
The atmosphere became quiet. Mina anticipated Jeho's lips to touch on hers.

One second, two seconds, and three seconds already passed by, but nothing happened.

Mina was already looking forward to it, but she was left hanging in the air.

When she opened her eyes, no one was there.

The anticipation Mina felt was replaced with humiliation.

Turning her head towards the elevator, she saw Kim Jeho standing near the elevator. His broad back was the only thing Mina could see. For a moment, she imagined a massive pair of wings popping out of it.

Rubbing her eyes out of shock, Mina found out that she saw things again. She must have felt too exhausted for the past few days practicing her lines for the script reading. Her dreams about Jeho must have been too dark that she realized that it might be time for her to meet up and hang out with friends.

But then, Mina did not have many friends aside from her college friends that she lost contact. She had been so busy chasing her dreams that she forgot to keep a great relationship with her friends. So-called friends.

The elevator doors opened, and Mina could see Jeho looking to her side with a smirk on her face before walking towards the exit. The humiliation she felt turned even bigger that she could feel her face turning bright red.

She balled a fist when she knew she could not take it any longer.

Mina swore to God that it would never happen again. And that she will be the one who will make him feel hanging in the end. He will make him want her more than he ever imagined.

Though for now, the only thing she could do was stomp her feet and follow where that Kim Jeho was going.


Mina observed how Kim Jeho turned the engine of his car and started driving. She always had a romantic thing about men who are excellent drivers. And even though Jeho looked like he was not the type to drive for himself as he would definitely have people to drive for him, it looked like his experience was already that of a good one.

The two of them battled it out for silence. It did not seem like Jeho wanted to talk about something, nor Mina wanted to say something at all. It was just the two of them enjoying the silence.

Of course, Mina was not able to enjoy it. She was only filled with vengeance and thoughts about how she would be able to make Jeho want her and leave him in the air.

The scent of his car seemed like citrus fruit, an apple scent, perhaps?

Mina noticed that they were already nearing SW entertainment and thought they were probably stopping there as the final meeting point, but no, they went past it. Even though Mina did not want to break the silence, she had no choice but to do so.

"What are you doing?" Mina asked.

"Shouldn't be your question be 'where are we going' instead of 'what am I doing?" Jeho retorted back, glancing at her. He did a great job annoying Mina in another way.

Mina paused and thought of a way to reply sarcasm with another sarcasm, "I asked you that because I already knew that I do not have any schedule left, so it is normal for us to go back to the agency, don't you think?"

Jeho became silent, and Mina muttered to herself, "Yes. I finally won against this jerk!"

The happiness Mina felt was equally the same when she found out that she finally landed a lead role but in a different sense. When she landed her first-ever lead role, it was a dream come true. But as for this, she felt like she won an impossible dream.

"You got me," Jeho smiled, and for a moment, Mina felt a sudden thump in her chest. She never expected him to do that, but it was more unexpected that her heart fluttered. "You are definitely an unpredictable woman, Hong Mina."

"I will take that as a compliment," Mina rolled her eyes and never felt so proud of herself. "But I think it is time for you to explain yourself, Kim Jeho." Her tone became serious, and he gazed at Jeho, who was focusing on the road and the traffic signal. "Where are we going?"

She could only see the side of his face, but no one, not even that rude senior actor, Seo Jaehyun, could rival Kim Jeho's side the profile. His jawline had a defined angle, a tall nose, and those luscious lips that she wanted to kiss earlier.

Mina denied her thoughts as she vigorously shook her head. How many times does she have to tell and manipulate herself that she was definitely NOT attracted to that guy?

"Well," The traffic lights turned red, and Jeho pressed the brake. Turning his head towards her direction, Mina thought how majestic he looked. "I think it is time for me to use the contract. You have already landed a lead role, and I, Kim Jeho, made it happen."

Mina held her breath, anticipating the following words that may come out of Jeho's mouth.

"Hong Mina," He continued, breathing heavily, hands on the steering wheel. "Don't you think it's time for you to do something beneficial to me?"

"W-what do you mean?" Mina's chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she anticipated Jeho's following words. "In w-what way can I do something beneficial to you?'"

"What do you think?" He raised his brows altogether as he stared at Mina intently.

It was as if there was something in his stare that wanted her to know about it already just by studying the look of his face.

Well, Mina was an aspiring actress. She studied how to act; of course, she won't know how to read faces. She should have studied physiognomy instead. Did Jeho forget about her major?


"You will know when we get there,"