
I'm driving Amelia home.

Beautiful, shy and so nerdy in the cutest possible way, Amelia .

"so is your house too noisy to study in as well?"

"not really, I just really love nooks, my parents always want to know how I manage to actually to get any work done with all that noise but I just enjoy the overall atmosphere".

"yeah I get you, it becomes background noise when you're in there often enough" I scoff.

"precisely" she says.

She looks towards the window, I hope this conversation isn't going to die down, I mean the road is packed so it'll be awhile before I get her home.

"so you attend Harvard as well? Based on the sweatshirts"

She blushes and chuckles quietly.

"they're really comfy okay"

"nah I get it, It's crazy how I've never seen you on campus, I mean it's a pretty big place"

"I was just thinking that, I'm in the med school building, how about you? "

"I'm a art history major"

"that's pretty awesome, Mel's pretty creative and very much into the artsy scene, I've always loved that about her "

"so you don't consider yourself creative?"

"I dabbled in sketching, even took some classes during high school but when I started med school, it left little room for recreational activities"

"do you still have any of those sketches"

"I uh, I think they're lying around somewhere". She puts her hair behind her ear.

"well when you find it and whenever you're in the mood for a tall Americano , come and show me, that's if you don't mind sharing "

"you're the only one besides my family who knows about my dabbling "

"why did you tell me"

She stars at me for about two seconds.

"it kinda just slipped out and maybe you're a really good listener"

I smirk. We get to her house.

"thank you again for taking me home"

As she gets out, I say  "so am I a good listener or am I maybe a good listener"

She laughs and loudly says "maybe".

That damn smile.

I head right to bed when I get home.

I am woken up by what sounds like Adrian yelling and Audrey crying.

"what the hell is going on? It's my off day and it's you guys are suppose to be at school " I say clearly annoyed .

"Jordan told me that he and Audrey hooked up and he wants to date her! "

That little asshole actually has balls, I am surprised by his bravery and a little bit impressed.

"and I don't want them together because Jordan even though his my best friend, is a complete dick with no regards for any girls feelings"

Adrian is hot-headed, I'm afraid that he'll do something stupid and beat the shit out of Jordan.

"calm down, the both of you, Audrey tell Adrian how you're feeling instead of crying and letting him yell at you " calmly I say.

"before you get mad, we've been hooking up for a while now and before you rant about what a douche he is, we didn't didn't expect to fall for one another, I'm not as naive as everyone thinks I am, I know the kind of guy he is therefore I wasn't looking for anything serious "

Adrian takes a deep breath and clenches and unclenches his jaw.

Audrey continues." I just fell for him sooner than he fell for me and when I told him, it didn't end well and I decided to ended wherever was happening between us until he could be man enough to admit how he feels about me instead of deniaing it, he was afiraid that if you found out, it would ruin your friendship and I'm just as surprised as you are knowing that he actually had the courage to tell you, your friendship was more important than our connection or whatever we had. "

And with that she goes to her room, her eyes bloodshot.

Adrian sighs, still looking pretty hurt and betrayed but that's more directed at Jordan than Audrey.

" I texted Melissa, I'll get a ride with her " and with that he storms out.

So much for a relaxing day off.

Dad will ask why Audrey's home, I'll just tell him that it's her period again  that'll stop him from asking too many questions.

I get a notification on my phone, Instagram.

JustAmelia has requested to follow you

Of course, I accept.