"Well, first of all, you better take that bass out your voice because I'm the one who should be mad," I tell him
He has got a nerve. I would hit him but I'm not trying to be in another fight.
"No I'm the one who should be mad," he says
I chuckle "And why is that exactly"
"I don't know maybe it's because I got dumped by letter", He says in a sarcastic voice "Who does that and what did you see me do exactly"
"I SAW YOU KISSING THAT FAKE ASS BLONDE BITCH IS WHAT I SAW YOU DO" shit I said that so loud everyone started looking at us
"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT" I shouted at them. They all quickly looked away minding their own business.
I turn back to see all the colour drained from Masons face. Literally. He went so pale he looked like he was about to pass out
"I can explain that," he says
"Yeah maybe you could but honestly I don't want to hear it. You made your bed now lie in it." I say with a straight face
I get up and right when I'm starting to walk away I feel a hand on my arm pulling me. I turn to the culprit which of course, is Mason.
"Please let me explain," He says with soft eyes. After a few seconds, I finally give in and sit back at the table.
"You've got 3 minutes. Go"
"Before I say something I just want you to know that I never stopped loving you"
"2 minutes 49 seconds"
"When I was at a party, I got a bit drunk and I know it's a stupid excuse but I honestly promise you nothing happened all we did was kiss"
"Then why did she go back into your house"
"She wanted to have sex but when I realised that, I put a stop to it and sent her away. I give you my word when I tell you that nothing happened" do I believe him? If he was sober enough to send her away he should have been sober enough to not kiss her
"Right now I don't know what to think, but I do need some time to myself to think over everything"
He doesn't say anything he just looks at me.
"I've got to go now" I get up and as I'm about to leave, I hear someone scream my name
"OLIVIA" Oh my fucking God. Why can't I just get up and leave without someone trying to stop me?
I see Stephanie and her minions coming I'm my directions
"What do you want now? Another beating?" I ask her
"Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?"
"Even if you did, I don't do what you tell me to do and I'm pretty sure Mason can do whatever he wants."
Stephanie slaps me across my face. Now I see red. I lunge towards her, tackling her to the ground I punch her, kick her, slap her than her stupid long-ass fake nails rip my whole shirt revealing my tattoos to the whole school. Yet I didn't care.
I give her a few more punches and slaps before picking up my bag and walking away. I see that people had started recording and I'm glad so people know not to mess with me.
"Olivia" I hear Mason call after me but I just walk faster to the changing rooms. Luckily I keep a spare with a t-shirt in my bag every day. I remove my ripped top and put on my new one.
The lunch bell goes and now I'm late to history. I walk out of the changing rooms to see the hallways empty. I feel reluctant to go to class but I firm it.
After a few minutes go by, I'm in front of my history class.
I look down to see my t-shirt is long so I tie a knot at the front of it to make it seem like a crop top and people can now see my diamond belly piercing.
I walk in and all eyes turn to me.
"What are you looking at" they turn towards the teacher and so do I.
"Would you care to explain why your 10 minutes late to my lesson?"
"No," I tell her
"You see it was phrased like a question but it was actually a statement. Why are you late to my lesson?" She says in a bitchy tone.
"My shirt was ripped and I changed it"
"Just go and sit down." I walk to the desk at the back and everyone just stares and whispers to each other
This Is going to be a long lesson.
2 hours later
School has finished and I'm bored so I'm on my way to the club. I stopped at home on the way to shower and get changed into a tight black dress and black stilettos.
When I leave, I take my purse and get into my black Mercedes-Benz. I get to the club 10 minutes later and walk-in. I don't have to wait in line because I own it, I bought it 2 years ago after the problem with Mason. I usually go to them to let off some steam and anger which would be all the time. I've got clubs all over just in case we moved but I never thought we actually would.
As I step into the club I'm hit with pound music, people dancing and drinks being served at the bar. I go straight to the bar and order a lot.
10 minutes later
I have had 5 shots and 3 glasses of passion fruit vodka. But it wasn't enough for me to forget everything
So I ordered 5 more shots and drank them now I'm completely wasted I go and dance until my legs tell me to stop.
I go back to the bar to be greeted by a guy that looks around my age but I can't recognize who he is because my vision has gone blurry.
"Hi," he says to me in a deep voice. And I said that back to him.
And that's all it took for the both of us to be kissing each other. We booked a room in the hotel next door and that is where everything goes blank.
Read on to find out what happens next
Insta: prxncess_naenae
YouTube: MyMovie Edits
Thx for reading