Senior Year

The next day was the first day of school and I can't believe that I have been here for a year now. Last year seems like ancient history for me because a lot has happened since. Now, a year later, I have to drag myself to school again. I dread going because I know people will be asking about Raiden. There are a few who might be sensitive to these things but most kids I know won't care as long as they get the 411 on what's going on in someone else's life. I feel that they like it when they hear that someone's life is more miserable than theirs. I told Catherine I will drop by today after school to return the keys. She won't have it, of course but I was insistent. She told me she'll have someone pick me up after school and I can come over. I told her I can take the bus but she'll have none of it. She said that the driver is not doing anything anyway.

When I got down, the smell of pancakes woke me up. I smell coffee too and it smells so good. I'm tempted to try it again, maybe it will take me out of this lethargic state. Raiden still haven't texted since yesterday morning and I wondered if I should text him. I debated for quite a while and decided to just text a good morning message to him. I sent the message but he didn't reply. Maybe it's still too early and he's still sleeping.

When I got to school, still no message from him. I stood there on the very same lawn where I stood a year ago. I will be walking the halls where Raiden first bumped into me and I hope I can steel myself today not to break down in front of all these judgmental kids. I took a deep breath to calm myself down and to psych myself. I can do this! I told myself over and over in my mind. Walking down the halls made me feel like I'm in a TV show. Almost everyone was staring and whispering. I wonder what they're saying. As I was opening my locker, Taylor came by, "Not so smug now, huh, Cassie. It's called Karma." She laughed and left. I can't believe someone as evil as her exists in this world. A girl from my english class, who was standing next to me put her hand in my back and said, "Don't mind her Cassie, we are all praying for you and Raiden. If you ever need anything, I'll be glad to help."

I smiled at her, "Thanks, I appreciate it." I scanned the hall but still no sign of Michelle yet, I continued fixing my locker.

"Hey, are you the new kid?" I was about to reply that he has mistaken me for someone else when I glanced up and saw Mark.

"Not so new..." I replied.

"Can I show you around?" He asked.

"Sure, but what about your girlfriend? I don't she'd be too happy with that." I replied finally finding the opportunity to bring up Heather.

"Eh, I don't think she'll mind." He said curtly.

"Seriously Mark, where's Heather?" I don't know why he's dodging.

"We broke up." He said.

"Oh." I pretended not to know. "I guess you can walk with me then, while I look for Mitch."

"Ouch! I'm being a temporary substitute!" He said clutching his chest.

"Haha! You can hang out with is single ladies." He started dancing like Beyonce which made me laugh even more. It made me realize how much I missed hanging out with him.

"Moving on instantly, both of you, I see!" Heather and her snide self glaring at me and Mark. "Raiden's not even dead yet Cassie? Or did I miss something?"

"Oh, get over yourself Heather. Not everyone is like you. I don't talk to guys because I want to hook up with them."

"Ooh burn." Michelle was just in time. Heather glared more and stormed off. "Finally! Cassie,1; Heather, 0." She said laughing as she took my arm and led me to our first class, Mark followed us shaking his head. I can't wait for the rest of the day to unfold, or the rest of the year, for that matter - if this is a preview of this coming year.

By the last period, I was happy to be proven wrong. I had a pretty good day and I was glad that it went by without another hitch. It seems Taylor and Heather just needed to get it out of their systems because they didn't bother me after this morning. Maybe they just did it out of habit or maybe Viktor, the hot Russian exchange student has something to do with it, just a wild guess, nothing concrete.

I told Mitch that Catherine is sending someone to pick me up to visit Raiden and I asked her if she wanted to go but I think she's decided to jump into the Viktor wagon too and she's gonna ask him out for ice cream. I wished her good luck and I told her I hope she can cut the line because from what I have heard and seen today, all the girls are into him and the line to ask him out would probably be epic. I checked my phone and still nothing from Raiden. I wonder if he's still mad at me.

I was on the steps leading to school's front lawn when Mark caught up with me. "Cas, you want someone to walk home with?" He sounded a bit unsure.

"Oh, I'm not going home. Raiden's mom is having someone pick me up so I can go to their house and visit Raiden."

"Of course, I forgot you had to go there. Well tell him I said hi, or not. Whatever." He looked confused too aside from sounding disappointed.

"Uhh, okay?" I watched him wave at me and go on his way.