Chapter 17: Halloween Party

Erica was still slightly pissed at Jeremy for snapping at her like that. Jeremy had been avoiding the girls as much as possible. In fact, he started hanging out with a new crowd. He now hangs out with the people from his English club.

Tonight was the Halloween party and everyone was so excited. Since everyone was allowed to bring 3 guests, the field was full of people.

The day before the party, the girls told Cal to give Jeremy his costume. After all, they did buy it for him. They still had respect and they've been friends for a long time. They'll eventually be friends again despite everything that happened.

It was now 7:00 pm and the party was about to start. Jeremy was walking all around different booths to check if everything was alright. Jeremy wore the costume given to him for two reasons. One reason is that it was given to him by the girls and he has to wear it, because it was from them whether he has a costume or not he has to wear it. And the second reason is that he has no costume due to preparing everything for this party.

On the other hand, the girls were late. The girls arrived at around 7:50 pm. Their boyfriends got there earlier which means the girls drove themselves to the party, and they only used one car. They dressed up, and did their hair and make up at Tiffany's house seeing as it's the nearest to the school amongst the four of their houses.

By now, the party was in full swing. The DJ was playing different tunes all night. Everyone was having fun. The girls, their boyfriends, and their guests were huddled in front of the stage when Jessica laughed.

"What's so funny?" Tiffany said loudly over the music as she took a sip of her punch.

"Nothing. Just the people replying to my recent tweet." Jessica replied matching Tiffany's loud voice as she showed them the replies.

@JessPenn: Halloween Party at school! Having so much fun rn! <3

@LewisJames: @JessPenn IKR!! SICK PARTYYYY!! I wanna get drunk rn tho

@EmilyG1998: @JessPenn aww now I wish I study at your school :((

@JoeJackson: @JessPenn wish I was there!!!

@MattVanderguild: @JessPenn sick music

@TiaraLancelot: @JessPenn ngl it's my first party ever and I'm not disappointed

@TishSpencer: @JessPenn amazing <3

The other laughed when they read the tweets. "Although, I have to agree with Lewis James." Cal said in a normal tone of voice as the DJ took a break for awhile so the music was coming from the big ass speakers.

"Why?" Rachelle asked.

"I wanna get drunk as well." Cal replied casually.

"Tiff, don't you feel a bit cold?" Tyler asked.

"Ty, you are such a sweet brother. I don't feel cold that much. But thanks for asking." Tiffany replied and immediately spoke to Erica to avoid the conversation.

Tyler sighed, leaned to Cal's ear and whispered, "Don't let her out at night looking like that. If she doesn't listen to you, threaten her with fake products or some shit."

Cal looked at him weirdly and asked, "That works?!"

"Like magic." Tyler replied and took a sip from his Pepsi.

Cal just looked at Tyler, and Tyler just nodded.

"Ugh. My feet hurts." Erica whined.

Marius rolled his eyes and said, "Well, it's kinda your fault. You're the one who wore big ass heels. You do this all the time."

Erica's eyes widened as she looked at him. "Babe, don't give me that shit right now. My feet hurts, and my ears hurt from the music. This is the third time they played Michael Jackson's Thriller!!" She said.

"Fine. I'll shut up." Marius said.

"What do you mean you'll shut up?! This isn't over, I'm talking to you! And when I'm talking to you, you don't shut up until our topic is over!" Erica said angrily.

"You told me to not give you 'any of this shit right now' and now that I choose to shut up you tell me that this topic isn't over?! What the fuck do you want then?!?!" Marius raised his voice.

"Marius, calm down." Devon intruded.

Marius just sighed and walked away. He needed to stay away for awhile. After all, he knows that Erica is tired, so he'll give her some space.

It's now midnight, and some of the students already left. Either to get drunk and get laid or go home and sleep. The committee that was assigned for cleaning immediately started doing their job when people started leaving.

The girls were just hanging out for a bit to take loads of pictures for Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. As Rachelle took a picture of Tyler and Tiffany ,for Tyler's Instagram, Jeremy came into the view that made Rachelle put down Tyler's phone. The others noticed and immediately stopped talking to each other. Tyler and Tiffany gave each other a perplexed look, and turned around. Silence fell amongst the group.

"Um..hey guys." Jeremy started awkwardly. Everyone muttered a response except for Erica.

"Hey" Rachelle and Devon said at the same time.

"Hi" Jessica said.

"Sup?" Jack said playing it cool even though he knows that shit is about to go down.

"Hey dude" Marius nodded towards him with his arm around Erica.

"Hi Jer" Tiffany said with a small smile.

"Hey Jeremy" Tyler said with a bit of enthusiasm in his voice. After all, he wasn't there when Erica and Jeremy fought. He doesn't know.

"Yo" Cal said in a low voice.

Erica looked rather ferocious. She raised one eyebrow and said, "What're you doing here?" Erica crossed her arms.

"I'm the president and I'm here to apologize. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's just that I've been stressed lately, and I didn't have any free time. To be completely honest, I thought that nobody would like the idea of this party." Jeremy said.

"Why would you think that?" Rachelle asked.

"Because it's my idea. Nobody ever listens to me or likes my ideas." Jeremy said. "And when everyone seemed to like this idea, I had to organize and all that shit. It was really hard. Instead of helping me, you guys just pressured me to join you guys and whatnot." he added.

"You didn't ask us to help you." Erica said and raised her voice a little.

"I know. I didn't want to ask, because I didn't want to be a burden. I just waited for you guys to help without me asking you. If you helped, we would've hung out a lot. I would've appreciated your initiative. But no one helped." Jeremy frowned. "Oh and I would like to say thank you personally for this costume. It's not the best, but it'll do." he added.

Erica put her arms on the side and walked closer to Jeremy. "Jeremy, I forgive you. And I'm sorry as well for acting like a whiny bitch." Erica hugged Jeremy.

"Pfft, you ARE a whiny bitch." Rachelle rolled her eyes.

Everyone laughed. "So, are we all good?" Jeremy asked everyone to make sure.

"Yeah." Tiffany smiled and hugged Jeremy as well. Jessica and Rachelle joined the little group hug and pulled away afterwards.

With that, Jessica tweeted:

@JessPenn: Aww my besties @ItsMegan and @HeyJeremyXanders made up! Friendship is really important! Don't let go of true friends! :)