Jeho's Place

"Hong Mina," He continued, breathing heavily, hands on the steering wheel. "Don't you think it's time for you to do something beneficial to me?"

"W-what do you mean?" Mina's chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she anticipated Jeho's following words. "In w-what way can I do something beneficial to you?'"

"What do you think?" He raised his brows altogether as he stared at Mina intently.

"You will know when we get there,"

For some reason, what Jeho said made Mina anticipate more about the 'place' they were supposed to go to. She did not even ask more and stared at the scenery by her window. The Han River looked nice, and she remembered how she used to visit that place with an ex-boyfriend.

As if Mina's love cells were already dead, she doesn't even feel anything upon seeing couples. She used to be jealous of them when she was younger, but she realized having a partner is nothing if the relationship is toxic and unnecessary for one's growth.

She could already sense that Jeho would probably drive her into a motel and then do the act. Mina was feeling a little bit nervous but nothing too serious as she already knew that they would get to act on it sooner or later.

They already passed by several known cheap or expensive hotels or motels in the area, but Mina was slightly surprised that they did not even go there.

'What is this man thinking?' Mina muttered under her breath. 'I just wanted to get this over with and do it in one go.'

"Where do you think are we going, Hong Mina?" Jeho asked, without glancing at her; his gaze was focused on the road.

"Well, I have no idea, and I am not a mind reader." Mina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, looking at the beautiful scenery. "Stop making me guess, Kim Jeho."

"A little bit feisty, aren't you?" Jeho commented with a laugh. He was already getting immuned with Mina's sharp and sarcastic remarks. That was what she always liked about her; she was not afraid to let her voice be heard.

It was definitely beautiful. The cherry blossoms finally bloomed, and it was as if Mina's heart was filled with romantic vibes just from seeing the petals floating in the air. Happiness is within you. You don't need to be in a relationship to be happy.

Being happy is equal to being contented and grateful always. Practicing these two would definitely help anyone.

Mina did not bother to care about where on Earth they were going. SHe did not give a what about Kim Jeho. It was not even that she believed in him as a person, but she just did not care anymore. What mattered the most for her was how she would have to memorize lines as fast as possible.

The script she received for her drama's first and last episode was already in her possession, and she knew she had to practice her lines again and again and memorize them. Mina remembered the efforts she made just to help herself memorize lines quickly.

Being alone in her room, she would record her voice and listen to it until she could spit out every word from memorizing to singing or speaking the lines along with an even more detailed facial expression.

She would practice in front of a mirror until she found it less natural; practicing her line again and again was definitely hard, but she knew how the public would be critiquing her acting, so she had to be satisfied with her acting first before others view her as an actress.

Jeho continued to drive until it seemed like Mina realized that they were already not in downtown Seoul or the upskirts of the city. She found the car she was on, parked in front of a big mansion. The mansion looked shabby and creepy. It was as if there was a black aura coming out of that mansion.

The mansion looked lonely and did not look like it was inhabited by humans. Aside from the dark atmosphere that the mansion emitted, the road was so big and wide. She could not see another human tending the house, but she managed to claim that she was there not to care at all.

The gate turned opened and Jeho, being the owner, did not have to do any security measures and just went along. Mina's jaw dropped when she saw how Bermuda, the plants, and almost everything was well maintained.

It did not seem like no people were maintaining the overall look of the mansion after all,


It was definitely fascinating for her, but as Jeho parked his car at the side of the mansion. She questioned the real reason why there were there in the first place. Perhaps this place is...?

"Is this your house?" Mina frantically asked Jeho. "What are we doing to your place?"

"You are asking like you do not know, Hong Mina," Jeho scolded her as he furrowed his brows out of annoyance. "Are you actually naive or just pretending to be one?"

Mina shrugged, "I do not know. Maybe I am both?"

They finally got out of the car and went inside the mansion. It was definitely gothic. There was a dominant combination of colored black and white. The accessories even looked pretty and awesome. There were an amazing-looking dining hall and living room almost connected to each other.

To Mina's shock, there was someone sitting in the middle of the living room.

Mina followed Jeho as he approached the seemingly forgotten identity of that person and a moving being. It was a man, wearing an all-black suit with a black cap that suited his outfit. Mina fell in love with the gothic vibe she was receiving.

"Nice to meet you, young woman," The older man spoke, stood up,, and welcomed Mina, to her surprise. The two even hugged, and a blank questioned mark. "Are you the girl who will make the incubus in Jeho wake up? Finally?"

What was he spouting?