Food Thief

Now how do I explain this? She really seemed worried about me

"No, everything is fine here. I just went to the bookstore and didn't notice the time pass"


I had to pull the phone away from my ear because of her sudden outburst

"I was sitting at home worrying about you and you're happily spending your time reading books! Onii-chan, you idiot!"

"Sorry about that, but listen. I have some work to do so I'll be coming home a little late. So don't worry about me, I'll be back home soon"

"Okay, got it"

She still seemed a little grumpy

"But I forgot to say something"


"The thing is that-…Umm…"

Oh No, what did she do now. Whenever she hesitates to say something, it usually means she's done something I won't like. With a strict voice I asked

"Kaede, what did you do?"

"Well, It's just a small teensy weensy problem that-" 

"Spill it"

"It's just that…"

She then rapidly said

"…I got hungry while waiting for you, so I ate your share of fried rice"


Akatsuki-san flinched a little when I suddenly shouted that

The fried rice I was looking forward to was gone! I even gave her a bigger portion then me. That little glutton!

"Hey, Kaede! I was looking forward to eating!-"

She interrupted saying

"Onii-chan, I think the call is breaking up" 

"No! Wait-"

"I'll see you at home"


"Bye, Onii-chan"

*Call ends*

That little!….


It's useless getting angry about it. It's always been like this and it's not going to change by me getting frustrated over it 

I didn't even get to tell her about me seeing mom. I'll just have to tell her when I get home. I wonder how her reaction will be

Akatsuki-san was looking at me silently the whole time I was on the phone 

"Was that from your home?"

"Yeah, they were asking where I was since it's already pretty late. I think we should head back home now. Your parents would also be worrying about you for being outside this late"

She suddenly looked really depressed and disheartened and was holding her hands tightly. She then said in a really sad tone

"I see, then that's enough for today. I'll just take my bag and-"

She reached out to take her bag but I pulled it back

"Ah!….That's my bag"

"Don't worry; I'm not going to steal your precious manga. I'll give it to you when we reach your house"

"Oh, okay. So you'll give it at my house…....…..!"

Her head suddenly shot up