Chapter 13: The After Party

They arrived at Jack's house and everyone was already there. Jeremy was very excited. It was his first time attending a party. He's usually just at home, studying. But tonight, he wanted to change things up a bit. After all, it was his senior year. So, he went to the game and went to the party. Tonight, Jeremy is a free lad.

The party was in full swing. Beer pong in the corner, spin the bottle in the living room, people in the swimming pool, people taking shots on the minibar, truth or dare in the backyard, and there are even some people making out here and there. You know, the usual.

As soon as they entered, the nine of them saw the scenery in front of them and Tiffany said, "Shit's about to go down." Needless to say, all of them were ready to party. In a matter of seconds, the nine of them scattered.

Jeremy saw some of the people he knew from English club who were nice and welcoming. He immediately ran up to them as he saw them going outside to the pool area. The group eventually saw Jeremy and they all gave him a high five and a fist bump. They knew it was in fact his first party, and they wanted him to make the most of it and enjoy. Of course, since it was Jeremy's first party, he decided to wear some decent party clothes. He wore a grey sweater, maroon pants, and dark blue sneakers with white shoelaces.

The others blended through the crowd. The music echoed through the whole house as it played the latest party music and everyone was dancing. The house was really big and spacious.

Rachelle and Devon were busy being sweet and stuff. Rachelle was slightly drunk, and Devon was being a gentleman. He was laughing every now and then with his slightly drunk girlfriend. He wasn't able to contain himself, because he was basically kissing the life out of Rachelle. He realized what he was doing as he slowly pulled away and said, "I'm sorry." He looked down guiltily and Rachelle was sobering up a little bit and said, "It's okay, boo."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is." And with that Rachelle kissed Devon to shut him up.

Erica and Marius were at the swimming pool. They felt like swimming for a while. Nothing was really happening aside from swimming.

Jessica and Jack weren't actually doing anything. They couldn't dance, because Jack was injured. Instead, Jessica was treating his sprained ankle.

Tiffany and Cal were just "chilling" on the couch... if you know what I mean.

Jeremy was having the time of his life and it was his first time drinking.

It was a great party.