A Sprinkle of Fairy Dust

The night air was crisp and cool. It was perfect for a walk with someone who makes you feel warm all over. Yes, that's how I want to describe Raiden, he makes my senses tingle and my insides warm like hot cocoa on a winter night. As we were walking, he took my hand in his and we continued on, watching the leaves fall from the trees. It's dark now and the only light was from the moon and the street lamps but it was still a beautiful sight. I have always loved fall because it amazes me how something can appear dead one moment and so alive again when spring comes. I held out my free arm and tried to catch some falling leaves. I looked at Raiden and he was staring at me as if mesmerized. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me Cassie Jensen," he whispered.

"I feel the same way about you Mr. Patterson. Just please promise me that we'll always be honest with each other from now on." He hugged me tight and said, I love you Cassie, and I will go to the ends of the earth just to make sure that I make you happy. I'm really sorry for what happened and Thank you for believing me." There was something in that hug that I can't quite put a finger on. It felt like distress or anguish mixed with urgency but I'm not sure.

"I love you Raiden and I know that I have to trust you for this to work, for us to work. I want to be with you and to make that happen, I need to give you my full trust. You, telling me the truth was the first step to gaining my trust because I know it's not always easy to be honest."

"You just made me fall in love with you all over again." He leaned over and kissed me for the first time. I did not hear bells ringing but I did get that fuzzy feeling all over. Everything around me disappeared and it was just him in me in that space and in that moment. Time stood still for us as we experienced the magic surround us. I hope that it felt the same way for him as it did for me. I have never been kissed like that, either he's a really good kisser or the stuff in books about magic really exists. "Wow!" He whispered as he pulled back and opened his eyes to look at mine. I guess you can say that the kiss was electric because I got goosebumps and I can feel all the little hairs in my body standing up right now. "Now I'm really sure, you are the one," he said matter of factly. I was at a loss for words but as I bit my lower lip, I can still taste him. My heart is beating so fast that I feel like it's gonna jump out of my chest. I want him to kiss me again but I'm afraid he's gonna take my breath away. So this is what magic and love feels like and I don't want it to end, not for now at least. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest and I let him hold me. It feels good, I feel good, safe and secure in his arms. I guess this what my mom was saying the other day, I feel content and complete.

A few minutes later, he broke our embrace, "There is something else I want to talk to you about Cassie. Can we sit over there on that bench first?��� He sounded serious. I wanted to refuse to hear this because I feel like I've already had too much excitement for today but I wanted him to be honest, right? I followed him to the bench and sat down.

"I need to tell you that you should always trust me. Know that I will always protect you and love you the way you deserve. Taylor is not the kind of girl to easily back down and I'm sure that she will do anything to break us apart. She's a very sore loser. From now on, please tell me everything. I will make an effort to spend as much time as possible with you but when I'm not there, please do watch your back."

"Don't worry, I got this babe. I'm not giving you up easily either. You're mine Mr. Patterson, whether you like it or not."

"I like it very much." He replied and kissed me again. This time deeper and more passionate."

"Go home you kids! What kind of parents do you have, letting you go to the park and do this! Shame on you!" An old lady walking her dog interrupted. We immediately separated and got up while giggling.

"You heard the grandma, I better take you home before I do anything to tarnish your honor, my lady."

We laughed as we walked hand in hand. When we reached my front door, I wish I didn't have to let go. I was glad to be able to get past this hurdle though I know, a lot more will come. "Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams, babe." He gave me a kiss on the forehead. Not what I expected and wanted but it felt nice too.