Five. Amelia

I wake up at 6. The test starts at 9 but I'm kinda OCD and I need to be super prepared.

I told Alex that I'll pick him up. Alex and I have been best friends since kindergarten, we only met Kat in the third grade and we became a trio.

Alex and I have always wanted to go to med school. Ever since his mom and my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer just 4 months apart from each other.

His mom had leukemia and Halbi had  Astrocytoma. They both died in June that year.

Melissa is still asleep when I leave the house at 7:45. Also she casually announced that she's going to dinner at the boyfriend's house. Dad looked unimpressed but mom and dad both agreed regardless of either of them not meeting him .

I get to Alex's house and his already outside.  "no time for coffee this morning Lia". I agree, I just want to get through that test and leave.

We get to campus and I find the writing venue. It's rainy again, I see rain as a sign of luck.

I was right! The rain brought luck.

"was it just me or did that test not annihilate us completely" says Alex beaming as we walk to the car.

"you are entirely right" . I drop Alex at Josh's apartment.

I decide to go home and take a well deserved nap. It's about 1 when I get home.

I clean up a bit, make lunch and get into bed. I didn't even realize how tired i was. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

My phone rings. It's Kat . I check the time it's about 15:45. "hi kitty Kat".

"were you asleep?" she asks. "yes I was, my brain needed a break".

"well get your ass up and open up. I'm at your front door". I rushed down the stairs.  Kat is soaked because of the rain.

"get in here! I'll make hot chocolate and you get some dry clothes from my closet".

"yes boss". Kat comes down a few minutes later in my pj's. I hand her the hot chocolate.

She tells me about her creative writing assignment. She landed an internship at vogue this summer.

"Kat I'm so happy for you! Have you told your mom or Evan"

"I plan on telling them tonight. Evan will be a breeze to tell, his the world's most supportive boyfriend but Britney on the other hand, you know how my mom is" she moans.

I understand overprotective parents, I'm 21 and my parents still drive me crazy. 

"can I sleepover?".  "no problem also did I tell you Mel has a boyfriend and she's meeting the parents tonight at dinner"

"looks like your little sister beat you to the dating scene Lia, when are you going to start dating , come on its been years"

Now would be the perfect time tell her. I look at her and take a deep breathe.

"I.. I'm gay.." she smiles and hugs me.

"Alex and I have suspected for a while now, we just thought if we bug you long enough you'll tell us eventually".

"but how did you guys know?".

"Amelia Park, this is your two best friends and we know you, we see how you act when we talk about boys and after your failed attempts at trying to date, things became so much more clear, you were never remotely interested in any of the guys who were into you, I'm so proud of you for telling me and Alex is going to be so jealous that you told me first, can I please call him to gloat "

We both start laughing and I start crying and Kat gives me the longest hug.  Telling my friends was easier than I thought it would be, I mean the fact that they knew made it easy.

My family, that might be a train wreck.

After dinner. Kat and I are in my room watching some Netflix movie.

I hear the door Bell. "Mel! Dad! Mom! Can someone please get the door" I yell.

The door bell continues to ring, damn it I have to get it up now. "I'm almost ready, I think that's Adrian's sister at the door, she's picking me up.

" 게으른 - lazy " I mumble under my breath as I walk to the door, I open it and I can't believe it.

It's Jess, the barista from Cafe society she's Adrian's sister .

" uh hi" she chuckles nervously. "I'm here to get Melissa Park" she looks so awkward and nervous, it's adorable.

"hey, that's my sister, come on in". We stand in silence for what feels like a lifetime until she awkwardly says "so your sister and my brother hey, small world".

"small world indeed" I say as Melissa makes her way down the stairs, looking so beautiful might I add, my sister definitely got the my mother's beauty.

As they walk out, she turns to me and says "I'm Jess by the way. She bites her lip and I suddenly am unable to form words.

" I'm Amelia, but everyone calls me Lia ".

" I'll stick to Amelia, also what time should I drop her off "

" 10 sharp " I say, firmly. Melissa rolls her eyes as they leave.

Holy shit. I need to tell Kat about this.