Being an Actress Who Got in through Connections (1)

Mina was left hanging inside her room. After that, Kim Jeho kissed her forehead, she was left lying on her bed. She could not even move, for goodness sake! How can she attend her shooting later at one in the afternoon?

How would that Kim Jeho take responsibility for her in her work?

It did not feel real, but Mina seemed like she did not care about him being an incubus. He was definitely a lustful demon with his great stamina and skills when it comes to bed.

Well, she saw Jeho in his dreams with the same appearance--- crimson red eyes and a pair of massive wings. It came to a point where she wondered if she was not dreaming or was no hallucinating at that time.

For some reason, she always felt sexually attracted to him. She could even ignore the fact that there was a handsome-looking guy with crimson red eyes and a massive pair of wings was in front of her. It was weird.

Mina was so sure that she was scared of him, but in one moment, all of it disappeared. It was merely impossible that she was acting on her own at that time. No one would actually want to do things with a demon, much more with an incubus!

Why on Earth did it seem like she was even liking it and voluntarily doing it?

Did she really even care if it was Kim Jeho, or if it was an incubus or the future CEO of her company was the man she was about to do things with?

There was no point in starting a debate inside her head, right?

The first thing she should do is sleep, take a rest, and get ready for her long day.


Mina memorized her lines like an AI robot. She even did a mini simulation in her head about how the set would work. The introductory scenes of the film were not even that complicated; Mina just needed to act like a bullied girl.

She was sitting on the car's passenger seat and was holding a folder file with the script for the whole episode.

"Is that your script for episode one, Miss Hong?" Mina's real manager asked. "Wah, I am so excited for you!"

And no, it was not him.

The real manager was not Kim Jeho. The assigned manager for Mina was a woman in her late twenties. She was probably only a few years older than she was. That bastard always managed to get things his way because of his position in the company.

"Yes," Mina turned her head and stared at her manager. She had her hair tied in a ponytail, has a refreshing cat-eye look, prominent nose, and thin lips. Beautiful, it was just the fact that her skin was not that fair and a little bit shorter side. She could definitely pass for an audition. "Will we be able to arrive before one, manager?"

"Ah, yes!"

And just a flash, Mina arrived at the set. It seemed like the whole production staff could rent or borrow the school in exchange for money and maybe publicity about the school. Whatever they did, it was definitely going to be more worth it than acting in a staged set.

It looked like a typical high school you see in Korea. A big soccer field.

Many people gathered in, and as her manager accompanied her, she finally arrived at a room where they were supposed to shoot the first scene. Mina definitely became even nervous when people glanced in her direction. She took a bow and greeted everyone with a smile, "Hello, everyone!"

Mina approached the PD and greeted him with a nod and a refreshing smile, "Hello, PD-nim."

"Ah yes," The producing director did not even glance at her and was just busy setting up his camera and several flat-screen monitors to monitor their scenes. Even the lighting and makeup artists were already prepared.

"That rookie actress had the guts to arrive at the set on time,"

"I know, right?"

Mina could hear some gossips behind her. They were even just a few meters distance; it can be that they did not even care if Mina could hear them or not.

And what was wrong with arriving on the set on time? That was what she always did as an extra, and she had to wait for several main characters to finish their scenes before she could even film her own.

Lost in the world of awkwardness, Mina just stood right beside the PD and felt awkward. She knew nothing about how to interact with others and was just shy about meeting new strangers.

Being shy is useless; she had to step out of her comfort zone.

The manager informed her that she would just be waiting for her in the car.

How could she leave her artist alone on this battlefield?

"Mina," A familiar voice called her, and when she turned her head, she could see Jaehyun standing right beside him. "Why do you look so out of place?"

As much as Mina wanted to roll her eyes, she managed to stop herself from doing so. It was definitely hard for her. This Seo Jaehyun was so good at cosplaying like a good actor who's great at taking care of his colleagues.

Mina awkwardly smiled at him as she took a step backward. She whispered, "The director's film slate has not been activated and you are already acting now. As expected of you."

Before Jaehyun would reply, the two of them could hear the gossip from the same girls again. They were most probably actresses that are extras for the scene. They would usually act as stand-ins, additional students wearing school uniforms to add the realness of the drama being produced.

"That unknown Hong Mina was even close with a great senior like Seo Jaehyun," The girl one with a squeaky voice remarked. "It was so obvious that she got the role due to connections."

"I know right," The girl who had a croaky voice agreed. Mina fought the urge to turn her head and looked at them in the eye. "How can a rookie actress like her cast as the female lead have the guts to enter the set on time?"

Mina was now getting angry. She literally was about to turn around and pick fights with those jealous bitches who were bitching about how she got the role with her connections. But what irked her the most was them nitpicking about her arriving at the set on time!

What was so wrong with that?

Jaehyun held her wrist before she could even act impulsively. He spoke in a lower voice lowered his head so that he could whisper in her ear. "What are you going to do? Explain to them that you did not get the role through connections when you did?"

As annoyed as she was, she slightly turned her head, and their gazes met. His eyes stared right through her eyes as if he was staring into her soul.

"Just so you know, they are correct," Jaehyun added. "You should not arrive at the set on time."

As she could not believe her ears, Mina just stomped on Jaehyun's feet. Everyone around them stared at both of them.