Four: Jessica

My friends are on time for a change. Adam, Emma, Andy all walk in right on time. "hey guys!, I made a chicken quiche, Greek salad and sweet potatoes on the side and I didnt forgot desert, key lime pie".

"this all looks amazing, you've outdone yourself Jess " says Andy. "I bought wine from Nana's vineyard, is red and white okay?"

"more than okay" says Adam so willingly.

"dig in guys!"

The night is going so well until my nosey ass friends decide to ask about my personal life.

"so are you seeing anyone" asks Emma . "for the millionth time no" they're all looking at me as if I'm lying .

"guys seriously, well there might be this girl.. I don't know, someone has maybe caught my eye"

Andy squeals! "tell us everything".

"there's nothing to tell anyway I think it's time to call it a night , also the least you guys can do is help me clean up".

"you're using cleaning up as a scapegoat but ugh fine we'll let it go for now" moans Adam.

We cleanup and double check the locks because Max is crazy on safe and security.

I get home and see Adrian and Audrey eating at the table.

"Jess! I finally met Adrian's girlfriend!" I swear my brother goes through girls like it's nothing. So we here at the Reid household don't try an get attached too easily.

"oh yeah, what's she like" I ask. Audrey joins me in the kitchen while I start dinner , again, dad's working late, his been working late for the last few months.

"she's pretty, she's a cheerleader but weirdly not the typical kind. She's not obnoxious and annoying, she love video games and game of thrones and she's literally so supportive of Adrian " .

This girl doesn't sound half bad. He usually has a type and by the sound of it, she's not it and that's a good thing.

Adrian strolls in." and I plan on asking dad if she can come over for dinner tomorrow night ". This should be fun.

After I catch up on some shows. Dad walks in.

"I'm so sorry that you had to cook again kiddo. The office has been crazy lately". Honestly I just think he's using work as a coping mechanism to deal the huge Rebecca size hole in his chest.

I heard to bed and Adrian passes me in the passage. His probably going to ask dad about the dinner tomorrow night.

I stand a eavesdrop for a minute. Dad actually said yes.

This must be serious. Adrian has never brought a girl to dinner before . Things are about to get interesting.

My alarm is like a freaking siren. I rush to get to the bathroom before those two heathens get to it.

I can't slack this year honestly. Being a third year anthropology student is so stressful. I applied for this scholarship and internship to Turkey for the  entire summer with the anthropology department heads.

It's a really great opportunity but I haven't told dad about yet.

As I walk out, Adrian stops me. "hey dad says Melissa could come over tkmk9 tonight but you have to get her  after you get home because I have practice and dad's getting me"

I am literally this family's uber driver.