Home Visit

She realised what I was saying and exclaimed

"My house! Why?!" 

"Come one, do I have to explain this too? First your leg is hurt, so you can't carry the books all by yourself"

"I can manage that by mys-"

"Second and foremost point, I won't allow a girl to walk home this late at night all alone. Especially not a girl who has 50000 yen in her purse and is brazenly showing it around"

She patted her purse which was in her pocket and asked

"How did you know that?"

"That's because you casually whipped it in front of everyone, as if it was only 1000 yen. I'm pretty sure half the people in the store saw it"

"But I was so discreet about. How did you even see?"

Discreet? How is that supposed to be discreet? When I first saw that I thought she was trying show off how rich she was, to us commoners who were watching

"You must have gotten a peek because of those eyes you're so proud. I don't think anyone else would have seen it"

Now she's saying it's my fault. Even a half-blind man would have noticed the bundle of money

"Why were you even carrying that much money in the first place? You don't need that much to buy manga"

She then casually said

"What can I do? I just randomly grabbed some money that was lying around. I didn't really have any time to count how much I took because I was in a hurry"


Just how rich is this girl? Is she really a princess of a country?

"I was going to use my 'black card' but I couldn't find it. I think I lost it somewhere"

I put my hand on top of her shoulder and said

"You! Be quiet! If you talk anymore, I'm really going to feel like a poor peasant in front of you"

She just said she had a 'black card' .You know, those credit cards you see in movies that only rich elite people have

She even casually said she lost the card which could potentially have millions of yen in it. Any more rich talk and think I'll lose some confidence about my living situation

I took my hand off her shoulder and said

"Sorry about that, now let's get going"

She looked reluctant and said

"Isn't your family waiting for you? I can go by myself"

"I already told them I'll be late so it's no problem"

"But you told you have some work to finish. You don't have to waste your time on me"

When I heard what she said I reached my hand towards her head and flicked her on the forehead

"Ow! What was that-"

"That's your punishment for making decisions for me again"


"When did I say I'm wasting time one you? Talking to you about manga was so much fun for me. Actually just spending time with you this past hour has already been a really enjoyable time. Or is that you don't like being with me"

She waved both hands in front of me as if she was denying something and said

"Of course not! Talking with you was fun for me too. I've never met anyone else who I've had this much fun talking too"

"Then that makes two of us. I like spending time with you and you like spending with me. So don't worry about that useless stuff"

"But you said you have some work to do"

"That's just an excuse to take you home" 

There's no way Kaede would believe me if I said I'm taking a girl home


She looked hesitant to take me along. I'll try to lure her in

"We can talk about anime as we go..."

Her eyebrows flinched. Looks like she took the bait

She stood up straight and pridefully put her hand on her chest and told

"Well, since your begging you want to spend more time with me, I guess I can allow you to follow me and be my luggage boy"

She did a complete 360 and was acting all haughty

"Now follow me luggage boy"

*Sigh* I really can't keep up with her

She started walking towards the neighbourhood and I picked up the bags and followed her