The Walk Home

So, where do you live?" Mark asked as we stood by the lawn in front of the school.

"Cochran Road. Do you know where it is?"

"Of course I do! I grew up here and I know every nook and cranny in this town."

"hmmm, okay? I guess let's go? haha!"

We started walking towards the direction of my house. "I didn't just grow up here. I was actually born here. You must think I have a pretty boring life, huh? How about you? Tell me your secret or not so secret origin. I want to hear about the adventures of Super Cassie."

I looked at him and grinned. The comic-book references did not escape me. I met another geek I guess. "Well, like I said in class earlier, I'm from New York. Binghamton, to be exact. I went to Lincoln High School. Sorry to disappoint but my life is not really very adventurous."

"Oh yeah, New York. I almost forgot about that", he said rather sheepishly. That's a long way to go, but it's New York so it can't be that boring. What bring's you all the way to sunny California? I can tell you that this place..." he held his arms up high and spun, "...cannot be more exciting than wherever it is you came from."

"New York is a big state, you know, we have suburbs too. It's not all lights and billboards and glamour like what you see on TV. As for why we moved here, it's quite a long and complicated story.

I thought about where I should start. I told him how my dad got sick. How we thought it was only the flu but then he got worse and by the time we took him to the hospital it was too late. He had Valley fever and he within 2 weeks of getting sick. How my mom tried to get a job but since she had not worked for a long time, nobody would hire her. So, as a last resort, her college friend who is a doctor at the Memorial Hospital in town offered her a job and so here we are. Not to mention that most of her family lives around here and can offer her support at this time. My Grammy thinks that this is a safer place for us to grow up in than New York, my sister and I. It was surprising how easily the story came out to a stranger. I mean, Mark still is somewhat a stranger to me because we just met today. There is something about him I cannot quite put my finger on but he makes me feel so at ease and relaxed, as if we had known each other forever.

We were both quiet for a while after I had finished my story. Mark broke the silence as he spoke first. "I don't know what to say. I guess you are having a really tough time dealing with all this right now. If you ever need a friend just give me a holler." He took his phone out and asked for my number and waited for my phone to ring. "Save my number." He said.

I saved his number on my phone. "Thanks. I do need a friend or two. It's not really so bad. I mean, it is tough to move to a place I have never been to before, if you know what I mean. But, moving to a new place thousands of miles away from your home was a bit much for me. Too many adjustments to deal with and I can't even commute to see my friends. Not to mention my wardrobe, not that I'm a fashionista or anything but most of my stuff is suited for New York weather which is mainly cold and wet most of the year. Now I have to get more summer clothes. Does it ever get cold here? I feel like I'm about to melt most of the time." I realized I was ranting and he was just staring at me, visibly amused.

"It can get cold but my cousins from the East coast usually laugh at me when they visit in the winter an I'm all bundled up. So maybe not that cold for you, haha!" His laugh made the mood a bit lighter.

"I'm just happy that this first day of school is over. I have been dreading this for weeks. I'm glad I made some new friends." I smiled at him.

"Like me?" he raised one eyebrow which made him look cuter.

"Yeah, like you. Thank you for being nice to me." I decided that I like it here already. "Well, this is my block. Where do you live?" I realized that I forgot to ask him before I agreed that he walk me home.

"I live in that gray house down the street. It seems that we live by each other."

I frowned and tried to picture the house he was describing. "No way! I thought that house has been abandoned? I thought it was a haunted house. I passed by that house so many times when I take my weekend runs."

"That hurts you know. You don't have to dis my house just coz it's old." He looked disappointed.

I felt bad but his face made me laugh. "Sorry. It's just that I've never seen anyone in it or around it. It honestly did not look inhabited."

"Gotcha! hahaha!" he burst out laughing. "It's not really my house, I was just messing with you. I wanted to see how you'd react." Now it's his turn to laugh at me. "It really is abandoned and we used to go ghost hunting there when I was a kid. A few kids still hang out there at times, especially during halloween."

"That sound like fun!"

"Wanna try it sometime?"

"Sure, why not." We have reached my driveway "So, where do you really live?"

"By Hutchin's Square." he replied.

"Shoot! Really? That's hecka far, you'll have to take the bus. You should have told me." I feel so guilty.

"It's fine. Don't sweat it. I was the one who offered to walk you home remember?

I nodded. "Thank you and be careful on your way home."

"Yes ma'am! See you tomorrow." He said smiling, raising his hand to his eyebrows for a brief salute. Then he turned around and walked away.

It was a good day. I mused as I watched him turn the corner. I think I'm gonna like him. I think I'm gonna like it here. I smiled.