Making Amends

I don't know how long I was laying on my bed after I had exhasuted myself from crying. I had fallen asleep and was awoken by a soft knock on the door. "Cas? Cassie? May I come in?" It was Michelle. I must have fallen asleep for a few hours. "Come in, my voice raspy." I need to drink some water, I must be dehydrated from crying. Luckily, Michelle knew just what I needed and she brought up a big tumbler of water.

"How are you?" Her eyes filled with concern and pity.

"I'm good, I think." My eyes still feel heavy and swollen from crying.

"Raiden wasn't in school this afternoon either." she reported.

"I know, I didn't see his car as I was going home earlier. He didn't even text me or anything after we talked. I'm so confused, Mitch."

"I can't say I know how you feel but you must be absolutely miserable right now."

"That's part of the problem," I told her about my conversation with Raiden and when I finished she let out a big sigh of exasperation. "I'm mad at what he did, not at him, if you know what I mean. I actually can't tell if I'm more mad than disappointed or the other way around. I'm glad that he told me but I wish he had told me sooner, though his reasoning makes sense too."

"I think we only have two questions to answer at this moment," Michelle interjected, "One, do you believe him?"

"uhh...sort of? I'm not sure. My mind is telling me I should not let this go easily but my heart is telling me to just get over it and embrace everything."

"It's kind of a yes or no question. Close your eyes and picture him," I do as she says, "Take a deep breath and think about your conversation. Think about his eyes, his face and how you're feeling at that moment."

"I believe him." I said. "I know he's telling the truth, but it's the betrayal that pains me."

"Okay, second question, do you love him?"

"Yes, I have grown to love him, there is no question about that."

"I know, but do you love him enough to forgive him?"

I thought long and hard. I can feel Mitch's eyes looking at me in anticipation.

"I think so." I remembered the feeling I had when he broke down. That I wanted to hug him right then and there and tell him it's gonna be ok. "I can forgive him, I just need time to think and sort my feelings out."

"I'm glad. I like Raiden and spending time with him lately makes me think he's worth it. I thought he was a pompous ass before but getting to know him has shown me a sweet and caring side." Mitch confessed. "I think he deserves a second chance because he's hot as hell."

"Mitch!" I scolded.

"Okay, okay, he's a teddy bear too, if that's what you want to hear." We laughed.

"I'm glad you can laugh about it now." She gave me a hug. "It's a big thing, what happened today, but it's not the end of the world."

"I know," I agreed readily. "I just wasn't up for some Netflix drama in my life." Just then, someone rang the doorbell. I can hear a car running in the driveway. Michelle and I looked at each other and she said, Go get your Chace Crawford (She's been saying that Raiden reminds him of Chace/Nate from Gossip girl). I rushed out to see if it is really Raiden but as I was going down the stairs, I heard the car drive away. My heart fell but not for long. When I opened the door, There is a huge teddy bear holding a bouquet of peach roses and a card. 'I think I'm gonna need some help," I yelled to Mitch. I'm just glad Jason's at basketball practice still. I took the flowers first and got them ready for a vase. Hmm...there was a total of 15 flowers. That's a weird number, I wonder why not a dozen. I mentioned this to Michelle who was dragging the oversized bear with much effort, and a second later, she was googling it. Why do I even bother, I thought as I shook my head. She believes that everything has a meaning and I mean every little thing...and just as I had predicted... "OMG! Listen to this," she exclaimed excitedly, "Peach roses signifies feelings of gratitude, appreciation and sincerity and 15 roses means 'I'm sorry, I beg for forgiveness'!" This is totally as sign Cas, If he comes over again tonight, it means it's destiny and that you should forgive him."

"Why would he come over when he didn't even let me see him when he dropped these off?" I brushed her off.

"Open the card, open the card!" She coaxed.

I opened it and in front, it says, "I'm sorry I made you feel like (a poop emoji). I smiled.

"I see that we like it already." Mitch was looking at me smiling too. "Read it aloud pls if you are willing to share."

"My dear sweet Cassie, There are no words to express how I feel right now. If only there is an undo or delete button, I will take this out of our story. We are just beginning our tale and I don't want it to end so soon. I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me so we can rewrite our story towards our own happily ever after. I love you so much and I can't bear to be without you. XOXO, Raiden."

I held the card close to my heart and I knew that instant that I want to be with him still and I'm willing to give us another chance. In movies, when something like this happens, the characters will make a big deal of staying away from each other though it's obvious that it's making them miserable, but I don't want to be miserable.

I took my phone and texted him, "Thank you, I love you too." As soon as I pressed send that little guy in my brain started talking again. I quietly told him to shut up and not to ruin my moment.

"I can't wait!" exclaimed a giggly Mitch.

"For what?"

"For..." Then she started singing, "...Reunited and it feels so good..."

"Cut it out! Haha!"

She then went to hug the bear while still singing. "...we both are so excited 'cause we're reunited hey, hey!"

We both fell on the floor laughing.

"Do you think he'll come over?" I asked remembering what she said earlier.

"We'll see, but I'm about 98% sure he'll come."

"Only 98%?"

"yeah, unless he has car trouble or an emergency. That's the 2% fail I computed haha!"

"Silly!" I threw a throw pillow at her. We are now laying on the rug in the living room as my mom and Jason got home.

"Whoa! That's huge!" Jason exclaimed as he let his stuff go on the floor and pounced on the bear. "I want it Cassie!"

"No way! It's from Raiden." I said, "But you can hug it from time to time, haha!"

"What's the occasion?" My mom asked eyeing the bear and the flowers.

"None." I said trying to act nonchalant. You know how Raiden likes giving me presents. I don't want her to worry needlessly since Michelle and I had resolved it.

"What are you making for dinner?" I asked her trying to change the subject.

"Chicken pot pie. I just have to bake it since I prepared it last night. Then I'm just gonna steam some asparagus on the side."

"Yum! I can't wait to eat, I'm starving! Stay for dinner Mitch, you need to try my mom's pot pie" I said as I preheated the oven. "We'll be in the room! I called out to mom as Michelle and I raced upstairs to my room with the huge teddy bear carried by both of us. I checked my phone but still no text from Raiden. I wonder if he got my message.