Chapter 18: Jessica's Birthday

Today was Jessica's special day. It was her 19th birthday today, and she wants everything to look perfect. Since Jessica's mom is a model, she wants everything to be model related. So, her theme is a cosmetics and make up theme party. And because there's a theme, everyone was required to wear purple; Jessica's favorite color.

The party will be held at Jessica's house of course. After all, their house is huge. Everyone at school was invited. Although, there's an agreement. The agreement is that the boys wouldn't come to her house from 12 noon until 7pm because that's preparation time.

All the girls would have a free makeover done by professionals. They would be doing nail art, different hairstyles, and make up. They have to dress their best to match everything that's going to be done. The party was very well put together. The girls would go home with little purple bags. Each bag contains make up (Yes. make up. From the concealer to the contour shit. The complete thing) and one nail polish.

It was a peaceful 9am, when Jessica heard the doorbell. Jessica waited for someone to open the door, but no one did. She went to the door -slightly annoyed- and when she opened the door, she saw all her friends and boyfriend.

"Happy birthday Jess!" The whole squad shouted.

"Wow. All of you, are like, super early. The other girls don't arrive in like 3 hours." Jessica said rubbing her tired eyes as she just woke up.

"We know that. We're just excited!" Tiffany giggled.

"Yeah. Plus, we can help you get ready!" Rachelle clapped.

"In fact, we can all get ready here! All of us, are like, still wearing our pajamas." Erica added.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up. Get ready here?" Jessica asked.

"Yup! I mean us girls already have our clothes with us in these suitcases." Erica nodded with a huge grin on her face and pointed to her, Rachelle, and Tiffany's suitcases.

"Okay. But the boys have to go." Jessica said and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed.

"But why?!" Jeremy asked.

"Well, duh. You're boys. Plus, the boys aren't allowed here until 7pm. You guys should have guy time. You know what? Whilst you're at it, why don't you shop and look for clothes? You guys have all the time you need. Us girls have everything anyway." Rachelle replied.

"That's fine with me." Jeremy shrugged.

"But bae-" Jack whined, but it was cut short.

"Nope. No buts." Jessica shook her head at her whiny boyfriend.

"Fine. I guess we could shop." Jack said.

"But it's so earlyyyyy! I wanna sleep. The mall opens at 10." Cal whimpered, and yawned afterwards.

"I agree with Cal." Devon said, whilst Marius nodded.

"Look, guys," Cal started, "why don't we all chill at my place, and then go to the mall at like 12 or 1 or something? And by 'chill' I mean, sleep to kill time. I'm tired as fuck." Cal said as he closed his eyes.

"That sounds great." Devon cheered at the mention of 'sleep'.

"Yeah. After all, I don't have anything to wear..." Jeremy trailed off.

"Oh my god..." Jack said like a girl. Everyone looked at him weirdly, but the boys immediately caught on on what was happening.

"Jer, you don't have any clothes?" Cal said copying Tiffany as he looked at Jeremy with worry written all over his face as fanned his face.

The rest laughed. "Omg guys do you know what this means?!" Devon asked all of them as copied Rachelle.

"What?" Marius asked; dumbfounded like how Erica always is.

"SHOPPING!!" Devon, Cal, and Jack shouted like that part from White Chicks.

They all laughed and the girls rolled their eyes playfully with a small smile on their faces.

"But seriously, guys, I'm still sleepy as fuck." Cal said seriously as he broke the laughing mood.

"Oh okay. We thought you were kidding." Devon coughed.

"Nope." Cal shook his head.

"Okay then." Jeremy said, "Let's go!" He added. With that, the boys left leaving the girls behind. The girls decided to kill some time since it was just 9:30 in the morning. They watched some tv and went on their social media accounts afterwards.

It was now time for dressing up. The girls removed their dresses from their suitcases.

"I'm excited for the dresses you girls bought for this day!" Jessica clapped her hands as she sat on her bed to have a good view of her standing friends.

"Here's what I got and I got these shoes too!" Tiffany exclaimed. She showed them a dress that went until her thighs and sparkly purple heels.

"That looks wonderful!" Jessica said.

"Yeah! Your shoes are so sparkly! I like it!" Erica said.

"Okay. My turn!" Rachelle said as she showed them her clothes and shoes.

"It's simple, yet elegant." Tiffany commented.

The rest just nodded. "Okay, Erica. Show us."

Erica nodded and showed them her dress and shoes.

"That's so cute!" Rachelle squealed.

"It is! Let's get ready! But what about your dress Jessica?" Tiffany asked.

"I'll show you later after you girls dress up." Jessica smiled.

"Okay." Erica shrugged.

After the 3 girls dressed up, they waited for Jessica to come out of the large walk-in closet. The doors finally opened and revealed Jessica.

"Jess, you look amazing!" Rachelle shouted.

"I know right!" Erica agreed.

"I don't know. I mean you look gorgeous, but your dress looks kinda slutty." Tiffany said.

"Hey, aren't we all?" Jessica smirked.

"That's true." Erica nodded, and Rachelle just chuckled.

"I guess.." Tiffany laughed. The professionals arrived an hour early to fix their hair and put make up on the four of them.

"Omg! We all look amazing! Let's all take a selfie!" Tiffany squealed.

All four of them posed for the camera, whilst Tiffany took a quick group selfie. Tiffany immediately posted it on all her social media with the caption:

"@TiffanyMarg: Hbd @JessPenn! Birthday celebration w/ the girls! See you there if you're coming! :) "