Twelve :Amelia

added Jessica on Instagram. Not in a stalker, searched for her name kinda way more of a she just popped up while I was scrolling threw Josh's pictures and  I kinda, maybe saw her on a picture with him and looked at her account.

It can't hurt right?

Well it didn't because she accepted my request !!

I felt like a 13 year old again with a crush.

It's our winter break, I wouldn't call it a break, more like two weeks of no classes but med school students don't benefit from as when we go back, it's exams.

So during this time of course as per usual, I have to study and prepare.

Kat called to say that she found a two bedroom apartment, that's 5 minutes away from campus.

I still need to talk to mom and dad about me moving out, after the exams my second year is over and I'd love to start my third year, fresh and on my own without someone (mom)interfering and controlling every single detail.

They both get home early.

I give them time to settle in a bit before I decide to speak to them.

"mom, baba can I speak to you?"

"sure yeon-in"

"I've been wanting to talk to you guys about this, I want to move out next year ,after exams to be exact, stay closer to campus and before you say anything, I've thought it through, the scholarship money pays for off-site residence and I won't be alone, Kat found a two bedroom"

Mom looks calm but I know she isn't the least bit happy about this. Dad speaks first.

"Amelia, you know your mom and I have always been overprotective but we know that you're grown now, you're responsible and trustworthy and.. "

Mom chimes in.

"and we approve but we want to see this place once winter break is over just to make sure it's secure"

"thank you so much" I hug them and we get ready for dinner. Melissa walks in as we're about sit down and joins us.

After dinner I text Kat to tell the good news, she says that she'll text the landlord and get all the paperwork sorted.

I can't lie, I'm so surprised by my parents reaction but nevertheless I'm glad the didn't turn a good thing into a headache.

Melissa joins me on the sofa "so I head you're moving out, so does that mean I can get your room?"

She laughs "in your dreams! I'll be home for all the holidays and besides you know mom's going to make me come to dinner every second Sunday"

"well it was a long shot" she chuckles "I for one am happy that moving out,that means that I have a place to escape to when mom and baba are getting too much"

"also you have two more months of high school left and then you'll be in New York for college and we'll both be outta here, you're so lucky, now I have to have dinner with them alone until you come home for the holidays"

Things are changing fast around here but definitely the better.

Alex comes over because I texted him him that mom made homemade mochi ice cream which is his favourite.

"I like someone, sorta"

Alex nearly chokes on his ice cream.

"speak, now"

We grab the leftover mochi and go get some privacy upstairs, too many prying eyes in this house.

"her names Jessica, she works at nooks and crannies, it gets more interesting, she's MELISSA'S BOYFRIEND'S SISTER! "

"Shut up"! The super cute barista? "

I nod in agreement.

" as your only other gay friend let me just say that I approve and I think that you should go for it "

" I mean I want too but how do I know if she's even into girls?"

Alex laughs." honey there's thing called gaydar, trust me you'll know, how do you think that Josh and I knew about you even before YOU knew about yourself "

I eat the last bit of mochi that's left in the bowl just to annoy Alex.

" can I ask something "

Curiously he responds "yeah? "

"how did it feel to come out to your parents? I mean you've told me how they handled it but how did you feel?"

He sighs.

"well I was terrified to be quite honest with you but I knew know matter what the outcome would be, I'd finally be free and what's the worst thing that they could do, throw me out? Cut me off? Thank God for my apartment and my student job at the hospital and whatever happens Amelia, you know I've got you "

Talking to him about this eases my mind and makes me consider telling them or at least talking to my parents about it before I move out.