Three : Amelia

I left so early that mom and I bumped into one another on the way out.

"Amelia, is your sister is seeing someone? " has she said anything to you about it?

"Mom it's too early to be having the conversation especially before I've even had cofffee" Mom laughs and gets in her car.

I wanted to get to nooks and Crannies early today, to just catch up on some pleasure reading and everyone knows that the corner sofa, right next to window is the perfect setting on a rainy day to cuddle up with a book.

There aren't any classes today therefore I have the day to myself, psyc assignment has been emailed to prof Brown.

I get to nooks and I rush to that perfect spot . As I begin to settle in and start reading, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Emma, I work here and we got this new coffee machine and since it's only the two of us in here and it's freezing out there I thought I'd make you a cup as well". She hands me the cup, this day just keeps getting better. "thank you so much, this is so sweet".

It's been the most relaxed I've been in ages. Being a med school student leaves very little room for relaxation.

I get ready to leave, I promised Alex that I'd help him babysit. His baby sitting his sister's kid and God forgive me but that Kelly is a nightmare.

As soon as I get to Alex's, Kelly jumps into my arms. "Lia!" Kelly squeels. "wanna watch princesses?" she pulls me by my sleeve, I see Alex in the kitchen.

Alex comes in holding two plates of pizza , Hawaiian for Kelly and chicken for myself. "Thanks, so I was wondering if you'd like to help me study for that anatomy test coming up?"

"sure, where and when?" he says with a playful smile and that can only mean that he has an ulterior motive. "only if Josh can come" and there it is. Josh is Alex's adorable boyfriend.

"fine, so café society, at 5?". We continue to play with Kelly and discuss our study plans. I leave around 3, I need to get home and change into something comfy.

Melissa is home. In the living room with a boy!? Kissing! "ahem!" I say loudly and they nearly jumpy out of their own skin. "who's this? And why is his tongue down your esophagus ?".

"this is Adrian, his lmy boyfriend". So this is the mysterious boyfriend. He looks like an Abercrombie model and he probably plays football.

"well if he wants to keep being your boyfriend, he better leave before mom or dad gets home". Adrian greets me with a nervous goodbye.

" I'm leaving soon, I'm meeting up with Alex, study session". I say as I look for something to wear.

This will have to do as I look in the mirror, mom jeans, Harvard sweatshirt and docs. I feel like I'm forgetting something. My anatomy textbook!

It's raining so hard that I could hardly see anything. Luckily I get to nooks safely and I see Alex and Josh sitting at our usual place.

"hey guys! Josh good to see you, it's been forever" Josh gets up and hugs me. "I ordered already, if that's okay with you and oh we need to start working right now, apparently they're closing at 7 for some private dinner" Alex says.

A café that closes for a private dinner, that's a first. I shrug and we start working, there's cue cards, past papers, everything to prepare us.

Randomly Josh says "that girl keeps looking over here, the one with the apron" when he says that, for some reason I know exactly who his referring to.

"maybe she thinks she recognizes me from the other day I was in here, I don't know what to tell you". Josh and Alex exchange knowing looks.

"I think she's into you" casually says Alex. I know what you all are thinking, I have a gay best friend, why didn't I just come out to him already and truth is, maybe I'm not ready.

I know my dad and Melissa would be totally supportive and it won't change anything between us. But mom on the other hand, she has this whole plan for my life , finish med school and then she'll probably want to set me up with some nice Korean boy.

"don't be crazy Alex". I swear to God he knows or suspects or maybe he knows because both my relationships only lasted a month.

I get a Americano before we all head out. And there she is. Jess, yes I read her name tag.

"Americano, nice to see you again, tall or standard". She nicknamed me based on my coffee order , please don't be blushing but I know it's too late because my face is on fire.

I chuckle nervously "tall please". She leaves and returns with my coffee. "how do you know Josh she asks" she asks, "his my friend's boyfriend"

"ha, small world, well see you around Americano"

" goodnight and have a good evening " why am I always so formal. She actually spoke to me. Jess, even her names cute. I guess it's short for Jessica , wait I'm over thinking, let me just get home.