ate, showered and went to sleep.

Now it's the next day and I'm getting ready for school

Once I have fully dressed myself, I

Pack all my books and stationery into my bag and I leave my house. I get into my car stop by Starbucks and go towards school.

When I get to school, I see Amber and

Bianca waiting outside their cars. I park inbetweeners them and get out

"Hey," I say to them. They say it back and we all go inside.

When we've reached my locker, I hear the loudness of heels I look toward the entrance Of the school to see Scarlett, Skylar and the 'Queen bee' Stephanie coming in towards my direction.

They all stop in front of me and don't say a word.

I break the awkward silence and ask "can I help you?"

Stephanie speaks up and says "yea actually can "she starts off in a sweet voice with then turns cold and deadly when she says "stay away from Mason, he mine got it?"

I'm in utter shock of what I just heard come out of her mouth

I look around to see that we have gathered everyone's attention.

"First of all he's not yours, secondly I've been trying to stay away from him for 2 years th he last thing I want to do is speak to him you stupid bitch"

"What did you just say to me?" She ask me

"Did I stutter. I called u a bitch, bitch."

With that, I through the remaining of my coffee on her. She then slapped me across the face and started to smile widely. I was pissed. I threw all of my stuff of off me and tackled her to the ground. I punched her, I slapped her I kicked and even pulled out a couple of her cheap extensions. All I knew was that I had to hurt her.

After a few more seconds of me savagely attaching her. I was pulled off of her by a pair of large hands. I was struggling in them trying to get back to hurting Stephanie. I turn around to see Mason holding me in pull out of his grasp

"What's going on here?" a teacher cried out

"It was Olivia. I was talking to her and then she just started attacking me"

"WHAT that's a lie."

"I don't want to hear it detention after school and he gives me a detention slip and walk away"

"Dickhead." I say quiet enough so he doesn't hear

I turn towards Stephanie and see her smirking at me

I lunged at her but was stopped by Mason yet again

"Get off of me" I yell at him

I pick up all my stuff in anger and walk away with Amber and Bianca trying to catch up with me.

I went to all of my lessons and waited for the end of the day. When the school bell rang, nearly everyone had left the school ground yet I was still stuck at school because of Stephanie

When I get to the detention room I put my slip on the desk and go sit at the back in the corner net to the windows

After a few minutes go by I her the chairs near me scrape across the.

God, please don't let it be who I think it is. I put head up to see Grayson, Jason and of course Mason

"Oh for fuck sake." I cry out loud while putting my head back on the desk

"Language." the teacher said while pointing his hand at me

"I thought you would be happy to see us," Jason says

"you are far from right, you are the 4th, 5th and 6th, last people,e, I wanted to see her," I say back to him

"Who are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd?" Grayson asks me

"Stephanie and her little minion."

"Oh right I heard about your fight at the beginning of school. I've got to say you have balls, no one has ever been so brave to actually fight I guess everyone is afraid of her."

"I'm not afraid of anyone, especially Stephanie."

"Trust us when we say oh we know."

"I turn towards Mason to see him staring deeply at me.

"what?" I ask him


"Why are you staring at me?"

"Becausewwants" Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to "

I look forward to see both Jason and Grayson staring at us.

"Can you two finished flirting already?" Jason asks us

I snap at him saying"We weren't flirting dumbass"

He rolls his eyes and looks forward and. Neither of us speak for the rest of the lesson.

When the lesson ended, it was now lunch I went towards the cafeteria bought my lunch. I see Amber and Bianca sitting at a table and go towards them.

I sit down on the table and Bianca is the first to speak up.

"Hey" she begins "how was your lesson?"

I respond by saying " it was fine, it would have been great if Mason wasn't there"

The both of them start giggling.

"Hey Olivia," a deep voice says. I don't even have to look up to know who the voice belongs to

"What do you want Mason?" I ask still avoiding his looking in his direction.

He sits down on the table."Can I please speak to Olivia, alone?" He says looking towards Bianca and Amber

"Um sure. Bianca let's go to the library" Amber and Bianca pick up their bags, place their rubbish in the bin and leave. She said they should go cafeteria but all they did was go hide at another table as if I can't see them. I roll my eyes and look back towards Mason

"What do you want now?"

"To talk about our situation"

"What situation?"

"The one about you leaving me in Hawaii without saying goodbye and what the fuck did you mean on that note"

Fuck I was hoping we would avoid this conversation but I guess luck ain't on my side.

Read on to know what happens next

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