Chapter 12: The Football Game (Go Winter Fighters!)

Today's the day of the football game (American football). All of the students were sent home early, so they could come back at 7pm and the players would practice or rest until the game.

The players, or the 'Winter Fighters' (as they're called), have been practicing for months! They're only goal is to bring home the bacon. The girls were excited for the game, especially Jessica of course. Jessica's boyfriend, Jack Peter Neilson a.k.a Jack, is the football captain. Jessica has been supporting since day one.

Jessica and Jack are everyone's power couple. Together, they're called "J-squared". They're the most popular couple. Even though they're slightly annoying, they're still adored. They've been together since sophomore year (a/n: or year 11 if you're from the U.K. or year 10 if you're from Australia).

Right now, everyone was either outside the school waiting for their friends, or putting stuff back in their lockers, or already catching the early ride back home, because they're too lazy to wait for their friends or put back some things in their lockers.

"Omg, Jess!" A squealing Tiffany yelled as she came running through the sea of students just to get to her friend.

"Yeah?" Jessica looked at her best friend as she finished fixing her stuff and grabbed her Louis Vuitton handbag. Among Erica, Rachelle, and Jeremy, she's closest to Tiffany.

"I am so excited for the game! Well, I have to go and wear my football game outfit...only this time I'll wear a skirt 'cause I'm going with Cal." Tiffany winked.

Jessica laughed and said,"Really now? Are you going to the after party if we win? Which of course, we will. Just as long as Jack's the captain."

"Duh! Of course I am! Wish Jacky Wacky a good luck for me. Cal is waiting for me outside with his car. Also, call him Cal. He doesn't fancy when people call him 'Callum' because his parents call him that." Tiffany smiled.

"First of all, Jacky Wacky?" Jessica laughed at the nickname Tiffany gave to her boyfriend, "Sure! I'll tell him you said good luck. And thanks for telling me, to be honest 'Callum' is a pretty tiring to say." She added.

"Super! Now, I really really really have to go! I'll absolutely go to the party and I'm obviously gonna dress my best! TTFN, bestie!" And with that Tiffany ran towards the school doors and ran to the school parking lot to meet her boyfriend. Jessica's currently at Jack's house to decorate and stack red solo cups on the kitchen counter.

"Bae?" Jack called as he descended from the stairs.

"In the kitchen!" Jessica shouted; in case he didn't hear her.

"Hey, are you excited?" Jack asked whilst getting a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Of course I am! You're going to win, I just know it! Oh and by the way, Tiff told me to tell you good luck." Jessica laughed as soon as she said that because of the nickname Tiffany gave Jack.

"Oh. I'll text her right now and say thank you." Jack replied and whipped out his phone from his right pocket and sent a quick text to Tiffany.

"Are you nervous?" Jessica asked.

"Nope. Not one bit. You know why?" Jack asked as he walked up to Jessica and wrapped his arms around her.

"Why?" Jessica smiled at the contact.

"Because I know that you're in the crowd. And even if we don't win, i still have you, that's the most amazing thing I've ever had." Jack said sincerely. He isn't really the type to be all mushy. He's only like this when only him and Jessica are around.

"That's so sweet, bae." Jessica smiled and turned around to give Jack a quick peck on the lips.

It was the time of the game to start. The girls got pretty decent seats -cough- thanks to J-squared -cough-. Surprisingly, Jeremy went to the game. Jeremy wasn't a big fan of sports, and it was a wonderful surprise that Jeremy went with the girls and the guys. Of course, he had to hitch a ride with Rachelle seeing as they live near each other. Rachelle and Devon didn't seem to mind, but of course being a third wheel sucked. If he hitched a ride, it means he's also coming to the after party whether he liked it or not.

The girls were supposed to cheer tonight except for Jessica and Tiffany. Jessica would -of course- cheer tonight, because it was her boyfriend's game and she's the cheer leading captain. Tiffany's the co-captain. She didn't really plan on cheering tonight, because she wanted to hang out with the girls, Jeremy, and her boyfriend. But the cheer leading coach had other plans. It was a good thing that she was wearing a skirt and a slightly decent top with the colors blue and white, their school colors.

The game was getting very intense. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Of course, they were still playing until one incident happened.

Jack was running with the ball in his hands and a guy from the other team made him trip on purpose which caused him to injure his leg. It wasn't bad, it's just sprained. At that moment, everyone gasped. Jessica was about to run to him, but she was stopped by Tiffany as she saw Jack trying to stand up. The game must go on, sprained or not.

Everything happened in slow motion. Jack stood up with the ball still in his hand, and ran towards the upright and threw the ball over the upright. (a/n: I am so sorry if I got anything wrong. I researched about this whilst typing this part.)

It all happened in a blur. One moment Jack was injured, and now he's as good as new. He can't really walk that fast, but he's doing well. And as promised, everyone was invited to Jack's house for the after party. Before leaving, the girls and the guys stayed behind with Jack and Jessica to help them in case they need it.

"Omg! Jack are you okay?" Erica asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just a sprain, Erica." Jack offered a small smile.

"That's good. Congrats on the game, though! You guys did great." Rachelle said.

The rest just nodded in agreement. Tiffany wasn't able to say anything due to the cold evening air and her outfit and her endless cheering that caused her to have a hoarse voice.

Cal noticed this and gave his jacket to Tiffany. Tiffany looked up at Cal when the jacket was placed on her shoulders and she mumbled a 'thank you' while Cal just smiled.

Everyone went to their cars separately. J-squared were in one car -Jessica's driving-. Rachelle, Devon and Jeremy were in Devon's car. Tiffany and Cal were in their car with Erica and Marius at the back; the four of them together. Marius didn't have his car, because it needed fixing, and Erica's car didn't have gas and she's too lazy to even bother.