Nine :Amelia

It's the day of the big dinner. John comes over earlier. He talks to mom and baba,before we head to my room.

He takes a seat at my desk, "Kyung Mi  I need to tell you something"

John is the only one who refers to me by my Korean name. I'm

Kyung MI Amelia Park, my sitter is Melissa Mi-Cha Park and mom and baba are Eun-Kyung Emily (her American name and what her easier for her coworkers to pronounce and dad's David Sung-ho Park.

" I'm seeing someone. We met about 4 months ago. Her names Liliana, she's Mexican and I don't know how to tell my parents" . 

"you know how strict they are, I'm 23 years old and they still want to run my life, it's either a Korean, Asian or Japanese girl or nothing." he sighs.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I understand better than you think, John.. I'm gay."

"you're the second person I've told"

"thank you for telling me, I know it's not the same but it's a relief knowing that I'm not the only one who feels the way that I do and who can't be themselves because of our parents"

Before I go and help to set the table I hug him.

"I'll call you when dinners ready".

Adrian looks so nervous and dad's just glaring at him and mom's doing all the talking.

"Melissa tell us that you want to become a veterinarian? And you're thinking about UC Davis, that's a very good college, very competitive"

He takes a deep breath.

"it is but I've been working really hard and actually, he turns to Mel, I was going to tell you ,I haven't even said anything to my family but I got early acceptance

We all congratulate him and applaud.

" that's great, I'm so happy for you babe" says Melissa cheerfully. Mom and dad exchange looks probably because of the babe thing.

I stifle a laugh. John and I exchange looks

"NYU is letting students know this week so I'll keep everyone posted" she sigh and messes around on her plate.

"yeah I know my sister's applying to NYU as well, she's kinda freaking out"

Dad says something for the first time in a while.

"we all understand how stressful this time of year is for you all "

He turns to Mel. "I am so happy that you are with a young man who knows what he wants and appreciates what he has"

Mel and Adrian smiles at one another and he squeezes her hand.

John leaves right after dinner, he told my mom that he has to prepare for an interview but I know his going to see Liliana.

Mom an dad walk him out

After he leaves Melissa comes to my room.

"they seem to like him right?"

"they sure do little sis"

Also, I got my email, I GOT IN!

"OMG Melissa! I'm so happy and so proud of you,my little sister, a film major !" we both tear up.

"how do you plan on telling mom and baba?"

"I'm making breakfast tomorrow morning, souffle pancakes, fruit and whipped cream on the side, blueberry muffins and coffee of course, also I printed my acceptance letter and I'm just leaving it on the table with NYU flags all over"

"That's perfect! I love it"

"I'm off to bed, goodnight".

I toss and turn all night. Keeping this secret from my family is killing me. And so is the fear of their reaction.

I ended up studying. That usually makes me tired enough to fall asleep.

When I look at the clock, it's nearly 3 am.

I watch some true crime vlogs until sleep washes over me.

I wake up and I feel like I have the worst hangover in the world without  drinking.

Melissa is making her breakfast that's for sure, all that noise.

I play Arctic monkey's AM on my turntable to block out the noise.

I fall asleep.

I wake up and check my phone. A missed call from Alex, message from mom saying they took Melissa out for brunch to celebrate her acceptance and they didn't want to wake me.

I'm so thankful for that. I have the house to myself.

I turn the volume up on my turntable and dance all around the house.

Coffee, I need coffee. And there are still souffle pancakes.

I have breakfast. And I continue dancing until I feel a bit dizzy and slump on the sofa.

All of a sudden I hear the doorbell.

Arctic monkeys blaring in the background.

I open the door and I can't believe it's, Adrian's sister, his really beautiful sister with gray-blue eyes.

"hi, Amelia right? My idiot brother forgot his wallet here and asked me to get it"

I am dumbstruck. "uh, uhm Jessica hi, his wallet is on the counter".

I feel exposed all of a sudden. I'm literally just in an oversized t-shirt.

While she's in the kitchen, I go and get something to cover up, I turn off the music as well .

"I'm sorry for coming over unannounced,I should've asked Adrian to call your sister or something"

"no it's totally okay"

"I guess I'll be on my way out, thanks so much"

She suddenly turns around, "nice dance moves by the way" she chuckles

I freeze. I am mortified. I can't believe that she saw that.