Chapter 14: Student Council Elections

Today was a busy day at school. Everyone was preparing for the student council elections. People were helping their friends with their campaign, students who were running for a position were busy hanging campaign posters, teachers were arranging stuff at the gymnasium for the ballot box, and so much more was happening.

It was lunch time, and the girls were sitting at their usual table with the pretty pink 'reserved' sign on each chair. The girls were wearing red outfits seeing as this is a "serious" thing, because Jeremy was running for student council president, and they wanted to support him by wearing something decent.

Tiffany was wearing a red off-shoulder dress that went an inch above her knees. It had long sleeves and it was very vibrant. She paired it with cute red heels that had a velvet texture with a red ribbon on it.

Jessica was wearing a dark red dress. It had long sleeves and it went until her thighs. Her heels had the same shade as her dress. Erica was wearing a simple dress that was very bright red. It looked almost red orange. It had very short sleeves and it had a plunging neckline. She was also wearing red heels.

Rachelle was wearing a short, sleeveless, red dress that had a boat neckline. She was wearing heels that looked like ankle boots. It had a few little gold chains hanging by the side for design. Jeremy was wearing the color red too. As he agreed with the girls, if the student council elections come, the 5 of them would wear the color red.

So that's what he did. He wore a plain white long sleeved polo shirt with a dark blue necktie. In lieu of a blazer, he wore a red v-neck cardigan and denim jeans that were slim cut. To top it all off, he wore a pair of red shoes.

To say that Jeremy is nervous was an understatement. He was BEYOND nervous. He didn't know what to say even though he wrote down everything he had to say and memorized it. Yet, he still wasn't sure about the things he was going to say. After all, he just wanted people to appreciate him, and he wanted people to appreciate what he wanted to do for Winterfolds High.

Everyone gathered in the gymnasium where the candidates would say a speech. Jeremy and the other candidates were sitting on the left side of the gym, while the other students were sitting at the bleachers.

"I'm, like, so nervous for him." Tiffany muttered under her breath as she and the girls sat down.

"Same here." Erica huffed nervously.

"Pfft, he'll be fine." Jessica said as she crossed her legs. Rachelle agreed.

There were only four candidates. It was now time for the candidates to say their speech. A girl named Katie went first. Katie was a sweet girl, and well... she's just sweet. "Winterfolds High! Woo! Go Winter Fighters!" She said, full of energy. "My name is Katie Adrianna Lewis, the cousin of the famous Callum Edward Lewis and I am running for student council president. If I win, I will make sure that meatloaves wouldn't be served in the school cafeteria forever! So make sure to vote for me!" The girl, Katie, finished as the crowd cheered for her because the thought of "no meatloaf" would make their lives a little better. The girls didn't clap, though. Their loyalty lies on Jeremy.

"Baby?" Tiffany looked at Cal.

"Yeah?" Cal answered.

"You didn't tell me that you had a cousin here, and that she's running for student council president..." Tiffany trailed off.

"Oh. Well, I didn't know that she was running for that position either. Besides, she won't win. I'm voting for Jeremy all the way." Cal smiled.

"Good, because if you don't vote for him, you'll be dead to me." Tiffany threatened, "Oh and baby, I hate your cousin already." she added. Cal just chuckled and put his arm around her.

The next candidate was a boy named Harry. He was on the football team. He's a jock and no one really knew the reason why he decided to run for student council president, but they're going to find out today. "Sup Winter FightersA It's Harry Watson or H-dizzle for short. If I win, there would be no classes for the whole school year! Oh and shout out to my favorite girls on the planet: Rachelle, Jessica, Erica, and Tiffany! If you four are listening, give me a call, will ya? Vote for me. Peace out you freaks!" And with that, he went back to his seat next to the other candidates. The girls' eyes went wide eyed.

"What a fuckboy." Cal muttered under his breath as his grip tightened around Tiffany's waist.

"Who does he think he is?!" Devon whispered to a fuming Jack.

"I don't know, but he is dead to me, man." Jack said as he shook his head.

Marius was just shaking his head at Cal as he and Cal kept exchanging glances. Marius just smiled at Erica as he knows that whoever flirts with his girl wouldn't stand a chance, because no matter what happens Erica would always come to him.

After Harry, a student named Louise was next. She and Katie were good friends. They agreed that whoever wins, they would still be friends no matter what. As soon as Louise stepped in front of the mic, only Katie clapped for her.

"Hello everyone! My name is Louise Anderson, and I'll be running for student council president. If I win, I promise to remove the English club, because nobody understands whatever the say. After all, nobody gives a damn about whatever Shakespeare has written. He's dead anyway." Louise shrugged.

As soon as she said that, Jeremy and the English club members were beyond pissed. A boy from the English club named Liam stood up and shouted, "You can't do that! And William Shakespeare is the best!"

Louise rolled her eyes, and said "Oh, look! It's a member of one of those Shakespeare geeks. I don't want Shakespeare allergies. So if you don't want Shakespeare allergies too, might as well vote for me to be safe. Thank you!" Louise sickly grinned and sat down on her seat next to Katie who hugged her.

"That was a low blow." Rachelle said angrily to Erica.

"Why?" Erica asked.

"Jeremy's favorite club is the English Club, and hearing her say that just made my heart break. Imagine Jeremy without the English Club. That club's the reason why he has other friends. And they're really nice too." Rachelle replied shaking her head, as Erica pouted at the thought.

The last one is Jeremy. The girls and the guys stood up and clapped for Jeremy. They really wanted him to win. It's always been his dream to run for student council president, and now that it's happening, he wants everything to go right.

"Um...h-hello.." Jeremy started. Majority of the students yelled 'boo!'

Jeremy didn't seem to mind them as he continued, "My name is Jeremy Xanders, and I'll be running for student council president. If I win, I would start an anti-bullying campaign. Bullying is a serious matter. People get hurt, or worse, they commit suicide. Let's stop bullying. Let's be kind to one another. I would also start a fund-raising event for our arts program. Future actors and actresses, artists, and musicians should have the right to express and show us what they can do. This program would benefit the students who have what it takes to play an instrument or act or sing or even paint. If you vote for me, I promise to do my best and to serve you all for the rest of the school year. And with that being said, here's a quote from William Shakespeare: 'Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.' I hope you all would be inspired by this. Thank you. Again, I'm Jeremy Xanders running for student council president."

Tiffany, Rachelle, Erica, Jessica, Cal, Devon, Marius, Jack and every member of the English club were the only ones who clapped for Jeremy. But Jeremy didn't care as he gave them his biggest smile before retreating back to his seat.

It was now time for voting. Everyone was going in and out of the booth where the ballot box was. Jeremy bit his nails as he saw Erica walk out of the booth with a smile on her face.

Erica chuckled at his nervous friend, "Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy. Don't worry. I voted for you! I liked your speech about the arts thing. I always wanted to act and sing like my mom!"

"Haha! You're my inspiration for that idea actually." Jeremy admitted.

"Really?!" Erica gasped.

"Really." Jeremy nodded.

The girls, their boyfriends, and Jeremy were huddled near the booth. Devon looked around and saw a guy passed by in front of him. "Hey!" Devon called out. The guy looked scared shitless, "Y-yeah?"

"Who are you gonna vote for?" Devon asked as he crossed his arms.

"I was thinking of voting for K-Katie Lewis." The poor guy answered.

"You're not voting then. I won't let you...unless..." Devon smirked.

"Unless what?" The guy asked curiously. "Unless you vote for my pal, Jeremy Xanders. Vote for Katie or any of the other candidates, you're a dead man. But if you vote for Jeremy," Devon pointed at Jeremy as the guy followed his gaze. Jeremy was laughing about a joke Cal had said, "If you vote for him you'll be alive." Devon finished.

Marius heard what Devon said and asked the guy, "So, we'll give you two choices. Vote for Jeremy and live or vote for Jeremy and live. Take your pick, mate."

The guy gulped, scared for his life, "I'll vote for Jeremy and live."

Marius and Devon looked at each other and smiled. "Okay. Carry on." Devon said as the guy walked towards the booth.