Family Time

Mom wasn't home yet when I got home from school but there was a note in the fridge that told me to start with dinner preparations and that Jason was staying late in school for the basketball tryouts. She said she's gonna pick him up on her way home. I opened the fridge to see what I can make and I guess she has not made a grocery run yet because we don't have any veggies in the fridge nor meat in the freezer. I guess this calls for spaghetti night.

Jason is my little brother and he used to play for the school team back in New York. He's in middle school and I'm glad that he's adjusting to our new life better than I was. He has made new friends in the few weeks of summer that we had been here. They go to the same school and they invited him to join them for the tryouts.

They came in at about a little after six as I was finishing my spaghetti sauce. She gave me a kiss and asked how my first day went.

"It was ok. I think it actually went better than I had expected." I gave her a recap of the day. My classes and teachers, Mark and the couple Raiden and Taylor. She listened without interrupting until I was finished. I love that about her, she is a really good listener among her other qualities that makes her the best mom ever. But my story might have been really interesting because Jason listened to it too without any of his usual smart remarks.

"Seems like you had a very exciting day, Honey." She said as I finished the story. She looked genuinely happy for me. "That Mark kid sounds like a nice young man", She winked at me, "...But that Raiden." She shook her head in disapproval. "I don't know, I don't want to be hasty at judging people, especially the ones I haven't met yet. I think you need to steer clear of him for a while in case he's really seeing that girl. You don't want trouble on your first week in school, do you?"

"I know mom. I did turn him down when he offered to give me a ride home. I don't think messing with Taylor is a good idea, or with anyone for that matter. They are out of my league and I know my place."

"Yeah, in the sink washing dishes." Jason piped in. "Thanks for the yummy dinner Cassie!" He placed his plate in the sink and ran upstairs. We take turns washing dishes and tonight was indeed mine.

"Hey you should do the dishes because I made dinner!" I yelled after him but he did not seem to hear it or he pretended not to hear it.

"Go on up, I'll do the dishes tonight." Mom said.

"Are you sure? I was just kidding."

"I'm sure. Thank you for dinner."

I helped clear the table as she got started with the dishes, then I told her that I'm going upstairs to my room. I couldn't wait to call Therese and tell her about my day! For the past few weeks she was the only one telling me stories because nothing exciting was happening in my life. This is the first time that I am actually calling to tell her something since I moved here.

"I wish you were here Therese, it's not the same just talking on the phone."

"I know, right? but you have to admit video calls makes things a bit easier for both of us. Send me pics!"

We talked for a couple of hours and she was just as excited as I was to hear about the exciting new changes in my life.