The Anticipation

"Thank you for your advice, though," Mina tried her very best to smile sweetly as possible. "Senior. I will definitely keep what you said in mind." She even grabbed Jeho's hand and held it tightly, "Let's go, sweetie."

Mina made sure that she was not someone whom anyone could just look down on. No one could ever do that to her, and if someone does it, she will definitely make sure to keep them in place.

The two used the elevator with a wide grin on their faces.

When the elevator finally closed, Mina let go of Jeho's hand and pleated the one-piece dress she wore. Her glance went to Jeho, who tapped the basement level one for them to go to where they parked their car. The image she saw from Jeho during his college days definitely disappeared. The nerd with long hair and beard and an overall unkempt image of his literally changed.

She cleared her throat and said, "You went in just in time and helped me humiliate that senior." Continuing in a small voice, she said. "Thanks."

"I could not hear what you said," Jeho took a step forward until Mina's back hit the side of the elevator. Raising his arm at the side of her head, he continued. "But I guess you do not have to thank me for what I did earlier?"

Instead of pushing him and making a big ruckus, Mina just stared back at him. For some reason, she liked the distance between them. He held her waist with her left arm and pulled her closer to his lower body.

"W-what? W-why?" Mina became flustered as she could feel her cheeks burning when she shifted her focus on what was happening beneath her. "What are you doing?"

"I mentioned this before, and I will repeat it," Jeho leaned in and whispered to Mina's ear. "I am the only person who is allowed to torture you in any form." Mina felt how sensual his voice sounded, and it made her feel turned on. "Remember that, Hong Mina. Do not let anyone take advantage of you as I am the only one allowed to do that."

The two exchanged glances. Jeho's stare traveled into Mina's lips. He lessened the gap between their lips, and just when it was only just a few centimeters away, Jeho halted. She was anticipating the kiss when he stopped right on time. Both of them turned their heads to the doors of the elevator.

Mina thought that someone was about to use the elevator, but no one was there. When she looked at the floor they were currently in; she realized that they were already on the 3rd floor. For a moment, she wanted to go out and yell at the person who tried to use the elevator but backed out.

Wait, was she that annoyed that Jeho was unable to continue the kiss?

No, that was impossible.

She was just definitely caught up in the moment and followed what was written in the contract. Yes! Nothing! No personal feelings at all! If he kissed her, then it's okay; if he did not do it for whatever reason, it's okay too!

The doors finally closed, and they wasted several seconds already! If they utilized that time to----


These thoughts are not Mina's, definitely denying the attraction she had with him.

Is it so?

Jeho turned his head again, and his fierce gaze was enough for Mina to melt. It was as if he was aching to do something to her but took a long time that she just wanted to put herself out there and kiss him.

But of course, Mina did not want to and would not admit that she was waiting for his lips pressed against hers. He wanted him to do it because he wanted to, not because she asked for it.

The reason?

Her pride has always been there with her for twenty-three years, and it was what made her a human being. If she was to throw her pride away just because of some guy she met, then it was like her whole identity was thrown away into a garbage can.

It was definitely something she wanted.

This time, Mina definitely anticipated the kiss, but Jeho seemed like he was just enjoying staring at her. What on Earth is this man doing actually?

She could even feel the smell of his breath. It was a combination of mint and orangey smell; his scent was even more distinct than before. He did not smell like cigarettes like her previous boyfriends. She liked how he managed to be the same nerdy man with a reversal charm.

His reversal charm was that she liked how he makes a woman desire him.

Yes, Mina admitted in her thoughts. Kim Jeho was so good at it that she always thought about going crazy. That must have been the reason why she dreamt of him doing foreplays ever since the day she touched her private area with his tongue. The fact that there was a barrier between his tongue and her flower made her go crazy.

These thoughts made Mina feel incredibly turned on. There was no turning back now. There was one thing she could do to hint at him to kiss her finally.

Indeed, it was the simplest thing on Earth.

Her stare went to Jeho's lips as he bit her own and closed her eyes.

That was the most definitive moment that she allowed him to be a man and kiss her. Mina knew that Jeho could understand what she hinted at. Even middle-high school students would be able to decipher it, and knowing him, he would definitely do it.

The atmosphere became quiet. Mina anticipated Jeho's lips to touch on hers.

One second, two seconds, and three seconds already passed by, but nothing happened.

Mina was already looking forward to it, but she was left hanging in the air.

When she opened her eyes, no one was there.

The anticipation Mina felt was replaced with humiliation.