Chapter 19: Birthday Surprise Plan?

"Girls!!" Tiffany ran towards their table and squealed.

"What?" Erica asked.

"Is Rachelle here?" Tiffany looked around.

"Nope. She's sick. So it's just you, me, Erica, and Jeremy today." Jessica answered her question.

"Good." Tiffany simply said as she took her seat.

"What's good about that?" Jeremy asked.

"It's good, because we get to plan her birthday!" Tiffany exclaimed whilst bringing out a think scrapbook with ideas. Like Monica's scrapbook from Friends when she planned her wedding with Chandler.

"That's not fair! You didn't plan MY birthday!" Jessica crossed her arms.

"To be fair, you already planned ahead of time." Jeremy said before taking a bite of his chicken sandwich.

"That's true. Anyway, what have you got?" Erica said quickly to avoid Jessica's drama.

"I have a scrapbook of parties and shit. There's a page for themes, giveaways, invitations, food, and decorations!" Tiffany showed them the scrapbook, and sure enough, there were pages for all that.

"We don't have enough time. Plus, all four of us would be broke after that." Jessica shrieked.

"Of course not silly!" Tiffany laughed. "Who said all four of us would pay?" she added.

"What? Then, who'll pay?" Jeremy said with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Devon James Simpson." Tiffany said.

"Are you crazy?!" Jeremy asked.

"Crazily excited for my dad's shopping centre in France? Hell yeah I am!" Tiffany clapped her hands at the thought of her father's huge shopping centre that's almost finished.

"What he means is, does Devon know about this?!" Jessica hollered.

"Nope." Tiffany dismissed.

"Who will tell him?" Erica inquired.

"Um, I don't know. Perhaps, Jessica could ask him." Tiffany said as she pulled out her phone to text someone.

"Why me?! Why don't YOU do it?" Jessica shouted, that earned looks from everyone. But she was too annoyed to give a damn.

"I can't." Tiffany said looking up from her phone.

"Why the fuck not?" Jessica asked harshly.

"" Tiffany looked around to avoid Jessica's gaze.

"Well?" Jessica crossed her arms.

Tiffany instantly thought of a reason, "I can't because I'm planning the party!" Tiffany mentally patted herself on the back and smiled at Jessica.

"Fine." Jessica huffed. A few minutes later, the boys arrived.

"Baby, I got the food you asked me to get." Cal said as he sat down next to Tiffany, giving her the food.

"Aww, thanks baby. You're so sweet." Tiffany shrieked and started eating her food whilst Cal looked at her with a smile on his face.

"So, Devon. Rach's birthday is coming up. What's your plan?" Jessica asked casually.

"I thought Tiffany was planning it?" Devon said with a perplexed look on his face.

"That's right!" Tiffany said with a sing-song voice before taking another bite of her food.

"Told ya." Devon said to Jessica.

"What about you? What're you gonna do?" Jessica asked again.

"I don't know. I guess I'll just buy something." Devon shrugged before checking his phone.

Tiffany and Jessica looked at each other. Tiffany nodded towards Devon and signaled Jessica to tell him.

"Um, Dev? You'd do anything to make Rach happy, right?" Jessica asked with a hint of nervousness.

"Of course I do. Why?" Devon replied not looking up from his phone.

"I know what you can do for her birthday..." Jessica said calmly and looked at Tiffany with a smile on her face. Tiffany beamed and gave her a thumbs up.

"What?" Devon asked and finally looked up from his phone.

"You can fund for Rachelle's party!!" Jessica cried out.

"Huh? By fund, you mean-" Before Devon could even finish his sentence, he got interrupted by Jessica who said, "Yes! You get to pay anything and everything that is needed for Rachelle's party!"

"And why would I do that?" Devon asked as he crossed his arms.

"Um..." Jessica looked at Tiffany for help.

Tiffany thought of a quick answer and said, "Because you love her. If you love her, you'd do anything for her."

"She's right." Cal agreed with a smile and looked at Tiffany lovingly.

"Dude." Marius spoke for the first time since they sat down. Marius just closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're whipped." Jack finished for Marius.

Marius looked up at Jack and looked at everyone and yelled, "YES!!!"

"Say all you want I don't care." Cal looked at them and shrugged the comments off.

"Anyway, you're paying everything, Dev." Erica summed up.

"Haha sucks to be you, man." Jack laughed as he pat Devon's back.

"Want me to re-do my birthday and pay for everything? My parents spent like a gazillion dollars for it." Jessica said as he looked at Jack who immediately shut up.

"Nah. I love you, bae." Jack smiled.

"HAHAHA!!!" Cal laughed.

"What's so funny?" Marius asked.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's whipped! Hahahaha!" Cal laughed yet again.

Everyone laughed at what Cal said and looked at Jack who's face is red from embarrassment. The eight of them went to Starbucks and talked about the party.

"We should have a place first." Jeremy said as he took a sip from his drink.

"I think we should have it at the club. We should rent it out." Marius suggested.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Are you paying?" Devon screeched.

"It was just a suggestion." Marius mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"I know!" Jeremy cheered.

"What now, Mr. Know-It-All?" Erica crossed her arms.

"We'll take Marius' idea." Jeremy said.

WHAT?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" Devon screamed.

"Wait let me finish." Jeremy said, "We could split the money for the club. But the rest will be paid by Devon. Sound good?" he added.

"Absobloodylootely!" Devon cried.

"Fair enough. I mean, that's all we're going to contribute." Tiffany shrugged as all of them commenced planning.