Two : New Girl In Town.

It's been 4 months since we've moved to Boston and I'm still finding my way.

Long story short, my mother the famous fashion designer decided that her career was more important than her family, she just filed for divorce without pop's knowledge and left it on their bedside table, along with some crappy letter about how much she loves us but this isn't the life that she wanted for herself and she needs more, more than an amazing husband and don't forget she really lucked out in the kids department even if I have to say so myself and then she got on a plane to London and we haven't heard from her since. Mother of the year right.

I started my sophomore year in anthropology at Harvard a few weeks ago.

I even managed to make some really good friends during these last few months and a job at this cofffee shop so I guess you could say I'm settling in nicely regardless of the wreckage of my life.

"Jess! Jessica!" Audrey and Adrian call out, they're my 17 year old twin siblings. "dad said since you don't have any classes today, that you could drop us off this morning"

I groan "what the hell is the time, don't I get a day to myself, I was hoping that I could sleep in since my shift at café society only starts at 12.

" it's 7:20 and we have to be school at 8, so could you please get up and take us " says Audrey with a tone dripping in attitude.  I get ready as fast as I can, call Max to tell him I'll trade my late shift for the 9:30 only if I can stay a bit longer to study and we have a deal.

" Adrian, wait   do you need a ride after karate or... " I ask waiting patiently for him to look up from his phone, " dad's picking me up, he left early this morning for a deposition but he said that he'll get Audrey after debate or cheerleading or whatever the fu.. "

" hey! Language! " he laughs," well you know she joins so many clubs I don't even know anymore". I drive to work singing don't me now at the top of my lungs.

It's a slow day the café. I decide to take a walk, to clear my head a bit. I see this bookstote in the corner, wait I think Emma works here, she mentioned it once. Nooks and Crannies what a weird name for a bookstore.

I browes around until I see Emma, reordering bookshelves. "hey em" she looks so surprised yet happy to me and embraces me in a too tight hug.

"I'm so happy to see you, I've barely seen you on campus these days, it's like you just go to classes and back home " she's not entirely wrong though.

"sorry that I haven't been hanging out with you guys for so last few days, to make up for it, you guys should come over to the café and I'll ask Max if we could have the place to ourselves after closing, we all could have dinner there, how does that sound? "

" that sounds good to me, I'll tell Andy  and the rest, tomorrow night? " I just hope Max is in a good mood and will actually allow me to. It couldn't hurt to ask right?" I'm looking forward to spending time with you all " excitedly I respond. 

" any book recommendations? I've got about 10 minutes left of my break "I ask. Eagerly Emma says" follow me a world of wonders awaits ".

I follow her and I see something, someone as I'm walking through the bookstore I notice this girl siting at one of the tables, highlighter in her mouth, extremely concentrated as she reads what looks like a textbook, oh God! She looked up. 

It's the song girl, I mean the one who asked me about the song. She's so beautiful. She looks Korean, Japanese maybe or maybe I'm just speculating. Whoever she is, she reminds me of a modern day Mulan. She waves at me.

"Jess, who is that? Also I have one recommendation for you ,  from an author Kathy Reichs, you'll love her writing" Emma has the best tastes in books. " thanks em, and uh that's just a customer from the other day".  "you never remember customers" she asks curiously with a raised eyebrow.

I've got to get back and thanks for the book, see you tomorrow and dont forget to tell the others, be there at 6 " as I make my way out the door I hear Emma shout" saved by the bell!"

My shift end at 2. I do some work and when I'm about to get what's probably my second cup of coffee, it's nearly 5.

I leave the cofffee, gather my things and I'm out the door.

I literally just step into the house and Audrey and Adrian are arguing, nothing new and dad's probably in his office.

"I'm home!"

"hey honey, could you and Audrey please cook tonight I promise it's for tonight" dad begs. "Audrey! Stop fighting with your brother and come and help your sister" he commands.

"Chicken Alfredo coming up " I say too enthusiastically and Audrey nods in agreement.